
Redemptor by Seth Skorkowsky

barb4ry1's review

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Actual rating: 4.5/5

Seth Skorkowsky brings goods to the table. I'm addicted to his Valducan series, and my secret wish is for it to continue for years to come. It's this good, guys. Also, I simply need more stories in this world, the one focusing on Luc in the first place.

Redemptor is the fourth instalment of the series. While it can be read as a standalone, I don't recommend approaching it as one - you'll lose way too many nuances that make it an excellent read for those who already know the mythos and the knights.

In short, the series follows an order of modern-day knights that hunt demons. Only a Holy Weapon can kill a demon. Each knight is bonded to a unique weapon. It's a bond more intimate and strong than any human relationship you can imagine. It's an absolute pure love. Not surprising, as each weapon is inhabited by an angel who chooses his protector and bonds with him/her. 

In Redemptor new characters and new weapons appear, each with unique abilities (shifting gravity, making an invisible shield, premonition). It's cool. Faced with an unspeakable evil threatening orphaned and bonded weapons, the Order may be forced to join forces with the Catholic church. There's no trust between them, but there's a chance to make a powerful ally from a former enemy. The church is represented by two Paladins - Kofi and Felisa - each bonded to a holy weapon. 

Kofi is an impressively effective, but cold professional who keeps his emotions at a check and doesn't yearn for acknowledgement. Felisa is more relatable and sensitive. She questions her life in Vatican and experiences more than few internal struggles that never feel forced or cheap. Also, she brings some comic relief with her internal ramblings (that will make series' followers smile):

"What did she want? Luiza's approval? What was that really worth? Luiza, bride of an angel, was married to the American who was also wed to Damoren. Was the union to an angel not enough? Polygamists. That's what they were"

Other new characters who get their POV (in third person) chapters are the youngest Valducan knight, spouse to Lecrasus - Mei and Sir Uwe. Mei is young and reckless, but likeable. Sir Uwe is quite hilarious - a strange little man who despite his oddities (like speaking of himself in the third person) is extremely bright. Also, his weapon is cool.

Contrary to Hounacier and Ibenus (more character-centred novels), Redemptor is a fast-paced and action-oriented novel with plenty of demons-killing scenes. The breakneck pacing made me turn the pages with growing excitement. A brilliant page-turner.

Overall, though, I have to admit that I didn't like it as much as Hounacier and Ibenus - two most intimate books in the series that focus on different knights and show how layered human beings they are. Both Malcolm and Allan appear in Redemptor, but they get little exposition. 

What else? Be prepared to see one of the most fascinating Valducan (at least to me) characters die. It was heart-wrenching, but he went as a true hero would. Rest in peace.

Redemptor is an enormously satisfying read, with engaging writing and a pace that will keep the pages turning quickly. It introduces new characters I'd love to learn more about. I cannot fail to mention that there's a new weapon mentioned - Polish war pick Nadziak. As a Polish, I'd love to see it in action soon. 