
Fractured Past by D.E. Chapman

chelsealaurenauthor's review

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Fractured Past is D. E. Chapman’s debut novel. High fantasy is not normally a genre I read, but I was fascinated by the synopsis and the cover of this novel is stunning!

The novel begins where Alanna has found herself in an unfortunate situation where she is on the run from Them. They and Them–as referred to in the book–are the Talnarin’s. They are a species with pigmented eyes and pointy ears. A different color eye pigment refers to a different strength you may have. There are four different strengths (that are written about historically), plus a golden one, which is a specialized one, and then … Alanna–a different eye color and species all together.

As a reader, you learn that there are five species in the world. Humans and Talnarin’s are only two. Alanna is the beginning of a sixth species–the premise of the series. Chapman has created this incredible world where there are different ranks and villages that seem rather far and deserted from each other. For example, her human village is quite different from another human village she comes across. And there are certain things that she is unfamiliar with, like, a library or knowing what a collar is. So while there are different levels of life for human’s, the same goes for Talnarin’s. While Alanna is on the run from a specific Talnarin, she has to learn that not all of them are evil. Some do not have the motive to kill her.

While there is this fascinating world to wrap your head around, the first third of the book consists of flashbacks and Alanna’s own inner thoughts. As a reader who enjoys dialogue, it was hard for me to get hooked into the book with Alanna’s only interactions with herself. In that, I found it hard to connect with Alanna. I knew while reading that I should like Alanna and sympathize with the lifestyle she is leading, but I didn’t feel I knew anything about her. While I didn’t need to know her heartbreaking story that got her to this point (yet), I didn’t really know her personality or quirks. While essentially I understand these could have been destroyed with everything she’s suffered, I couldn’t find direction with her until about a hundred pages in. That was when I really wanted to know more about her and where the story was going to lead. This is when the story begins to pick up with interactions with others and a new village, but there could have been more development in the beginning.

After I got past the first hundred pages, I spent the rest of the day reading the book and flying through it. There was far more development of character on Alanna’s side, but other Talnarin’s as well. And the world developed far more–which makes sense considering this is just the first book of the series.

Warning to reads who hate cliffhangers: I suggest holding off on this novel until Chapman releases the second book because it is a great cliffhanger! But if you’re someone who likes the suspense, I suggest picking up it up and diving into a world with the Talnarin’s! While it wasn’t always my cup of tea, I’m certain there are a ton of readers out there who would love this world that Chapman created!

bookingbonkers's review

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I love the cover for this book and the story is just as enthralling and enchanting. It is a very well put together and cleverly woven fantasy story In which the character is almost as clueless as we, the reader, are which makes for a fantastic journey of discovery and adventure.

The world building is very well done and the book is written down in the first person of the main character. I love how her thought process is written so openly and honestly and how she thinks of every possible bad scenario in her head before realising that things may be a bit different.

The main character has been through alot and more is revealed as the story progresses. This book shows the making of a heroine.

It ends on a cliffhanger which makes me excited as there is more books to the story and I'm very interested to see where it goes and what decisions Alanna makes in the future. I highly recommend this book for any fantasy genre fan and would recommend keeping an eye for anything else by this author as it written wonderfully from start to finish.

fish3718's review

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Fractured Past (ATalnarin Novel Book 1) by D.E. Chapman
At first I was not interested in the story due to all the flash backs and recent and flash back again. To be honest this story was more interesting to read after I realize what was happening in the first few chapters. D. E. Chapman was a new author to me. I usually never give up on the story by new authors because I needed to focus my attention on the story so that I can understand the shifts in time. Chapman is an artist with words. She pulls you into the story as if you are there yourself. I would definitely recommend this story to new readers.

Alana is a young woman who has a “fracture past”. The story is told through the pieces of her personal past. Alana is a charter that you immediately start bonding. Her life is one big experiment to see how she does with the powers given to her. Her will to survive is giving her the power to keep moving forward. She is learning her new way of life and it is through the “fracture past” pieces she is able to go on.

bwagner's review

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Fractured Past (A Talnarin Novel Book ) by D.E. Chapman will keep you engaged until the last page. This is my first book by this author and I enjoyed her writing style and her creativity for details. This story is a little bit different then I normally read. There is a lot of flashbacks that I normally find hard to read and keep up with. This author did a great job of keeping up with the flow of things. I found it easy to keep up with the flow. This story pretty much flows around the main character, Alanna. She is a character that just isn't sure who she is or what she is. She now has a power that she can't control and is out for revenge against those that did this to her. She needs to prove that she has done nothing wrong before it is too late. Is she safe or is she more of a threat then she realized? She is a strong character that has a lot of fight in her. She has a lot of determination and that is what makes her a great character for this story. This story will take you on an adventure into a fantasy world that will feel very real to you. It will make you question what is real and what is fantasy. This story is full of mystery and action that will hook you and make you want to know what is going to happen. I highly recommend this story as I know you will want to see what happens to Alanna and if she will survive.

shannonlovesbooksandreading's review

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Fractured Past is the first story by D.E. Chapman for me. And the first for her according to her Amazon page! What a great fantasy story. The main character is Alanna. She is a tough character who has experienced something horrible and then been changed into something other than human. She is determined to find the one that changed her and destroy Him. Her adventure leads to self-discovery, personal growth and the meeting of others like her and those like her enemy. Her goal has now changed to destroy all like Him and to find her inner peace.

“Never had I thought that my life would take a turn like this. This wasn’t supposed to be my reality. This wasn’t supposed to be my future. And yet here I am, learning to control a power I don’t want.”

I liked this story. Chapman expresses Alanna’s feelings clearly. Even though I don’t read many fantasy stories, I cannot wait for part two. Chapman kept me reading, in a world where anything is possible. And isn’t that what most readers are looking for? However, the ending kind of made me mad…only because I want more! Cliffhangers are my enemies!!

I can recommend this story to anyone who likes reading fantasy with a little darkness and a hint of a romance.

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

Fractured Past is the first book in A Talnarin Novel Series by D.E Chapman. This is Ms. Chapman’s debut novel and is a fantasy/sci-fi story with suspense, drama, dark themes and violence. I am really impressed by this story, it is a superb first instalment in the series- and a brilliant debut for this talent author.
Alanna is struggling with what happened to her. She really doesn’t know who or what she is, anymore. The horrible, dreadful things that she was forced to experience drove her to the edge, if it were not for her strength she may have succumbed. Now she is out for revenge- it’s almost all she can think about.
But to accomplish this and have any chance at succeeding, she is going to need to hone some new skills. She has no choice but to seek out the enemy to help her prepare. She knows she can’t trust anyone, can she?
The author takes us on an action-packed adventure along with Alanna, that is intense and intriguing. You won’t want to miss a thing. Ms. Chapman’s world building is sublime, incredibly realistic and believable. She paints a picture with vivid, rich details that are entirely captivating.
The characters are quite outstanding, really well developed, interesting and very convincing. Alanna is a fantastic character, I couldn’t help but connect with her and her story. I felt for what she had been through and can understand why she was so hell bent on revenge.
The storyline is unique and quite individual to the author. I was fascinated by this story and can’t wait to read the second book as this one ends on a cliff-hanger.
This has all the makings of an unforgettable series!

Thank you, Ms. Chapman!

jennadb's review

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Fractured Past is the first book in the A Talnarin Novel Series by D.E. Chapman and her debut novel. It is a new adult, fantasy, science fiction book that had me a little unsure in the very beginning but once I settled into the story it captured my attention and held it till the very end.

The main character Alanna, is fighting for her life, where we see a lot of flashbacks as she tells us her very painful and horrific story. Alanna doesn’t seem to know just who she is any more, what she is capable of nor what she can and can’t do with a power she didn’t ask for and can not control. She is a very determined, capable and strong young woman even after all her mistreatment. She no longer knows who she can trust but finds herself in need of help. Alana finds herself in a world where everyone is capable of doing things she never dreamed of or knew existed. But just as she finds some sort of “normalcy” she finds that her very existence is seen as a threat and she must prove that she is not the enemy and that she knows more about the enemy that could help those who hold her captive. If only they would listen to her. If only she can survive long enough to reach her ultimate goal.

This story is well written and full of action, mystery and lots of suspense and I can’t wait to see what DE has in store for us in the next book..

This book is a 4 star read.

katielanedei's review

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I love fantasy novels and this one doesn't disappoint. I really enjoyed this novel. The way Chapmen writes and especially begins the novel is fantastic. The open immediately pulls you into the story and it is so intense you can't help but to keep turning the pages in the hopes that all the questions in your head will be answered. From the very first sentence Chapman pulls at your emotions and you by the time you find a place to stop and retreat back to reality you are already half way through the book. Can't wait for the next one!