
The Art of Domination by Ella Dominguez

ambrosiarising's review

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What can I say about this book. Basically what I posted in my book club about it:

"Okay, i'm on pg 254 and I dont think I can take it anymore. This book is not entertaining at all but i'm forcing myself because I STILL want to know who the chaos causing brunette is. Isa is pathetic to me. She's always whining and crying.

The dialogue is horrible and the comedic lines placed at the wrong time. "Death by bush" is a hilarious line and would have been funny. But Isa was serious when she said it and Dylan didnt find it funny.

Another thing about the dialogue is that it's repetitive. It's literally recycled and reworded. And though I dont believe there is too much sex in this story, there isnt enough plot and dialogue to balance the story. It's basically one page of them speaking to five pages of sex. Nothing is moving smoothly and when something happens, I go "WTF?!? How did we even get here."

Not a fan. I had such high hopes for this book :o( "

I gave this book one star because I had to literally FORCE myself to finish. I threw my ebook reader to the side multiple times while reading this book with the sole purpose of giving up on it, but I thought MAYBE there might be SOMETHING i like out of it. And it was the artwork, which was breathtaking. I loved them. I'm actually looking up Rebekka Ivacson now to see what else she has done.

I don't recommend this book. I downloaded "The Art of Submission" thinking that if I loved AOD, I would read it. I'm deleting it at the end of the night. The only way i'll read another book from Ella Dominguez is if the next one is 100x better than this one. I'm talking HEAVEN SENT INSPIRATION!

booklvrkat's review

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This story read faster than the first! I was on the edge of my seat for most of it, gasping and chuckling along with the characters. The author has taken the first story and moved us forward about 1/2 year, the characters fully in love, learning about each other, and moving forward in their relationship. Unfortunately..... there is always something that gets in the way.

tnbythewood's review

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whitneywillis20's review

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I liked it but I didn't love it. I can't place my finger on why, at the moment, but I'll have to think about it more.

stephsromancebooktalk's review

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And the drama continues....this book is much darker than the first (be full warned) but just as addicting and interesting. I am loving Dylan and Isa's story!! The twists are wonderful and jaw dropping that you can see but then doubt yourself and then floor you with there true explanations and meanings. Such a juicy cliffhanger and super glad that all the books are out to continue exploring the fabulously addicting story of Dylan and Isa Young....

rsara81's review

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Once again Ella Dominguez does not disappoint!!!! This book was just as GOOD maybe even BETTER because of how the book just flowed so seamlessly!!!!!

Can I just say Dylan Young has with out of doubt pushed all my other book boyfriends away and all I see is him...Wowzers.He is beyond HOT!!!!His complete total dominate side is so Sexy,Intimidating,Mysterious, and down right delicious! What made him even more so was the complete love and devotion he has for Isabel is so beautiful.

Their love has been tested to the limits to where some could never come back from, but they come through the storm with the same amount of passion maybe even more for each other its mind blowing.

I could not sleep until I finished this. I am having bitter sweet thoughts of the last installment in the series because I know its going to be an outstanding conclusion, but I know I will never want their story to end....
