
Blaze of Glory by Sheryl Nantus

vita_zeta's review

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This book is good clean fun. It doesn't bother itself with explaining too much - you're in a world with humanoid DBZ-esque aliens and people with super powers, the rules and technicalities of which are rarely explained. You just gotta go with it. It wasn't anything deep, complex or even that original, but I was never bored. I also liked Jo Tanis quite a bit. She's not some perky teenager, she's experienced and capable and people follow her because of that, not because she has some indeterminable charisma. Everything about this book is very grounded despite the out-there circumstances. There are a lot of characters, but Nantus gives them just enough to care about them, or at the very least, enough understanding as to why Jo cares about them. I thought the ever-present nature of Jo's late mentor and lover, Mike, through flashbacks and occassionally dazed hallucinations was clever.

Everything is quick and straightforward, making the pacing good but the overall emotional effect watered-down, which is why this doesn't have more stars. Not to mention some of the dialogue is friggin' cheesy. But as a simple, pulpy action story, its perfectly enjoyable.

(Won this book through First Reads giveaway)