m0thermayi's review

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2 stars | I like Hawkeye, love Bobbi and Natasha, but I knew a series about all three of them was just too good to be true. So glad I didn't have great expectations because this was meh at best. The plot was pretty simple and the illustrations were not my favourite (can we stop dressing female superheroes with "sexy"/revealing costumes, please?)

witchofthemountains's review

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I'm a big WidowHawk shipper, though this collection did soften me up to the Mockingbird/Hawkeye pairing. It was fascinating to see the three of them interacting and trying to work together despite their shared history. It's not my favorite Hawkeye collection but it was entertaining all the same, and I love watching Natasha in action so it was nice to see her in another run.

birdmanseven's review

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I wish this was as half as stylish as the covers imply.

We talk all things Black Widow in this episode of Howe's Things: https://soundcloud.com/allthebooks/black-widow

drkbloodfntsies's review

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real review: 3.5

this was good. i didn’t really have motivation to finish it but i liked it.

writerlibrarian's review

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End of the Hawkeye and Mockingbird's return arc with a dash of Black Widow.

You kinda need to read some of the prior Black Widow books [b:Black Widow: The Name of the Rose|9293295|Black Widow The Name of the Rose|Marjorie M. Liu|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1337739983s/9293295.jpg|14175847] (which is wonderful) ; [b:Black Widow: Deadly Origin|7208402|Black Widow Deadly Origin|Paul Cornell|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347831228s/7208402.jpg|7935105] (which is less wonderful) and [b:Black Widow: Kiss or Kill|12131169|Black Widow Kiss or Kill|Duane Swierczynski|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348620840s/12131169.jpg|17100862] (which is also not so much wonderful). I would recommend reading Name of the Rose only.

The Black Widow parts are a lot more interesting. The whole Mockingbird and Black Widow having a target on their back was a bit sloppy but Natasha wonderful expertise in combat and spying made up for it.

liana's review

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The truth is a comic book storyline about Natasha, Clint and Bobbi should be much more interesting and complex. The characters were much more powerful than the storyline and they basically carried the story; if I didn't already love the characters, all I would have gotten would be a dull story and a not-so-good representation of the characters.

I was not a huge fan of the art- even though I did love the dialogue and Clint's witty one-liners- but overall the art itself and the costumes were not my cup of tea. Every girl's costume was too tight, but this is nothing new to the comic world; when it comes to female superheroes making men cum is much more important than function and/or protection.

paradiselcst's review

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real review: 3.5

this was good. i didn’t really have motivation to finish it but i liked it.

veganemelda's review

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This was far too much of a, "but it's your ex!" love escapade. But still, I enjoy learning more about a new (to me) lady superhero (Mockingbird) and seeing more Black Widow. I'm not even sure this counts as passing the Bechdel test (ok, it does, but I don't want to count it).

analiesereads's review

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real review: 3.5

this was good. i didn’t really have motivation to finish it but i liked it.

youfelinedevil's review

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Blah, if Black Widow wasn't in this, I wouldn't have read it. She's great, and so is Bobby (probably my intro to her) but Hawkeye is just irritating. The story started interesting and then got convoluted and petered out at the end. Black Widow's big solution to save the day felt true to character, but it also felt rushed. I really did not like the art.