
The Practice House by Laura McNeal

suvata's review against another edition

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This book was so different from what I expected. Now that I've read it I can't really remember what I had imagined it to be about. But, it is an exceptional story and very well written. The characters are colorful and I felt like I knew each one of them intimately. I'm definitely going to read more of her books.

monica_r_jae's review against another edition

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Character impression:
Ansel - I pitied him.
Aldine - I pitied her. In turns liked and disliked her. While I consistently liked her sister.
Ellie - I pitied her.
Clare - Kind and forgiving.
Geneva - probably my favorite for all that she's not a main character.
Charlotte - I liked her best for the longest while.

lvw22's review against another edition

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3 1/2*

bogfinchgirl's review against another edition

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Wonderful story

This was an Amazon Prime monthly read. Glad I chose this one. It was a nice story. A story about normal folks and how mixed up life can become. I enjoyed it.

jordan1978's review against another edition

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I DNF'd when I realized that I didn't care what happened to any of the characters. 

fiberreader's review against another edition

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I'm of very mixed feelings about this book. I found it slow to build but at some point was very drawn in by the characters and anxious to know what would happen to them. At another point, though, I felt that the story could have easily ended and the rest of the book was too drawn out and longer than it needed to be. Though the writing was good, the plot itself was overwhelmingly sad; it seemed like no single character was going to be happy at the conclusion of the book.

ectoplasmeg's review against another edition

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the best parts of this book, in order:
tied for first place- krazy kat not dying. ansel being hella fucking dead in a dead field of dead wheat like the piece of dead trash he is.
2. neva was cute.
3. I briefly got heated when I thought this was going to be a book about Mormons and I'm glad it wasn't about Mormons because I would've hated it more.
4. California sounded lush at least.

honestly, the more I think about it the more I hate it. I didn't want to write this review on mobile because I wanted to be sure to hide the spoiler and I downgraded it to 1 star. I keep thinking about how mad this book made me.

mirel's review against another edition

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The book started off well, capturing my interest and with good writing. But as the story progressed, there were parts where the story dragged, and then the story shifted to switching perspectives from different characters, some of whom seemed to behave at times out of character. And the end of the story had me wondering what the author's point had been. So the book started as a 5, went down to a 4, and then probably ended with a 2.5.

lisanewsphoto's review

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The first part of this book was interesting, learning about life in the dust bowl. But then I found myself wondering what Aldine saw in Ansel. I found him to be a very selfish and weak man. He didn't tell Aldine that the school board couldn't pay her and didn't send her home even though that would have been best for her. And he refused to leave Kansas despite the face that his children were going hungry and he had a place to go in California. Later he didn't tell her he had TB and was fine with putting her health in jeopardy.

The book sort of dragged on after that only getting interesting in the last few pages.

epicuriouskat's review

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I'm giving this 4 stars because it was well written and the story was interesting... up to a point. I started out really liking Aldine, but as the book wore on, I liked her less and less, which was disappointing.