
Thursdays in the Park by Hilary Boyd

mrose21's review

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A lot of things have happened since. 2014 Was a very hard year for myself so all the reviews are showing up on the same date. I can't explain why they are, if the ratings are justice or accurate I can also not say when I truly read these. I'm just going to say 2014 on the same day added just to keep the year right if not the month...

gemmaisshort's review

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I was quite wary of this book, and found it difficult to pull up the time to start reading it, the word "granny porn" had been floating around the reviews and I was scared I would find it difficult to read a book about something I could not particularly understand or relate to but I like to give things all an equal go and thought I'd stick to my "read at least 50 pages" rule before I have up and I am happy to say that I found myself very intrigued by this book. Though of course I couldn't relate, and I often thought back to my own grandparents which was particularly awkward, but there's something about the way that Hilary Boyd writes that captured me and my interest and pulled me into this story. The characters actions were often frustrating and I wanted to shake some sense into them but overall it was a pleasant read.

bookishsmiles's review

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A brilliant read, could hardly put it down! Would definitely recommend!

weelasswithabook's review

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Downloaded this on a whim after seeing it on the top of the Kindle chart. Wasn't expecting much since it was only 20p I thought it would be some quick trashy read to fill up time. It was nice to be proven wrong.

A sweet love story between a woman trapped in a loving loveless marriage & a man who she encountered by chance & swept her off her feet.

I will admit there were times where I got a little bit annoyed with the main character because I felt she was being a bit selfish & to put it as her husband so eloquently did, a 'bitch' but redeemed herself in the end. The husband, although I desperately tried to feel some sympathy for him, was so frustrating with his inability to let go & comprehend their situation & the fact he was living in denial of the reality of the marriage around him.

Ultimately, it was a sweet read & I'd definitely recommend.

And for what it's worth, I really hope I'm as full of life when I hit 60.

missingchapter8's review

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I actually really enjoyed this book! I began reading with some caution because the main character is a 60 year old woman and I'm only 21. However, I found this story to be very interesting. I really wanted to keep reading it without distraction! This was an advanced reader copy and thus it had some errors but I'm sure that the final edition will be wonderful. I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads and I'm very happy that I did.

loudgls89's review

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canadianbookworm's review

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This novel tells the story of Jeanie. Jeanie is just about to turn 60, and George her husband of 32 years left their bed ten years ago with no explanation. Jeanie still loves him, but she doesn't understand his retreat from her and he won't explain it no matter despite her questions. She's been too ashamed to confide this to anyone, even her best friend. Every Thursday afternoon, Jeanie takes a break from running her health food store to take her two-and-a-half year old granddaughter Ellie to the park. One afternoon she meets a man at the park, Ray, who is with his young grandson Dylan. After several meetings, Jeanie feels an unexpected connection with him, and pours out her heart to him. But her growing feelings for Ray are different than the love she still feels for George. She is drawn to him despite her better judgement.
George wants changes in their life, but Jeanie likes her city life in Highgate and enjoys running the store. She doesn't want the life in the country that George seems to have set his sights on, but he doesn't seem to be listening to her and when he continues with his plans despite her reservations, she begins to question her marriage more earnestly.
This is a story of a marriage, a chance at new love later in life, and the way a relationship, even when supported by love can stagnate when a couple stops communicating or paying attention to each other in a meaningful way.

angelayoung's review

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Isn't it strange that people (some people) think it strange that people older than 60 not only make love, but very much enjoy it? Isn't it strange that (some) people think it strange, or even downright revolting, that people older than 60 feel lustful or romantic or just plain madly in love ... ? But love, lust, sex, romance and falling in all of those things is not just the province of the youthful. It can happen at any age between any two people and thank goodness for Hilary Boyd for celebrating love in the autumn ... as the cover suggests. It's a rich season.

And so is this book. I heard Hilary Boyd - on Radio 4 - calling it GranLit which is miles better than GranPorn (which this book certainly is not - the sex scenes are written by omission, the detail is left to the reader's imagination) but the love, which is what matters because love informs the whole of any relationship, is beautifully and hauntingly evoked, showing that when love arrives, no matter what your age or stage in life, it has the same effect at 60 as it does at 16.

Thank you Hilary Boyd for writing such a truthful book.

debnanceatreaderbuzz's review

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If you get nothing else from this book. Think about this quote from the main character's Aunt Norma:
"Sixty is heaven," she had told Jeanie as they sat having tea."The world is done with you, you become to all intents and purposes invisible, particularly if you are a woman. There's childhood, then adult conformity---work, family, responsibility---then just when everyone assumes it's all over and you're on the scrap heap of old age, freedom! You can finally be who you are, not what society wants you to be, not who you think you ought to be."

kittyg's review

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okay read. nothing too exciting though and predictable