
Star Wars: The Original Trilogy Stories by Brian Rood

simsbrarian's review

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3.5 stars really. What did you like about the book? This is a pretty complete, though simplified, retelling of the original Star Wars trilogy in a language set for young readers, arranged in order of the films but in short (about 15 pages each) sections/chapters (each written by a different author so tone varies a bit throughout) with large and minimal text surrounded by large color images from the movie (illustrations which are rather good and feel like digitally altered film stills). There are direct quotes from the films and while many scenes have to be skipped for brevity the book does cover all 3 storylines fairly well in the course of its 298 glossy pages.

Anything you didn’t like about it? Any die-hard fans of the Original Version of the Original Films may be disappointed that Anakin's ghost-body at the very end is that of the Anakin from the prequel trilogy.

To whom would you recommend this book? This is one to hand to kids (or parents of same) who want to experience again the original Star Wars trilogy movies nearly verbatim (most scenes anyways) without actually popping in the dvds. It's not a necessary purchase as the pictures are nothing new and the text is merely a direct retelling. However, it would be a great way to introduce star wars to little ones in a more easily digestible format (the short chapters).

FTC Disclosure: The Publisher provided me with a copy of this book to provide an honest review. No goody bags, sponsorship, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.