
Love is Come by Heather B. Moore

pheelee's review

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I got this ebook for an honest review. I love reading historic fiction and was pleasantly surprised how much I liked the book. This is the first book I’ve ever read from the matchmaker series. Although the title clearly stated it was a part of the match maker series, I was surprised to find out Pearl was a matchmaker. I was immediately drawn by the the way Nelle and Mathew first metis was the, Nelle’s cousin supposed fiancé. Although they both Nelle and Mathew know they need to stay away from each other, fate refuses to keep the two apart.

Overall, if you want a sweet short romance novel to read, you should give this book a try!

kebreads's review

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I looked forward to reading this book, and I enjoyed reading it. However, the book did not fully draw me in. I'm not sure why, but something kept me from becoming fully enveloped in the world. Despite that, I really did like this story. I liked how Pearl was portrayed in this story. I really liked certain scenes in the story, many of them taking place when Nelle was in the country. For those scenes, I was fully drawn in to the story. This book had some surprises in it, but also some predictability to it. I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

Content: Clean - allusions to premarital sex
Source: Review Copy

hnbb's review

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I needed something to read and I didn’t think, but started this book because it showed up first. I am so glad that I did. I quickly got into the story and wanted to keep reading. I recently suffered a loss and the power the grief had was unexpected and overwhelming. This book was able to convey that in a way I could relate to and feel. I enjoyed the characters and the time frame of the book. The Power of the Matchmaker series has been so fun to read. I am anxious to see what Miss Pearl is up to next.

thestagedstory's review against another edition

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A cute story. Easy read.

dburk1216's review against another edition

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I am new to the Power of the Matchmaker series, but I really liked it. I was drawn in quickly with the likable main character. I enjoyed reading how her character developed throughout the book! I thought the story flowed well, and I liked how all the loose ends were tied up at the end. I enjoyed the clean love story in this and you couldn't help but cheer for Nelle and hope that she would be with her true love in the end. I loved the character of Pearl and am excited to read some of the other books in the series!

**I received a review copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.**

hugbandit7's review against another edition

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Another great book in the Matchmaker series. Like a few other books, i was surprised at the very small role of Pearl, the Matchmaker. In fact, she didn't even appear until at least 25% of the way into the book. But no matter, the story was still very enjoyable and it was a refreshing step into the past when things were simpler but not as advantageous for women as Nelle found out when she lost her parents and everything outside of a small trust was left to her uncle.

Nelle finds a new purpose for her life and even someone that fills her heart, but the bad thing is that he is involved with her cousin.

This is a clean romance but well worth the read.

saradavcamp's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book. This is the third book I've read with Pearl as the matchmaker. This one goes at it from a different perspective--more magical, I guess. Nelle, the lead female is very likeable. She goes through a great hardship before she meets Matthew, who is engaged to her cousin. The fact that he's supposed to marry her cousin is a huge blockade to their relationship as they're both upstanding people who want to do what is right. As this book takes place in New York in the early 1900's, it's a big deal to break an engagement or to steal your cousin's fiance. They're both very sweet people and I especially loved seeing the relationship between Nelle and Matthew's mother develop and change the course of the story. A good story overall.

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book via I Am a Reader in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Love is Come
by Heather B. Moore is the fourth installment in the standalone series Power of the Matchmaker. In this book, we see Miss Pearl in 1908 New York and her gentle pushing of Nelle and Mathew. I love each book in this series! The authors bring a unique perspective to Miss Pearl and her matchmaking abilities.

Nelle is a heartbreaking character. During the very first chapter, she loses everything she’s ever known. Her beau is not who she thought he was, her parents are killed in an accident, her uncle inherits the only home she’s ever had, and she can’t access her inheritance until she turns 21 at the end of the Summer. Like I said she loses everything in one night. My heart bled for her. I couldn’t imagine the grief and worry as she sets out for her aunt’s home. And then the reception her aunt gives her….ugh!!! I didn’t know how to take it. Nelle is much kinder than me. She sees the kindness in those around her and has a heart to help others even when they don’t necessarily want it.

Mathew Janson is Nelle’s cousin’s fiancé. Like Nelle, he’s kind. He lost his father a few years back and now runs his business and takes care of his mother. He doesn’t love his fiancé though, it was arranged between their mothers. Because he is honor bound to her, he is faithful. Yet Nelle wakes up the part of him that was always asleep with her cousin. He never knew what it would be like to have someone that listens to him and actually cares about his work and his mother. Yet he feels a duty to her cousin and because of this he keeps Nelle at distance, breaking both their hearts in the process.

I liked both of these characters but found their reasoning for staying apart tiring. BUT then again the time period they lived in, it was dictated that they act as such. I’ve always had a soft spot for this time period in American history. I love stories set during it and the author does a wonderful job of conveying the social rules that govern their actions. If you enjoy the series already, than you should definitely continue reading with this book. It was a sweet, clean romance that will pull at your heartstrings. If you’ve not read the series, it’s okay. The books can be read as standalone and in any order without losing their magic. I highly recommend this one for anyone who loves historical romance.

ghumpherys's review

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Another wonderful addition to the Power of the Matchmaker series! I loved the setting of this story in the early 1900s. The characters were so well-written -- I especially loved the two main characters. There is a lot of past heartbreak for Nelle to overcome and I loved how she still managed to be kind to others despite her own personal grief and struggles.
It's been interesting to see how the recurring matchmaker character, Pearl, is portrayed in each of the books. I felt like her "magic" was more prominent in this story and towards the end of the story, she almost seemed to cause more problems than provide help. But on the other hand, the situation with Pearl also revealed the depth of feeling Mathew had for Nelle.
Overall, this was a very touching, beautiful story of overcoming hardship. I loved how it all came together at the end!
I received a free e-book copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

deannah's review

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Man, this was boring, even as a guilty pleasure to read. I finished it, but really skimmed the last half. Would not recommend. Not to mention the whole matchmaker aspect of the book, which is what ties all these books together, didn't really mesh well with the main storyline.