
All Bets Are On by Cynthia Cooke

jasmyn9's review

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Derek has been in a bad mood for about 100 years (or so his minions think). So they have the brilliant idea of setting him up on a blind date through an online dating site. Now, as a prince of hell, Derek doesn't like the idea too much but follows through when they bet him he can't get her to sleep with him. Now I know, I know, we're all thinking "what a jerk". But Derek is really such a sweetheart. His job is to punish people in the corporate world that do bad deeds.

Jaclyn is another reluctant online dater. But she has sworn off dating - especially good looking guys - she just knows they're all players and will lover her and leave her behind. When this reluctant couple finally meet, sparks fly in some very snappy dialogue. I absolutely loved it! Jaclyn is a snarky (if a bit obnoxious at times) strong woman that just doesn't realize how strong she is yet.

There is some family drama on Derek's side that drags Jaclyn in as some possible collateral damage, and some crime solving that really freaks her out and hits close to home. I love how Derek was willing to do anything to try and get to know her better. He sees something special in her and wants to find out what it is and make her his.

This was a good mix of romance with just a touch of humorous dialogue, some really hot characters, and some nasty bad guys. I would have liked to see more of the motivation behind Derek's family drama a bit, but at the end of the book a lot is revealed. It was just quite a surprise.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

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chllybrd's review

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Opposites attract when Jaclyn and Derek are thrown together in ALL BETS ARE ON. Jaclyn has a thing against attractive men. She doesn't date them and she doesn't think very highly of them. When Derek shows up as her date she wants nothing to do with him. Derek is the Prince of Hell and his minions thinks he needs to get laid and they have bet him that he can't get Jaclyn into bed and he knows he wont lose.

This was an interesting book. When you think Prince of Hell you usually think of someone that is going to corrupt people, but Derek actually punishes corrupt people instead. He's also kinda self absorbed and could use someone to tell him no every once in a while. Jaclyn has a huge chip on her shoulder but she also has a really big heart and soft spot for the children she helps through her charity. When the charity hits trouble, she would do just about anything to help keep it afloat. Derek seems to have the solution and she is determined to stay out of his bed, unfortunately for her (or maybe fortunately) her plan fails pretty quickly. Apart, Derek and Jaclyn don't seem like they would work, but they end up being pretty perfect for each other. Neither really knows the other yet they make assumptions that turn around to bite them in the butt.

I really enjoyed the romance and story behind ALL BETS ARE ON, but I wish the ending would have had more to it. There's so much (events, feelings, side issues) leading up to the ending and there were things I really wanted to know about that were skipped over. It was still a very enjoyable read though so I can't complain too much. ALL BETS ARE ON was an easy, fast paced, paranormal romance and I would gladly read more in this world if the author decided to write another book.

* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

nogenreleftbehind's review

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Derek has been in a bad mood for about 100 years (or so his minions think). So they have the brilliant idea of setting him up on a blind date through an online dating site. Now, as a prince of hell, Derek doesn't like the idea too much but follows through when they bet him he can't get her to sleep with him. Now I know, I know, we're all thinking "what a jerk". But Derek is really such a sweetheart. His job is to punish people in the corporate world that do bad deeds.

Jaclyn is another reluctant online dater. But she has sworn off dating - especially good looking guys - she just knows they're all players and will lover her and leave her behind. When this reluctant couple finally meet, sparks fly in some very snappy dialogue. I absolutely loved it! Jaclyn is a snarky (if a bit obnoxious at times) strong woman that just doesn't realize how strong she is yet.

There is some family drama on Derek's side that drags Jaclyn in as some possible collateral damage, and some crime solving that really freaks her out and hits close to home. I love how Derek was willing to do anything to try and get to know her better. He sees something special in her and wants to find out what it is and make her his.

This was a good mix of romance with just a touch of humorous dialogue, some really hot characters, and some nasty bad guys. I would have liked to see more of the motivation behind Derek's family drama a bit, but at the end of the book a lot is revealed. It was just quite a surprise.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

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novelgoddess's review

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Cute and Sweet! I love the transformation that Derek went through. And I loved the way Cooke handled the whole "Prince of Hell" thing while still making him incredibly likeable. I liked Jax also...she gave as good as she got. This was a fun one-sitting read.

jacqueline1989's review

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A Rage Reading in 14 Parts:

The heroine just called people who use online dating sites "desperate."

Ummmmm. Hey glitch, how about don’t be a judgmental ass?


"I'm bored with tearing apart their companies, stealing their wives, and destroying their lives."

Is...Is this hero proto-Trump?


Soooo. A non-heroine woman just got described as "cheap" by the hero.

Dear authors: Can y'all cut it out with casually insulting women? It's just gross. Stop that.

"Bonus points" for the fact that the old dude she was hanging onto didn't get the dismissive sneer. Oh no. It's obviously THE WOMAN who is worthy of scorn.


"I can't make it to the ball, even if it's at the Trump Resort in Miami Beach."

You know whose name I DON'T want showing up in my romance novels?!?! I'LL GIVE YA 1 GUESS!


"The poor woman gave definition to the word boring. No wonder she had to stoop to using a dating site."


This is how humans meet other humans in the 21st century, you troglodyte.


"He didn't date homely, needy girls."


Dude's making fun of her without even knowing her...And he's supposed to be our hero??!?? BITCH HOW



Now his demonic dude-bros are ROTFL-ing over her small breasts & how horny/desperate she must be to meet King DicksAlot.



"Oh come on, we're just having a little fun. You need to lighten up."

Funny. That's EXACTLY what white male privileged entitled dip-shits ALWAYS FUCKING SAY!


"The poor woman really needed someone to help her dress and teach her about style."


The "poor woman" is a grown ass fucking adult whose wardrobe is none of your goddamn business.


"Why was she hiding her legs under that tent? Perhaps she was one of those cavewomen who didn't shave. He shuddered at the thought."


Also double fucks for acting like HER body exists for YOUR male gazing sexual pleasure!!!!


"Some dogs didn't have a problem with him; others tried to eat his face off."

Huh. Funny.

THIS bitch wants to cut your face off with a butter knife.

Reason Number 6485 I can relate to a dog.


"She was right, he really was too much for her."

1) He means his hotness. [gags]
2) That's NOT what she means. At all.
3) Anybody got a forklift I can borrow so I can run this walking cum stain over while belting out Chicago's Cell Block Tango?


"Are you seriously judging me based on my good looks?"



"She was too tight. Perhaps that was what was wrong with her. Maybe a good fucking was just what she needed."

Indeed, indeed! And you should be the guy she fucks.


With the blade dildo dick from the movie Seven.
