
Belle Chasse: A Novel of the Sentinels of New Orleans by Suzanne Johnson

kathydavie's review against another edition

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Fifth in the Sentinels of New Orleans urban fantasy series and revolving around DJ Jaco, a rogue wizard.

My Take
Most of the story is DJ rabbiting around half-cocked while Eugenie and Christof are developing…a relationship. There's plenty of low-key humor, but there is a thinness to the story as Johnson skips like a stone over the waters without creating any real depth.

My really big problem with Belle Chasse is that nothing really happens. It feels like a fill-in. Oh, DJ and Jake are still on the run from that idiot, Zrakovi. Battles are escalating. There is the usual banter back and forth with Rand and his arrogant selfish nastiness. The encounters with Zrakovi that make me want to wash my hands. With carbolic.

Those run-ins are scary when we see what a bit of power can do to a person. The lengths to which he'll go to preserve it. Then there's Rand. Oh, boy. He's not as bad as Zrakovi, but he is more terrifying in his threats.

I have a hard time buying in to how awful it is for DJ and crew to be "trapped" in Old Barataria, they're always slipping "across the border" to go shopping, etc.

What it boils down to is…I'm glad to have read it, so I know what's going on. But it's not a book I'd buy.

The Story
With the wizard-elven treaty on the verge of collapse, the preternatural world stands on the brink of war. Faerie is in chaos, with rival princes battling for power. The still-undead pirate, Jean Lafitte, is building his own army of misfits, and DJ — stripped of her job and hiding in the Beyond to avoid the death sentence handed down by the wizard Council of Elders — can't get anywhere near her beloved New Orleans or her significant something-or-other, Alex.

The Characters
Drusilla "DJ" Jaco, called Jolie by Jean, is a Green Congress wizard, the sentinel of New Orleans, bonded to Rand, in love with Alex, and in hiding with Jean as his consort. Mahout, a.k.a., Charlie, is the fire elven stick that now belongs to DJ. Lennox St. Simon, a Red Congress wizard, is DJ's uncle who now represents the UK and European Union on the Congress of Elders. His daughter, Audrey, is DJ's cousin. DJ's grandmother is still hoping DJ will see the light.

Eugenie Dupre is a full human and DJ's best friend. Her pregnant-by-an-elf best friend who is also in hiding. Violette is Eugenie's sister married to Matt; they have six-year-old twin daughters, Amanda and Amelie.

Rene Delachaise is a merman and one of DJ's most trusted friends. His father, Toussaint, is the merfolk representative on the Council. Jack McGarrity is an off-duty NOPD cop.

The Beyond is…
…another plane of existence that lies alongside our own where Vampyre, Faerie, Old Barataria, Elfheim, and some lesser territories are located.

Old Barataria is…
…where Maison Rouge, Lafitte's home, is located. Captain Jean Lafitte is an undead man, the notorious pirate who saved New Orleans in 1814. He's also the Interspecies Council representative for the historical undead. Dominique You and Pierre Lafitte are his brothers with little love for DJ.

Jake Warin, a former Marine along with Ken, is Alex's cousin who pledged himself to Jean. Leyla used to manage Jake's bar, the Green Gator. Collette is also a loup-garou, and she and Jake are in beautiful love. Adrian Hoffman, a Blue Congress wizard, is now a vampire, sold out by his father. It didn't help that Adrian had fallen in love with Terri Ford, a vampire assistant to Regent Etienne Boulard. Ken Hachette is a human NOPD detective who only recently learned about the supernaturals. He and Alex are also with the Division of Domestic Terror (DDT), a top-secret preternatural crime unit connected to the FBI.

Old Orleans is…
…where many of the historical undead live. Louis Armstrong is helping out, off camera, so to speak, usually playing at Beyond and Back.

Elfheim is…
…the home of the elves. Quince "Rand" Randolph is DJ's bondmate, on the Council, the father of Eugenie's baby, and the leader of the Elven Synod. Betony Stoneman, a.k.a., Fred Flintstone, is the chief of the earth clan.

The fae are…
…ruled by Queen Sabine who lives in the Royal Tower. Her heirs are her nephews, the brothers Christof and Florian. The war finds the fae divided between Christof, Prince of Winter, who wields blizzards and cold through The Arch power and is Jean's new best friend. His brother, Florian, Prince of Summer blasts out with heat and rain and wields The Academy power. Tamara is their sister. Mick is a fae-bear who runs the Tower Tavern, a neutral zone in Faery. The combination of fae-animal, Hybrids, is a result of The Asylum magic.

Vampyre is…
…the land of the vampires currently ruled by the Vice-Regent Garrett Melnick.

The Congress of Elders…
…are the wizards who rule the supernatural community. Alex Warin, canine shapeshifter, had been their Enforcer and is now the Interspecies Council representative.

The Interspecies Council is…
…a new organization that is meant to incorporate all the supernaturals.

The North American wizards are…
…led by the deteriorating, petty First Elder Willem Zrakovi. Elder Sato is one of Zrakovi's friends and supporters. The Red Congress wizards do physical magic — the flashy stuff. Green Congress wizards are "the geeks of the magical world", using potions and rituals. Yellow Congress specializes in mental magic. Blue Congress is the magic of creation and re-creation. Sentinels are wizards in charge of cities or regions and keep an eye on the boundary between the Beyond and our world, the Now. Mitchell is Blue Congress. Wolfie, Dack, and Carl are loup-garou working for the wizards.

Ittoqqortoormiit is a remote wizard outpost in Greenland specifically for the incarceration of whacked-out wizards. Transports are portals to move between Now and Beyond. Hurricane Katrina opened the veil between the Beyond and Now.

The dead are piling up
Gerald St. Simon had been her father. Tish had been another friend. Robert had been Rene's twin brother. Mace Banyan had been the head of the Elven Synod. Etienne Boulard had been Jean's friend before he betrayed him. Geoffrey Hoffman was the First Elder. Vervain had been Rand's mother.

The Cover and Title
The cover is a soft red violet of haze and light framed in the props from the krewe floats with a jean-and-tight-top-clad DJ at the bottom of the cover, looking up at the unexpected guards, as she races forward, her blonde hair flying, Charlie in her left hand. The title, series information, author's name, and recommendation are in white.

The title is what everyone in the story is doing, having un Belle Chasse.

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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French & English reviews

Rien ne va plus à la Nouvelle-Orléans : Dru est en fuite, les ennemis d'hier sont devenus de potentiels alliés et inversement ...
Les trucs que j'ai aimé :
- Le baiser ENFIN LE BAISER !!! Pfioualala <3
- j'adore Christof, il me fait tellement rire =D Un peu comme René >< J'aimerais en savoir plus sur lui (ou même qu'il ait son propre tome ><)
Les trucs qui m'ont moins convaincu :
- Eugénie ... SERIEUX ???
SpoilerLa fille a BESOIN d'aller à l'enterrement de sa soeur alors qu'elle est en fuite et que ça met en danger tout le monde ??? UH !!!

- la cousine Audrey qui me semble faire partie de ces personnages un peu inutiles comme Eugénie ><
- La fin ... MOUAIS MOUAIS MOUAIS !! Personnellement, je trouve que c'est un peu facile Alex qui revient à la fin l'air de rien du côté des gentils ... Pour moi c'est trop peu et trop tard ...
Bref, je veux la suite et alors que j'ai lu toute la série d'une traite, pour le prochain livre il va falloir que j'attende ... ><
PS : TeamLafitian


Everything is upside in the New Orleans : Dru is on the run, yesterday's enemies have become potential allies and vice versa ...
The stuff I liked:
- The kiss FINALLY THE KISS !!! Pfioualala <3
- I love Christof, he makes me laugh so much =D A bit like René >< I want to know more about him (or even that he has his own book ><)
The tricks that less convinced me:
- Eugénie ... SERIOUSLY ???
SpoilerGirl NEEDS to go to her sister's funeral while she's on the run and even if it's endangering everyone ??? UH !!!

- the cousin Audrey who seems to me to belong to the club of the useless characters (like Eugénie ><)
- The end ... MOUAIS MOUAIS MOUAIS !! Personally, I think it's a little easy that Alex comes back at the end on the "nice guys" side like nothing happens ... For me it's too little and too late ...
In short, I want the next book and while I read the whole series in one go, for the next book I will have to wait ... ><
PS: TeamLafitian

raeanne's review against another edition

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Status Quo Icon Adult Icon Contemporary Icon paranormal Romance Icon Fae Icon Others Icon Shifters Icon Vamps Icon

If you're a fan of the series, Belle Chasse is a must read. Especially after book 4, Pirate's Alley's cliffhanger.

While there are open threads and overarching plots to follow, at the end of Belle Chasse there's been a lot of forward movement in the short action-packed time frame. Several things are resolved and certain characters have developed and changed due to the adversity. Which brings me to the one failure of the novel -- besides the status quo lack of diversity.

At the end, there's an ultimate sacrifice like the blurb says. However, it didn't impact me. It should've. But, it felt obvious. Things were just too good, if you know what I mean. I wish something else could've caused the epiphany needed to advert the stupid stubbornness that cause this incident in the first place.

I'd actually prefer they switched places --that'd really be shocking, different and have a bigger impact. I was sad to see someone I loved so much pushed to the back and then used in such a way. Feels like a waste of a great character.

Of course, I'll still be continuing the series. The plot and DJ are just too good to pass up. Sentinels of New Orleans is definitely one of my favorite paranormal romance series.

There are worse reads, but there's also more diverse reads. I also recommend the Mercy Thompson series and the Urban Dragon series.

If you've haven't tried Sentinel of New Orleans yet, you should. The first book, Royal Street deals directly with Hurricane Katrina and is heart wrenchingly realistic.

For a VERY different kind of read that's about a Katrina living and surviving in the 9th ward, there's What Remained of Katrina.

hgranger's review against another edition

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A terrible installment in the series. The heroes never make a smart choice. They wait, and plan, and ponder, and agonize, while the villains murder people at wanton. DJ is basically useless, Alex is dumber than ever, Rand is a tool. Why don’t the lafitians (really though?!) work at getting evidence to prove that Elder Z has Eugenie’s sister killed?? Why do they just walk into the trap knowing it’s a trap?? Why don’t they actually DO something useful at all?! Frustrated with the whole thing up to and including the stupid ending.

chllybrd's review against another edition

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PIRATE'S ALLEY left us at a pretty crazy and crucial point and it was torture having to wait until BELLE CHASSE was ready to find out what was going to happen.

BELLE CHASE didn't disappoint. DJ and some of her closest friends and allies are on the run. It was pretty neat to have most of the story take place in Old New Orleans—Old Barataria to be specific—and we even get to visit Faerie. It is always nice to get lost in Suzanne Johnson's stories. Her world building really brings it to life.

DJ's love life is anything but smooth. I have fallen a bit out of love with Alex and further in love with Jean Lafitte in the last few books, but I don't see anything happening there no matter how much I wish it so. I just don't feel like Alex has her back like he should and it pisses me off. I understand why he couldn't be with DJ in BELLE CHASSE, but I still didn't like it.

The struggles in BELLE CHASE didn't end without loss of life, friendships and control. I won't tell you who or what happens, but losses will be felt in future books and some things will never be the same.

BELLE CHASSE did a great job of wrapping up some story lines and setting others in motion. Relationships and allies were tested and found both lacking and sufficient. I was plenty entertained from front to back. I will be on the lookout for book six!

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

bunnerz's review against another edition

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Ratings - completed series:
#1 Royal Street: ★★★★☆
#2 River Road: ★★★★☆
#3 Elysian Fields: ★★★★☆
#4 Pirate's Alley: ★★★★☆
#5 Belle Chasse (this book): ★★★★☆
#6 Frenchman Street: ★★★★☆

rclz's review against another edition

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More like 3 1/2. I have hopes for the next one now that Alex and Eugenia's situations have evolved.

slc333's review against another edition

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While I enjoy this series I don’t think it will ever be more than a 3 star for me because of the inexplicable (to me anyway) romance. Alex is a dick in books 1-4 and while he doesn’t do anything objectionable this time around and actually finally seems to be coming to his senses it is a case of too little too late. Also he and DJ don’t really seem to have much in the way of what I consider a relationship. DJ spends way more time with the delightful, charming, clever and caring Jean than she does with Alex. And DJ & Jean seem to understand one another, work well together and seem to know what the other is thinking. DJ & Alex mostly argue and seem to be at cross purposes in terms of both actions and beliefs. DJ herself points out that Jean understands her better and that she trusts both Rene and Jean more than Alex (rightfully so IMO based on the behaviour of all three). None of that makes me root for DJ & Alex as a couple which is what detracts from an otherwise incredibly entertaining story. Liked the introduction of DJ’s cousin Audrey and I always LOVE both Rene & Jean and their relationships with DJ. I was sad about
Spoiler Jake (sob). Why oh why couldn’t it have been Alex

chelsjulian's review against another edition

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Love this series, but HATE that ending. Seems like the series is approaching conclusion.

brokebybooks's review against another edition

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Status Quo Icon Adult Icon Contemporary Icon paranormal Romance Icon Fae Icon Others Icon Shifters Icon Vamps Icon

If you're a fan of the series, Belle Chasse is a must read. Especially after book 4, Pirate's Alley's cliffhanger.

While there are open threads and overarching plots to follow, at the end of Belle Chasse there's been a lot of forward movement in the short action-packed time frame. Several things are resolved and certain characters have developed and changed due to the adversity. Which brings me to the one failure of the novel -- besides the status quo lack of diversity.

At the end, there's an ultimate sacrifice like the blurb says. However, it didn't impact me. It should've. But, it felt obvious. Things were just too good, if you know what I mean. I wish something else could've caused the epiphany needed to advert the stupid stubbornness that cause this incident in the first place.

I'd actually prefer they switched places --that'd really be shocking, different and have a bigger impact. I was sad to see someone I loved so much pushed to the back and then used in such a way. Feels like a waste of a great character.

Of course, I'll still be continuing the series. The plot and DJ are just too good to pass up. Sentinels of New Orleans is definitely one of my favorite paranormal romance series.

There are worse reads, but there's also more diverse reads. I also recommend the Mercy Thompson series and the Urban Dragon series.

If you've haven't tried Sentinel of New Orleans yet, you should. The first book, Royal Street deals directly with Hurricane Katrina and is heart wrenchingly realistic.

For a VERY different kind of read that's about a Katrina living and surviving in the 9th ward, there's What Remained of Katrina.