
Pink Slip Party by Cara Lockwood

mrose21's review

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I have been threatening to read this book for 2 years. I'm not entirely sure it was a good move to read it.

While I found myself curious what was happening to Jane I didn't like her. Didn't get why it was supposedly funny she couldn't hold a job down or being a general lazy screw up while her brother gets a demon like character because he actually cares and he works.

Her friends suck. Her parents are sort of OK. Not sure about this book the more I think about it the more I think I didn't like it.

Its not that bad it just isn't good. I think it could have been a good book it Jane wasn't so Jane. Nothing about her makes me like her or want her to succeed in love or in job.

girlinacardigan's review

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emilysbookblog's review

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Pink Slip Party by Cara Lockwood (3 stars) Jane McGregor has just been laid off from her job after engaging in an affair with her company's vice president; now she's unemployed and trying to figure out her 28- year- old, hot mess life.

Jane is desperate to continue having freedom from her parents and older brother so she sends her resumes to everywhere possible; even applying to comical jobs that don't exist. She fudges her qualifications and experiences in order to find a new job. Sprinkled throughout the book are these rejections letters and they are quite funny. Jane hatches a plan for revenge along with a fellow disgruntled lay-off victim from her company to make a point!

Jane seems to often fall short of her parents' expectations as she continues to be outshown by her brother's successes. Jane's parents though are going through some struggles of their own as her conservative dad loses his job and her mother begins working, for the first time, at a hipster dot com company. Her parents can't seem to agree on anything and are at odds with each other.

Then, to add another curveball to the story, there's a surprise romance with her long-time family friend Kyle thrown into the mix. Anyways, overall this was a very 'okay' book but it just didn't wow me and I feel like the plot is fairly forgettable.

yangyvonne's review

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Jane McGregor is a 28 year old living in Chicago and working for a major office supplier designing pink slips. Then she is laid-off. She is faced wit h $28k in debt, a landlord who uses her loose rental arrangement to fuel his gambling problem, parents about to divorce, a weird thing for her brother's best friend and - to top it all off - her new roommate hatches a plan to get revenge on their former employer and her ex lands her in jail after trashing her place. In the end, Jane gets the guy, a new job, and finally grows up.

Although I think the author only threw in so many plot twists because she couldn't come up with enough to say about the main story, this was a pretty enjoyable read. I like that Jane had to face some real problems - and had to deal with her debt in a realistic manner. I'm also glad Kyle acted like a real guy and not like some ideal who never loses his temper or patience. I also likes a Chicago story instead of yet another in NYC.

A bit too many sub-plots but if you can keep-up, well worth it.

rfwads's review

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A simple book. Doesn't require a lot of thinking to read. If you're looking for a mindless book to take your mind off things this is a great book to read. It's a fast read, does have some funny parts, and tells the story of one women's struggle with being laid off from her job!