
Breaking Glass by Alec Cizak

articulatemadness's review

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Chelsea's back, and she's in deeper shit than she was in with Lester....

Chelsea now lives in a consistent sea of shit, living life as a dishrag for anybody choosing to wipe the floor with her and then ring her out to dry as she exists as a junkie. But she's not alone. She hangs with some seriously twisted full of shit anti-Trumpistas that come up with the worst criminal schemes to make money in the name of fighting the anti-Republican revolution. They are poor, hangry, jonesing for fixes, and if they were just somewhat sober probably would be next coming of The Weather Underground sniping the tiki torches types shining into the pearly white teeth of Trump at his rally. In between of their patriotism are violent home invasions, each one upping the ante than the last one, while Chelsea ponders her place in the world or her future, spiraling deeper into a depression of shit, politics, and drugs.

It's a great quick read and a great sequel.