
Roman Crazy, by Alice Clayton, Nina Bocci

kara_hildebrand's review against another edition

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Roman Crazy is the first book in The Broads Abroad Series (don't you just love that name?). I'm a fan of Alice Clayton and I just love Nina, so this was a winning combination in my opinion! Roman Crazy is an epic second chance love story with outstanding writing, characters with depth, humor, intelligence and craziness, the most romantic background imaginable and never ending delicious food. Oh, all the food! When I was done reading, I wanted wine, gnocchi, cheese and a sexy Italian to speak to me. Avery leaves behind her soon to be ex-husband, her boring sweater sets, and the country club life and heads to Rome. She needs a break and where better to literally let her hair down and visit her best friend than Rome? When Daisy throws her a welcome party, she comes face to face with the man who stole her heart nine years again, Marcello. She never thought she'd see him again and here he is. And here she is. Is it fate? Or just a cruel joke? Marcello isn't happy to see her at first. The way they ended all those years ago is still fresh in his mind. Avery can't help but start to feel things for Marcello again. Maybe she never stopped loving him. Shouldn't she be upset at the loss of her marriage and not thinking about the sexy as sin Italian she can't get out of her mind? Daisy, the voice of reason, tells her to live. Live for her and so she does! She eats her way around Rome. Stopping to people watch and finally get back to the old Avery: The artist. She falls in love with the city, the skyline, the vibe, the people. Starting up a love affair with Marcello again is easy. It's the smartest thing she's done in a long time. She doesn't want to lose him again. Will her old life come calling back to her? Or can she finally decide to do what makes her happy? Live in Rome with her love, Marcello, her best friend and the new life she's created just for her. I loved this story! Avery and Marcello are just so gorgeous and funny! They haven't seen each other in years, but they are so familiar. It's as if no time has passed. I swooned every time he said her name (and cara :)). I could hear his accent in my head and he's just so delicious! I can't wait for more from this series!

I was instantly hit with the aroma of sizzling truffle. "Forget your news - just put that in my mouth right now."
"What is that American saying: that is what she said?"
"I literally couldn't love you more."

"When will we see the Clooney?"
"Seriously, when will we see the Clooney?"
"What is that saying? You are like a bone with a dog?"
"Reverse it. So, Clooney…"

lisaluvsliterature's review

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I love Alice Clayton, but the synopsis of this book didn’t grab me at first. I don’t always get into books about divorced women, as I’m single and never been married. They don’t really speak to me because I don’t identify with them. But, this story. This Italian hunk, Marcello. I’ve never been one to lust after Italian men, even though my dad’s side of the family is very proud of their Italian heritage. But now, well now I want my own Marcello. My only gripe is one that I’ve had with some of Clayton’s other books, the beginning is so much description of the place and other things, that it often really takes me a bit to get into it. But it was totally worth the pay off, as her books always tend to be!

Review first posted on Lisa Loves Literature.

nee223's review

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I couldn’t put this book down. I felt like I was watching the story play out in Rome. I had a vision of Marcello in my head. I’m be looking for him when I visit Rome soon. 😉. I loved the strong, independent women and the friendships. Wish I had a great friend like Daisy.

aboutthatstory's review against another edition

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This was so fantastic! I loved the smart wit from Avery, the emotion that was laced throughout, I'm totally in love with one very sweet and sexy Roman named Marcello and am completely enamored with Italy thanks to the beautiful picture that was painted for me. I laughed and cried but mostly I was smiling because it was just so fun and entertaining to read.

Avery and Marcello were wonderful characters and have a great history together and I loved learning their details and watching them reconnect. I thought there was an excellent build and pace as all the ends and outs were learned. I loved watching Avery really find herself and come to life. Marcello is just so sweet and loving, I couldn't get enough of him. The passion between the two is off the charts and I loved their chemistry but there were also just these truly sweet, sincere moments while they reconnected, it made my heart melt. There are a few ups and downs, a bit of drama, me trying not to cry and a bit of yelling at my Kindle at one point. I was just so wrapped up in everything.

This story is beautifully written, drawing you win with incredible details, making you feel like you're right there with Avery experiencing Italy and life. The details and imagery of Rome where amazing. I love that I could get so wrapped up in the story like that. Completely immersed as the world around me melted away.

I thought Roman Crazy had the perfect mix of playfulness and emotion. I I loved Avery's voice and internal dialogue. Her friend Daisy was fantastic, she was so supportive and there for her and she seems to be a woman who has secrets of her own. Fingers crossed there will be more books and Daisy will get one too.

This was just a wonderful story about life, love, and second chances and it filled with so much hope. By the end I was laughing and crying at the same time because it just made my heart feel full. I absolutely adore what Alice Clayton and Nina Bocci created to share with us, it's a must read for sure and officially my new favorite second chance romance to date.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

sjhastoomanybooks's review

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After being somewhat disappointed by Alice Clayton's Hudson Valley series, I went into this with baited breath. I ended up being pleasantly surprised and really happy with how this book turned out. I'm stoked to see what is going to come next in this series.

What I Liked:
Its appeal to all senses. This book made me want to buy the next ticket to Rome and eat all the pasta. The way the authors capture the essence of a city through its sights, sounds and tastes was a real treat. There was a level of authenticity to this book that was unexpected and fantastic to uncover.
The second chance romance. I love a good second chance romance and this one was done extraordinarily well. I won't give much away, but there are some valid trust issues that pop up a few times in this book on the count of the male lead, and I really loved how it came to a head near the end. All I'll say is that there are some actions on behalf of both leads that in another book I'd hate, but totally made sense and loved here.

What I Didn't Like:
The lead/best friend relationship. I hope this is because they are setting best friend Daisy up for her own book, but I found the friendship in Roman Crazy to be extraordinarily one-sided. I get that Avery (the lead) is going through some shit, but her self involvement was hard to overlook. There were some clues to behind the scenes stuff that Daisy might have going on to set up her own story, but it wasn't pronounced enough for us to know one way or another. That combined with the one-sided nature of the friendship, I didn't feel like I got to know her at all.
The privilege. I don't mind reading about characters with money, but I felt like the authors completely glossed over the fortune of Avery. She's basically spending a summer in Rome for free without any concern for money or acknowledgment of her privilege. A little more hardship in this area might have been welcome.

Bottom Line:
If you are looking for a fun, escapist travel romp and/or have a trip to Rome booked, read this one!

curlymunroe's review against another edition

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Roman Crazy, is everything I crave in a book. From the pacing, to the humor, to the food, to the sights and sounds of Italy. I was lucky enough actually receive a physical copy of an ARC of this book. It was a struggle at first, but in the end it was the best way to read this book. Eight-point font and my forty-year-old eyes, aside, it forced me to go slow and take my time.

A wonderfully mature story, about a woman whose life is about to take a complete one eighty turn, in the polar opposite of direction of where she thought she was going. This book is heart breaking, honest, funny, swoon worthy at times, and just really a damned good read. I loved the person Avery became as the book progressed. In the beginning, she’s the cultured, pearl wearing, country club going, rich man’s wife. She set her husband up for success and lost herself along the way. Her husband’s extra marital affair, sets the ball in motion for Avery to find the person she was before she married her husband. No spoilers here, but that scene with her mother in law at the club, UGH….I wanted to throw something. Thank GOD for Daisy! Taking her best friend, Daisy’s advice, Avery gets on a plane to Italy, and the story takes off. Daisy drags her out to a dinner party at a local restaurant, and the unthinkable happens. She runs into someone she thought she would never see again. Seeing Marcello again, awakens all these thoughts and feelings inside of Avery, that she thought she had given up on a long time ago. Avery and Marcello are just delicious together. Once they get themselves in order, it’s like they were never apart. He is good for her, and he lights the fire in her she needs to move on from her marriage.

To say I LOVED this book would be understatement. This will be hands down, one of my top five reads of 2016. The visual aspects of this book are incredible. I was right there with Avery in Rome, wandering the streets, eating the food, and taking in the culture. I don’t paint or draw, but I could totally get on board for the visuals, from a photographic sense. Don’t even get me started on the food. My inner Foodie was in heaven. I had to stop and Google and bookmark food I wanted to taste and try later. I fell in love with Avery and her evolution. Marcello was just the cherry on top, so yummy. Second chance books don’t always appeal to me, but this one completely sucked me. When I finished, I actually hugged the book. Thank you Alice and Nina for giving us such a wonderful, well thought out, well written book. If there is going to be a sequel, I will be first in line to read it.

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.

lovehollyxx's review against another edition

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I am insanely and hopelessly in love with this book. I have such a soft spot for a sexy foreign accent, and I can't help but swoon over characters such as Marcello from Roman Crazy. To say he was dreamy was a huge understatement; I spent the entire book with my head in the clouds, and it was bliss!!!

I immediately got caught up in Avery's story, and I absolutely loved every step of the way! It takes two very special authors to co-write a book so flawlessly that you can't tell where one authors scenes end and the others begin, and that's exactly what happened in this book. It just flowed so perfectly and was filled with so much humour, heart and heat, that I couldn't get enough.

Given the chance, I could have read about Avery, Marcello and the gang for another few hundred pages, it was just that good. And I'm not a reader who likes long books. I literally only have one (very minor) complaint, and that's that there wasn't an epilogue (a cracking epilogue is my favourite part of a book) set a few years in the future to see where the characters are at, but then I suspect we will be seeing more from Avery and Marcello in the follow up books in this series.

And speaking of the next books in this series...I cannot wait!!! I am so excited to dive back into this world created by Alice Clayton and Nina Bocci. Roman Crazy was one heck of an adventure.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

stephsromancebooktalk's review

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Light and fun listen. I may not have been in the correct headspace to listen to this book. Although I enjoyed it, it wasn't the be all end all.

There will be no video review for the book.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel Steph’s Rom Book Talk

jaime_fiction_fangirl's review against another edition

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This story was about so much more than just a second chance at love. This was Avery's second chance at life. A chance to live life on her terms. A chance to discover her own dreams and then change her mind about them if she wants. Her opportunity to grow as Avery Bardot, the woman. Not the wife, the lover, the student or the perception.

I need more Marcellos in my life. Not like to have for myself, but to read about in books and fantasize about in my wildest dreams. He was sexy and smart, honest and open. He didn't pressure Avery about what happened between them before but he didn't let her pretend that she didn't break his heart either. The passion between them was powerful, and not just in a sexual nature but in an overall intimate way.

This book was also more than just Avery and Marcello's story, it also read like an ode to Rome. Nina Bocci and Alice Clayton did an amazing job at setting the scene and tone for this story. They didn't just describe Rome, they made me feel like I was there with Avery and Marcello. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the food, the people and the all around ambiance let me lose myself for the hours while I was reading. I fell in love with a place as much as I did the people who found their HEA there.

This was a heartfelt story of true love, second chances and authentic self-discovery that, pushed limits on truth and toed the line of impropriety but ended with forgiveness and heeling.

If this is the type of storytelling we have to look forward to with this series, I can't wait to read more about these Broads Abroad.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

mrvm's review

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Love Alice Clayton but I've never read Nina Bocci, and this book might make me pick up one of her books. The only problem I had with this is that, like a few of Alice's newer books, it wasn't as funny as her past books were, it also wasnt full of angst, thank goodness. The book was just sweet, I just wish it had more of Alice's humor in it.