
Atlantis Redeemed by Alyssa Day

tomokizu's review against another edition

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Poseidon__s warriors have long learned that the battle to protect mankind sometimes brings forth very unexpected enemies __ and alliances. But one alliance is the most unexpected: The bond between a cursed Atlantean warrior and a woman who has the ancient Gift of Truth Telling.

Cursed by Poseidon to live without emotions until he can find his one true mate, Brennan goes through life without every realizing what he is missing out __ Not that he really cares. He__s stoic and gets the job done, whatever the price. For Poseidon, Atlantis and humanity.

When the investigative reporter Tiernan discovers human scientists conducting hideous experiments on humans and shape-shifters alike she asks for the help of the Atlantean warriors. It will be Brennan__s task to help the human woman find out what is going on.
But when he meets her all his long buried emotions come back with vengeance, his life literally comes to a stop. In a very short time he is forced to come to terms with all the emotions he would have otherwise experienced in his 2000 year old life. Trouble is, whenever Tiernan is out of his sight he forgets her and his emotions alike.
Their attraction turns deadly when the woman he could never forget becomes the woman he can never remember.

Alyssa Day brings us back to the compelling story of the Warriors of Poseidon. She continues her intriguing storytelling of a world underwater, the warriors sworn to protect humanity from themselves and others and the forming of alliances between unlikely groups to stop world destruction and to see Atlantis rising again.

raven_acres's review against another edition

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Bk. 5, Brennan and Tiernan

Good guys against bad guys, lots of fun, kick-ass women.

ivshadowsbooks's review against another edition

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„Изкуплението на Атлантида“ се оказа една завладяваща история, наситена с много емоции. Имах нужда точно от тази книга, за да ме изкара от временното нежелание да чета. Хареса ми стила на Алиса Дей. Тя използва толкова красиви и разнообразни думи, за да опише обстановката и героите си. Няма как да не се наслаждаваш на начина й на писане. В момента си стоя с доволна усмивка на лице и нямам търпение да прочета още от книгите на Алиса Дей.
В „Изкуплението на Атлантида“ научих за страданието, пред което е трябвало да се изправи Бренан. Струваше ми се наистина жестоко от страна на Посейдон да го прокълне по този начин. Бренан всячески се опитваше да постъпи правилно, за да изкупи вината си, която лично според мен не бе само негова. В началото си мислех, че проклятието не е чак толкова тревожно, но след като прочетох какво точно е то и какво му причинява, докато се изпълнява, ми стана наистина жал за него. В действителност бе време за изкупление, защото Бренан достатъчно бе страдал.
В тази книга видях Бренан в съвсем различна светлина. Бях впечатлена от думите, които използваше, когато общуваше с Тиарнан. Колко романтични и страстни бяха те само! За мен диалозите между двамата се получиха много добре. Самите сцени с тях бяха така красиви, че не ми се искате книгата да свършва. Е, бях твърде любопитна да видя как ще се развият нещата и не успях да се сдържа. Останах изключително доволна, особено след като няколко седмици не можех да се накарам да чета.
Изстрадалият войн на Посейдон ме спечели със силата си, с честността си и готовността си да се бори. Кратките моменти, в които успяваше да се пошегува мигновено предизвикваха усмивка на лицето ми.
Тиарнан се оказа една много силна жена - умна, красива, бореща се за истината и справедливостта. Беше се заела с доста опасна мисия, но знаеше в какво се забърква. Хареса ми, че осъзнаваше рискът, който поемаше, но не се отказваше. Определено ме спечели на своя страна и с остроумието си, и с нежната си страна. Тиарнан прояви огромно разбиране към Бренан, след като научи подробности за проклятието му. Двамата имаха толкова забавни сцени. Да не споменавам споделянето на горещи моменти... Буквално ме караха да се усмихвам широко.
Естествено в книгата присъстваха доста разкрития и опасни моменти. За пореден път бях изумена от хора, които толкова им харесва да се бъркат там, където нямат работа. Предизвикваха отвращението ми, след като се опитваха да си играят с живи същества и да им причиняват вреда.
Имаше някои моменти в края на книгата, които буквално ме държаха на нокти. Напрежението бе осезаемо, защото в един момент си мислех, че знам какво ще се случи, но в следващия ми ставаше ясно, че съм се объркала. Последните глави бяха изпълнени с мъчения и битки. В един момент просто спрях да броя колко пъти бях изненадана от развоя на събитията. Определено ми допадна, когато научих и едни много любопитни неща.
„Изкуплението на Атлантида“ ми хареса от самото начало до самия край. Последните няколко страници бяха съвършени за Тиарнан и Бренан, по тяхна собствена скала. Забавлявах се и на появата на другите герои и определено очаквам следващите книги.

amyiw's review against another edition

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I like this series, The Warriors of Poseidon, as one can tell by my rating of the earlier books. They are entertaining, have a good romance usually, and a good story that furthers the overall story. The problem with this addition to the series is that it wasn't up to the others.

It was just an OK and parts of it were outright maddening/bad. The two main characters lacked real chemistry and their love/trust of each other seemed forced and rushed. It was a very simplistic story line compared to the other books, trying to research and shut down the experimental laboratories.

These further complaints have some spoilers.

Tiernan, the heroine, is all ready to go into battle, yet when she is attacked and kills someone, she has a freakout. Then she whines over and over about killing, even when there are more pressing matters, and it was self-defense, and it was an "accident". Still she whines over and over about it. She gets in the way during the battle and is only a liability, argh.

Brennan, now here we really could get an interesting character but instead, self blame for something he was overly punished for. Tiernan points this out but it still gets harped on again and again. I understand vengeful God but... get mad, not self loathing for choices you didn't even make.

OK what made me truly not like this book was the non-ability to fight in situations, letting yourself get captured, and then not being able to break free, even when they are torturing your mate or himself. Then after being tortured, having her tortured, he suddenly has the ability to fight because she gets touched? Really? Then they get waylaid again, and he lets them take her, not for rape in front of him, but torture and death in the chair and he does nothing because??? He thinks they are not going to kill her? They already proved that death by a bullet would be preferable.

Oh, and the 2nd time caught, why didn't he just kill the guy and the vamp out-right. Because they were going to hurt Tiernan, they were going to do that anyway and already had. Also they are lost in the maze and just happen upon these 2 people? They weren't even looking for them and didn't know they were free, it was just dumb luck, and he couldn't do squat again? Argh!

Sorry this might have furthered the story slightly, especially for Daniel but it is not worth reading. I would skip it and go to the next one. Christophe's story, the next one, is great, GREAT. Read a synopsis of this one.

I got through it and didn't hate it altogether, I just didn't like it and there were definitely parts that I disliked greatly.

arickman's review against another edition

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I listened to the audiobook and I'm not a fan of the narrator for this series.

littleread1's review

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I am going to finish this series, but man this book pissed me off. "Oh you are a woman with career goals? Haha, you don't have to care anymore about those because love and future babies!!"

laurla's review

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"i am afraid i would cry for as least ten days, or even thrice that. you will be forced to call the front desk and ask for buckets to catch the tears and i will flood the park. next the television person will be reporting on bison caught in the flood, being forced to swim for safety."
"okay, you win. i'll quit feeling sorry for myself, but only for the sake of the buffalo."

"you look like a two-year-old who needs juice and a nap. you're at the 'i wanna' and 'no, no, no' stage of emotional development."

"you're helpless in the face of naked boobs."

"better watch this one. he's passed rational and took the crazy highway a couple of stops ago."

shellygreninger's review

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These books get better and better with each one!!

ellissah's review

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Good for some in between reading but it isn't anything amazingly spectacular. I liked the hero, the heroine had a lot of incongruent characterisation on the other hand.

birdyme's review

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This series is good. I like the male and strong female characters. Although this one replayed itself a couple of times. The plot was good and kept me interested.