
Road to Nowhere, by M. Robinson

books4dayswithrobyn's review against another edition

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I couldn't tell you how i feel even if i tried.
My head is a jumbled mess of emotions.
My heart is beating a mile a minute.
My kindle is on the floor face down.
My resting b*tch face is in full force.
And the reason of this you ask?
M 'The Evil Queen of angst" Robinson.

The book was a knock out.
The characters was a blast.
The storyline is a sucker punch to the ribs and you know what.
You still bloody love it and go back for more anyway.

M Robinson is the only author i know that makes me want to strangle the sh*t out of her and rugby tackle her with my affection all at the same time.
Weird right?
But well, when you read the first sentence of ANY of her books your hooked.
You wraps her words around you like a cloak of emotion.
Like your living right along with the characters.
You feel their pain,
You feel their joy,

Creed and Mia have distroyed me for any other M Robinson book.
More than the Good Ol Boys,
More than my man Martinez.

M Robinson you own my black heart.
You know what to do *gives you the eye*

Amazing book though!
Read it people. You won't be disappointed!

sbauer16's review against another edition

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I've been SO EXCITED to read this since it was first announced. I'm a big fan of the Good Ol' Boys Series and since it finished I hoped to get their kids' stories.

Road to Nowhere was the saddest M. Robinson book I read, maybe the saddest book I've read EVER. I think it was her mission to see how much her readers would cry.

I will admit that it started off slow and I even skimmed some parts until Mia showed up. Once Mia showed up my eyes were glued to the page. There were other times when Creed was away from Mia that i couldn't help but skim some until she came back into the picture.

Mia was such a firecracker and Creed made me want to hug him constantly. He's my beautiful broken man. What I really loved was being reunited with everyone from the Good Ol' Boys Series.

I didn't know that there was going to be another book before I started, and now I'm SUPER anxious to read the next one. I'm hoping I won't have to shed so many tears. At least not for the same reasons.

lovehollyxx's review against another edition

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This book was pretty crazy. I didn’t know when I went into it that it’s a spin off of The Good Ol’ Boys series which I haven’t read, and also the El Diablo books, which I’ve only read the first book, so in some parts I did feel like there more to know which I was missing, but not enough for it to really affect my enjoyment of this book.

There were a few things I wasn’t overly keen on, things that made my eyes roll, and characters I didn’t like. But on the whole, I really liked this book! I had mixed feeling over Creed, sometimes I loved him (especially with Mia) and other times I didn't (he definitely led Autumn on and could have avoided a whole lot of the drama that happened) but I absolutely loved Mia! She’s so funny and self assured, and I loved her little thoughtful gifts to Creed.

The big twist that happened… bloody hell, I was not expecting that at all! And that ending… hmmm, I’ve just downloaded the sequel so we will see what happens next!

angelastl's review against another edition

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Creed is crazy. Simple as that. But he’s as loyal as they come to the people that he loves. Great story

mamabookwyrm's review against another edition

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I’m not much a fan of MC romances but when M. Robinson said she was writing one, I knew I was going to have to set aside my dislike and read it. I mean, come on, it’s M. Robinson. She does angst like no one else and there is some definite angst within these pages. There are so many emotions in these pages. It’s a rollercoaster from one high to another that never really lets you take a breath. Robinson takes you on a ride of passion, forbidden love, and chaos. It’s raw, gritty and real. All I could do was hold on tight.

Creed was born to violence, raised to it and was no stranger to it. It was woven into the fiber of his being. He hasn’t had an easy life and it shows. He’s hard, an alpha with little to no soft edges and he makes no bones about it. He is who he is. I’d like to think Mia is Lucas’ penance. She’s a spitfire through and through. She’s feisty, independent and refuses to be babied. I will admit the age difference between them gave me a shock at first. But Robinson was able to make it work. There is some great character development that happens. And the secondary characters are just as fascinating as the main characters. Plus it was great seeing the Good Ol’ Boys again.

While fast paced, the book covers seven years, it doesn’t feel rushed. You feel as if you do get to experience those years without the book being a million pages long. I was entertained the whole time. It had plenty of action, romance and heat. I highly recommend it if you like MC romances and definitely if you like angst.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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ARC received from author for an honest review

Holy Sh!tballs!

I have read M. Robinson's books from the very first one, and each and every time I pick up a new book I think to myself "Self: I know what to expect this time!"

And each and every time, Ms Robinson blows me away. I know this is her at home as we read her books. And as expected, this is what she has done to me... again

I was only a few chapters into Road To Nowhere before she made me USC (ugly snot cry). I knew she would do it to me. I had the tissues ready for it. But man I really did not see that coming at all!

I adored Mia and Creed. From the sassy-mouthed 9 year old that first meets Creed to the young woman we watch blossom and grow, there was nothing I didn't love about her.

Creed - omg the feels. I never knew if I was up or down with him *shakes fist at Ms Robinson*

I don't want to give anything away with this book, except to say please remain seated, fasten seatbelts, keep arms and legs within the carriage as you are about to go on an

What can I say but do yourself a favour and read this book. Right now. This instant! Shoo!

Thank you Ms Robinson for another fantastic, brilliant read - now hurry up with the next one!

Smokin Hot Book Blog Email

bookaddict_fanatic's review against another edition

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I am new to M's books, in fact, the first one I read was El Diablo and I was hooked! Needless to say I couldn't wait for Road to Nowhere and she did not disappoint! This book was definitely an emotional roller coaster with all the angst she is known for! I was left with out words at the end of the book and now impatiently waiting for book 2! Thank you for an amazing read and gaining another reader who adores you!

prettymessreading's review against another edition

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**2 STARS**

This one is tame, my blog has the good s**t...
Let’s just right into this fuckery, shall we?!
This book is NASTY, just down right NASTY. You’re going to see me use the word, nasty, a lot. Fair warning!

There is no way in hell I could ever rock with a story that has a grown ass man finding some strange connection with a 9 year old little girl. I just can’t! I don’t care if this book was able to solve world peace, it’s not right to think about a 9 year old child when you go home at night. A 9 year old child should never, ever, ever be on a grown man’s mind.

I going to paint a little picture of Creed’s mindset here. Creed grew up surrounded by the Motorcycle Club life or MC if you will. His father was the president of their MC and was raising Creed to take his place. He was raising Creed to be a heartless murderer like he was. And he became actually that, a cold hearted killer.

Creed knew that the drugs, alcohol, killing, etc. was bad, but he loved every minute of it. He gave no fucks and enjoyed the MC lifestyle, especially the whores. By 18 he had already fucked his fair share of them.

Good didn’t want us.

And Hell would spit us the fuck out.

Let’s now have Mia – the 9 year old girl enter the picture. He runs into her at a beach and they talk, she develops a crush and he develops a need to protect her. Why? I don’t know. He doesn’t even know the kid. But he does go home and think about her. He goes home and thinks about a 9 year old CHILD!!!!!! NASTY!!!!!

Creed grew up with one of our heroines, Autumn. She should have been the only heroine, considering she was the only one of legal age. But we will get into that later.

Let us all give a round of applause for Creed, as he knew he was no good for Autumn.

Autumn needed a man that would always put her first. She was need as all hell, always had been. I couldn’t provide her with that anymore, it was an offer that would never be on my table for us. My priority was the club, Noah, and my mother. I didn’t have the time to be the man she thought I was, the man she deserved. It fucking exhausted me just thinking about it, let alone being that person for her.

I didn’t let that stop her from flirting with me, though. – Creed.

Oh, well aren’t you just sweet. Knowing you don’t want to be with the girl but leading her own anyway. The man of my dreams. I resend my applause.

Autumn ass wasn’t any better, letting this piece of shit walk all over her. Because Autumn and Creed grew up together he did try not sleep with her for a while but they still acted like a couple for a few years. This was more of a one sided relationship, though. Autumn wasn’t sleeping with anyone while Creed was fucking the whole city. And what made is worse was that Autumn still hung around like a sad puppy dog.

But wait for it…

When he did finally sleep with Autumn, all he felt was regret.

“I love you,” she sleepily said, coming down from her high. Falling asleep.

Bringing me back to reality.

That I just fucked up.

By. Fucking. Her. – Creed

All the while, Mia is wishing Creed would look at her in a sexual way. I believe she was 10 year old by now.

The way he looked at her hurt my stomach, hurt my heart, and I didn’t understand why. I looked down at my girly dress, all of the sudden not feeling good enough. I wanted to look like her. I wanted to be her. If that’s what it took for Creed to look at me the way he looked at her” – Mia

What the hell?! Is that what we are doing now? Having little girls wanting to be sexually desired by grown ass men? I must be really old because I totally missed that memo.

Let’s not forget how she was noticing his body like she was a grown ass woman.

His jeans hung low on his hips, revealing his boxer’s underneath. I couldn’t help but realize how much more defined his body looked now that he wasn’t lying down. He loomed over my small frame in a way I never recognized before. My heart started racing, I could feel it ringing in my ears. Feeling as though he could hear it too, but there was no expression on his face, making it hard to know what he was thinking.

Neither one of us spoke. – Mia


She’s a child. You can’t be writing stuff like that and call it romance.

Oh, wait it’s not romance, its dark romance. I guess that makes it okay.

If you read El Diablo you know that Mia gets pregnant by Creeds little brother, Noah. You see, Noah took Mia’s virginity after Creed turned her down after a night of dry fucking each other. But after being a bit pissed off about all that they decided that are finally going to be together. At this point she is 16 years old.

At least M. Robinson waited for them to have sex at 16 years old. She was of legal age of consent in the state of North Carolina.

It's still NASTY though, IMO.

I didn't like this book, I won't be reading the next one either. I can not support things like this. Sorry, not sorry.

Please excuse me while I throw up...

TTYL... This book has given me a headache.

Follow all my crazy....

giovanna20's review against another edition

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Method: ebook

Rating: 4/5 stars

Drama: 3/5

Thoughts: Great read!