
Dare You To by Katie McGarry

eternalcities's review against another edition

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THE BOOK WAS AMAZING!! Dont read this part if you havent read Pushing the Limits before.
SpoilerIm serious when I say you are missing out if you decided to not read the book because Isaiah and Beth dont end up together like many of ya'll wanted in Pushing the Limits.


lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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*I received a free ARC of Dare You To from Harlequin Teen via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

Dare you to is an enthralling story of the golden boy who might not be all that golden, and the bad girl who ends up being more scared than anything else.

This and other reviews can also be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews, and were originally posted there.

In Dare You To, the readers follow Beth, from Pushing the Limits, and Ryan who lives in Graveton. Beth’s uncle, Scott, gets custody of her after she is arrested – only to protect her mom - and moves her to his huge mansion in the country.

tiffyofthemonts's review against another edition

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:-))) :-) :-)) :-) :-)

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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I Dare You Not To Fall For Ryan Stone

It's Beth's story!

After an incident involving her mother's abusive boyfriend lands her in hot water, Beth finds herself facing the prospect of life back in her home town under her uncle's care in DARE TO YOU. The second instalment in Katie McGarry's fantastic New Adult series featuring troubled teens.

It would be fair to say I had a hard time with Beth's character at the beginning of this book. Having read PUSHING THE LIMITS last year I expected certain things from her. I expected bad manners, a foul mouth, and a bucket load of attitude. And she definitely didn't disappoint in any of those respects! But even knowing she was quite a harsh and abrasive character, she still tested me as a reader. I felt for her, sure, because of what she's had to put up with in her short life so far. And I definitely understood most of her reactions, including her guilt and feelings of responsibility regarding her mother's drinking. But watching her continue to make things worse for herself with that mouth of hers when she's finally been given a chance at something better, made me want to scream!

Luckily, to help Beth settle in to her new life in her old town, we have the lovely Ryan Stone. Local baseball star and all-round golden-haired sweetheart, Ryan is Beth's polar opposite in every way. They really shouldn't work as a couple, and at times I wasn't sure they did, but when it did work it was very sweet. It would be literally impossible not to like Ryan. He's just a good guy, although perhaps not as perfect as he might outwardly appear. I thought his own issues (aside from Beth) were interesting, too. He was no Noah, but he was still probably my favourite thing about the book.

The story itself wasn't quite as engaging as the first one for me, and there wasn't nearly as much crying involved on my part. Perhaps if Beth had been a softer, more sympathetic character there might have been, but Beth is Beth and crying is for wimps. Still, I definitely enjoyed it, and would recommend it to readers of the NA genre as a great example of how good this category can be. Angst and emotion because of real problems, not because of teen drama and alpha a-holiness.

So, all together another top notch read from Katie McGarry, with complex and often challenging characters. I'll definitely be reading any future books from this author. She's now on my auto-buy list.

4 Stars ★★★★
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

nannasa16's review against another edition

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nothing says young adult romance better than "it's a Katy McGarry's book", maybe only "it's a Stephanie Perkins' book!".

go, read and fall in love, but don't expect Noah and Echo's story, because this one is totally different, and not as new and fresh, bad girl with lots of problem and jock who wants to be more, but it's cute and funny so why not?.

erinarkin20's review against another edition

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Another great book from McGarry - 4 stars.

When I first saw there was going to be another book my first reaction was great..this is awesome news. Then I read it was going to be about Beth. I have to say - she wasn't one of my favorite characters in the first book but Dare You To changed my mind.

McGarry creates real characters that really make the story. I have said it before - I need to be invested and care about the characters otherwise the story doesn't necessarily do anything for me.

Beth is closed off and angry and to be perfectly honest, she has every right to be based on her life so far. There were times in this book where I felt so sad for the things she has had to live with but Noah and Isaiah are her family.

Ryan...he is definitely not perfect but appears to be pretty darn close. He is definitely cocky ("I don't lose") but it isn't in a way that makes you hate him. His family life is interesting - although his parents put up a good front for the public, they have their issues and Beth coming to Groveton is making Ryan reconsider everything he ever thought he wanted.

The adults in this book were frustrating...I really just wanted to shake Ryan's parents and Beth's mom was ridiculous. Scott was great - I get where he was coming from and his reasons for going away. Little did he know what was going to happen and it is clear that as he learns more, he is sorry but also recognizes that he never would have been able to help Beth had stayed. Most likely, he would have turned out like his father and brother and that was the thing he was trying to avoid.

Another great read and I'm looking forward to reading Isaiah's story. He deserves something good and I will absolutely pick up book 3 when it comes out.

maudd's review against another edition

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Différent de Hors Limite, mais j'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé (même si, au début, j'ai eu du mal avec le vocabulaire)

esppperanza's review against another edition

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It was good but I wanted more at the end. 4.5 stars. I seriously flew through this book and that doesn't happen a lot to me.

scrollsofdragons's review against another edition

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If you liked Beth in Pushing The Limits DONT READ, because you won't in this one. if you hated her, then Read cuz you're like her in this one.

What happened to Beth from Pushing The Limits. Turns out that her badass attitude is just a front, yep she's all mouth and no action, tough exterior and no tough interior.

Ryan's opinions on girls: They shouldn't swear. What, girls shoudn't swear? Why the hell not?
I'm guessing this is part of the small town, church committe mentality- according to them swearing, smoking and disrespecting a teacher are traits they can't condone. I get the disrespecting a teacher. But swearing and smoking? Well thank god I'm not in that town.
Oh and they shouldn't date Tattoo guys. Why would Scott allow his niece to date tattoo guy? This is what he thinks and then goes on to say that it's probably why he had her switch schools? Yeah because a tattoo guy is that bad news? Seriously? What is with the guys in these books grouping a whole set of people.
He says that he's not an ass hole but then he dates the queen bitch who used to bully one of his best friends. Also he does dares to get girls numbers and then never contact them again, yeah because that's not being an asshole at all.
He's an hypocrite too. Girls should be treated with respect. Yeah, dude you totally respected Beth the whole way didn't you?
You humiliate her and force her to do something she doesn't want to do. Yeah man because that is respect isn't it? Urgh.

And Scott. He pissed me off with the way he treated Beth it was not not the way to go. But then Beth didn't really stand up to him, other then a few fuck yous.
Issue 1 which I could overlook- He threatened and constantly threatens Beth with staying with him otherwise he'd send her mom to prison.
I could overlook that because it seemed to be the only way to have Beth stay with him.
Issue 2- He wants her to get away from her past life, okay sounds honourable enough. Except- throwing her cell phone in the bin and banning her from seeing two of her best friends is an asshole way to go about it.
Issue 3- He takes away her identify- removes her clothes, refuses to allow her to have black hair dye, forces her into honour classes. Dude she is who she is, you do not change someone like that. It's dickish, he just wants her to be the little girl she is. Grow up! People grow up and they change, you can't infantilism them.
Beth says that she's going to get bleach and scissors to the white shirt and designer jeans, but does she? Nope, again she's all mouth and no action.
Issue 4- Makes her quit smoking which is fine but he just excepts her to drop cigarettes like that, cigarettes are addicting. At least help her withdraw. He gets mad at her when she's still smoking, I just don't, one word dude one- withdrawal.
Issue 5- Why the hell now? I get you moved away to get your career and you couldn't take her as a kid but why wait until she's nearly an adult to seek her out? Why? I got why he left her, I just don't get why it took him so long.
Issue 6- Skin covered? What century do you live in dude?

Now Ryan's parents?
The mom is a doormat, the man tells you to give up your son and you easily compile? Fuck that woman, he's your flesh and blood and you're going to let your husband chase your son away? Doormat!!!
His father doesn't care about what Ryan wants, he just wants him to be what he wants him to be. Why don't parents want their kids to be happy?

Another problem- being out of date
Pearls- Ryan's moms wears pearls, gosh how old.
Homophobia- His parents can be homophobic because unfortunately people are. But the "we have to hide this because if it gets out it's going to be so bad" Please! What's with this small town being stuck in the dark ages? And throwing him out of the family just because's his gay who does that now?

Now that the negativity is done. What were the one stars for?
I did like the relationship although it had a few hiccups, like Ryan's possession and Beth's constant running, and kinda corny. But there were sweet moments and I could see how much they felt for one another.
Lacy I loved her. She tried her best to befriend Beth no matter how much Beth ignored her. She looks out for her and confronts Ryan when he's an complete asshole.
There is Mark, he was strong and stood up to his family. And I liked him, the little that we saw of him.
But it pissed me off, I hated the main characters (which is a shame because Beth was one of my favourites in the previous book-don't you just hate it when someone does a complete 360 change? I hated all of the parents, the only one decent was Gwen's father, the police officer.

cancourtneyread's review against another edition

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Idk why it took me so long to read this. Amazing!