
Love's Faithful Promise by Susan Anne Mason

theavidreaderandbibliophile's review against another edition

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Love’s Faithful Promise by Susan Anne Mason is the third book in Courage to Dream series. It is September in 1922 in New York. Deirdre O’Leary has returned from Boston University when she hears her mother has had a stroke. Deirdre is studying to be a doctor in Boston. The family needs Deirdre to return home to care for her mother, Kathleen (they are rich and couldn’t hire a nurse?). Kathleen will need someone trained in physical therapy to assist her, and Dr. Matthew Clayborne comes highly recommended. He is trained in physiotherapy. He spent a year in England after the war training in it. But Dr. Clayborne will not leave Toronto. He is a widow and responsible for his daughter, Phoebe. Phoebe is in fragile health. Deirdre will not take no for answer and travels to Toronto to try and persuade the doctor. When Phoebe ends up needing a country climate to recuperate, Dr. Clayborne agrees to take on Kathleen as a patient. They will stay at Irish Meadows. But taking Phoebe out of the country does not sit well with Dr. Clayborne’s in-laws when they find out. Phoebe has grown close to Deirdre and does not wish to return to Canada. Phoebe ends up traveling with the duo. What can they do so Dr. Clayborne can keep custody of his beloved daughter? Connor O’Leary is taking over for Sam, head trainer and stable manager, while he is away. Sam had hired a new stable hand before he departed. But there is something strange about this new hand. Josephine “Jo” Miller needs this job. She cannot risk losing it, but trouble arises when the heart becomes involved. Join the O’Leary family for one last installment in Love’s Faithful Promise.

Love’s Faithful Promise was enjoyable to read and it was a good finale to the series. It was nice to see Connor finally find happiness. We get to catch up with all the characters from the first two novels in Courage to Dream series. It is a mushy and predictable novel, but I did like it. The writing drew me in. The characters are likeable (friendly). The messages in the novel are forgiveness, the power of prayer, having faith, God’s unfailing love, and relying on God’s wisdom and timing. I give Love’s Faithful Promise 4 out of 5 stars. It is a very good Christian historical romance novel. I look forward to reading more books by Susan Anne Mason in the future.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. The comments and opinions expressed are strictly my own.

misspippireads's review against another edition

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Love's Faithful Promise is the third and final book in Susan Ann Mason's series, Courage to Dream. I greatly enjoyed book one, Irish Meadows and book two, A Worthy Heart. Before reading book three, I reread A Worthy Heart to reacquaint myself with the O'Learys. I fell in the love with this family in the first novel and looked forward to hearing about them again and again.

Miss Pippi Reads Love's Faithful Promise by Susan Ann Mason
The two youngest O'Leary children, Deirdre and Connor, have grown up. Deirdre wants to become a doctor and Connor desires to work at Irish Meadows. Deirdre ends her educational dreams to care for her mother after a stroke and opens her heart to a cantankerous doctor from Toronto with a young daughter. Connor is working his way up in the ranks by starting at the bottom, per his father's instructions. He's in charge of a young new hand that is quiet and mysterious.

Deirdre's story is the most prominent of the two siblings, but Connor's tale is shared. Most of the book is set at Irish Meadows which is the home of the O'Leary's. It was good to return to Irish Meadows (most of book two is set in New York City). When tragedy strikes, the calm and beautiful surroundings of Irish Meadows brings an added layer of healing to more than just the O'Learys.

Besides the setting, I liked the time period of Love's Faithful Promise. WWI occurred between book two and three. The unrest was mentioned in book two and medical after effects were mentioned in book three. Dr. Matthew Clayborne is treating soldiers who were injured in the war. He is part of a new medical movement working in physical therapy.

It's been a captivating read. I cannot believe I need to say goodbye to the O'Learys. Thank you for an excellent series, Susan Anne Mason! Courage to Dream is a series I want to continue savoring. I look forward to see what historical fiction story you'll be writing next!

Time Period: Post WWI, 1922
Location: Toronto, Long Island, and New York City

Reviewed from a complimentary copy. Thank you, Susan Ann Mason and Bethany House!

rgyger's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

I love these books! Mason does an amazing job of portraying realistic characters with believable struggles. And where most authors lose steam the farther they get in the series, Mason's books have instead gotten better with each one. I am so sad to see this series end and really hope that she decides to write another series for these characters' children.

Truly, the only thing I think could have been done better was Connor and Jo's story. Unlike in the previous two books, where both couples received nearly equal attention and page space, Connor and Jo were maybe a fourth of this story. While I had been immediately interested the moment their POVs came into the picture, I still felt that there was more that could have happened with them. Matthew and Deirde's story was fully engaging, but I ended the book feeling like I barely knew Connor and Jo.

Everything about this book is interesting and though I wish there had been more of the one story line, both were still engaging. The book presents a number of questions that are still applicable today and will most likely touch close to home with many readers, especially those who have ever questioned whether or not they should balance both a career and a family. I highly recommend this series and look forward to anything else this author may write.

I provided an honest review of this book after having received a free copy from the publisher.

farmfreshlisa's review against another edition

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Will give review on my blog and then add it here.

annaaugustineauthor's review against another edition

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Love's Faithful Promise by Susan Ann Mason

This is the last book in the Courage to Dream series, and I have to admit that I had a love/hate relationship with the characters in this book.

Doctor Matthew Clayborne and Deirdre O'Leary were such the perfect couple, but it took them nearly the entire book to admit it to each other! I wished a couple times to whack them both with their own book. (I scared my sister at one point by screaming ARE YOU AN IDIOT? while I was reading) But overall, Deirdre's spunky personality and Matthew's deep love for his daughter won me over. The trials and challenges that they had to overcome showed their determination to do what they truly thought was right, and that's commendable. (Albeit annoying)

The secondary characters - Connor O'Leary and Josephine Miller - we so sweet! I loved Connor's protective nature, and his willingness to fight for his desires. Jo's sweetness, her strength, and her determination to stand up for Connor to his intimates father was also admirable.

The hardest part of this book for me was knowing it was the end of my adventures with the O'Leary family. The epilogue nearly brought tears to my eyes. I fell in love with all the characters, but specifically Rylan, Adam, Maggie, and Matthew. I'll definitely be reading more books by Mrs. Mason!

Five stars!
Series overall - Five stars!
Ages 14 & up!

betherin02's review against another edition

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Full review on Faithfully Bookish

The two youngest O'Leary siblings, Deirdre and Connor, have the spotlight here in book 3. Connor has been working his way up the ranks in the family business and Deirdre is a nurse and medical student in Boston.

Deirdre is an intelligent, compassionate, and gifted healer. Deirdre won't take no for an answer from rehabilitation expert, Dr. Matthew Clayborne. She's so determined to obtain the very best care for her mama.

Matthew is stuck in the mire of fear and burying himself in his work. The pain of his past has nearly paralyzed him and keeps him from truly experiencing life.

Connor's love interest shows up in a most unexpected form and that's all I'll say about that since spoilers aren't nice. Oh, bittersweet goodness!!! I can't say enough about this wonderful family saga.

I requested the opportunity to read and review this title through NetGalley. The opinions expressed are my own.

erin_j's review

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A good end to the series.

Sweet couples. Interesting history about physical therapy for soldiers. It was a really good book!

I was a little sad that the couples weren't as intertwined as in the other two books. So it seemed to backtrack a little more when going from one couple to another. And the storylines of the couples were similar to the other books. The father kept getting in the way. He is very hot and cold...I'm not sure I came out liking him.

emmylib's review against another edition

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This is book 3 and the final book in the series. You follow the youngest daughter of the O'Leary family, Deirdre, who is working on her dream of being a doctor. This dream is put on hold when her mother suffers a stroke and needs special medical help. This help comes in the form of Matthew Clayborne, a doctor who is specializing in physical therapy. Matthew and Deirdre are often at odds but eventually they come to terms with their love for each other. I really enjoyed this series and liked all the characters. You could even read the books as stand alones but they are better read in order.

soulkissed2003's review against another edition

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This, the third and final book in the Courage to Dream trilogy, focuses on O'Leary daughter Deirdre, and her brother, Connor, as they start to find their way in the world -- and in love. Deirdre, a nurse, yearns to become a pediatrician, while Connor hopes to gain his father's favor as he takes on more responsibility on their successful horse ranch. Deirdre meets the stubborn Dr. Matthew Clayborne, who reluctantly comes to the family's aid when the matriarch, Kathleen, suffers a stroke. Connor finds out his new stable hand is hiding a big secret -- he is really a she! Of course, the book is full of warm fuzzies at the end.

These inspirational stories do include references to God and Scripture, without being overbearing. I see it more as a historical romance in which the characters' faith is made known, rather than anything pushy or preachy. The story telling is certainly solid and suspenseful as the characters battle their own inner fears and demons before they can find true happiness in their lives.

I did look to see what other titles the author has available, but think I will pass for now. Another series of hers involves a woman who has lost her faith coming to a small town where a preacher has her questioning her beliefs. It sounds as though that one would be geared more towards influencing the reader rather than simply telling a good story.

elvenavari's review against another edition

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I found myself smiling and giggling more over this book than any other in the series. I just love little Phoebe to bits! I’m sad to see this series end. I have grown to love the O’Leary family and would gladly read more about them.