
Summer on Lovers' Island by Donna Alward

annebrooke's review

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This is a really lovely grown-up romance with two very appealing main characters. I liked the set-up and the way both characters have to overcome past difficulties in order to have a future together, and I also enjoyed the cast of secondary characters. It's got a whole lot of charm and is well worth a read. Recommended.

cocktailsandbooks1's review

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This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

Summer on Lover’s Island is part of the Jewell Cove series, but is great as a stand-alone novel.  I have not read the previous works in the series and felt right at home with the book. Having read this one, I am curious to back and check out the others.

In Summer on Lover’s Island we meet Josh and Lizzie. He is a hometown doctor who has returned after time in the Army and after being widowed. He definitely has some baggage that he is carrying around with him. She is a burned out ER doctor in town to cover for and be near her friend during maternity leave. Lizzie has her fair share of issues too.

Josh and Lizzie’s romance is definitely a key to the story, but the personal growth they both experience is just as important to things working out. Some of my favorite scenes in the book are where they are having in depth conversations and showing each other the “real” person inside. The emotional scenes actually flow more smoothly for me that the more physically intimate moments. I really liked Josh and Lizzie together and wish we had gotten to see a little more of them together as a couple. They seem to balance each other in ways that make both more likeable.

Overall, a sweet summer book perfect for the beach.This book was reviewed by a member of the review staff at Cocktails and Books. The name of the reviewer can be found under the post categories.

ssejig's review

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I read this book and Kiss Me by Susan Mallery in close succession and quite enjoyed both. It made for a nice streak of contemporary enjoyment.
We've met the hero, Josh Collins in previous books. He is still recovering from his marriage. Though a widower, it wasn't his wife's death that caused the demise of his union. Rather, it was the fact that she was (and always had been) in love with Josh's cousin (who found his own HEA in Treasure on Lilac Lane). Now that there's a new doctor in town, he doesn't have any emotions left for a "forever," kind of relationship. But maybe some right now...?
Lizzie Howard has her own issues. Her mother is rapidly descending into Alzheimer's, her father just passed away, and Lizzie worked so hard she (may have? It seems unclear whether it was actually a mistake or just one of those things. But she feels like) killed a patient. So, while on forced leave from her ER, she agrees to cover her friend's maternity leave as a GP on a picturesque island.
Though neither one wants more than a physical relationship, they are drawn to each other and may just find their HEA anyway.
This series is starting to suffer a little bit from overuse of previous characters. I also thought the birthing scene was a bit overdramatic. But overall it was a good book that gave me some happy feels and I look forward to the next book in the series.

stacyroth's review

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I received this book as a FirstRead.

Lizzie Howard has always held herself to high standards, as the daughter of a highly esteemed doctor. After her dad's death, she throws herself into her work, burning herself out and making a mistake that leads to a baby's death. When her boss (and ex-boyfriend) tells her to take a leave of absence to sort herself out, she agrees to take over her friend Charlie's position at a family practice in Jewell Cove, Maine while Charlie is on maternity leave.

Josh Collins came back home to Jewell Cove after his wife's death in the Army and is regarded as a favorite son in the community. He is attracted to Lizzie, his co-worker while Charlie is on leave, but will he keep things professional or let her in to his heart?

This is the third book of the Jewell Cove series, although it can be read as a stand-alone. While the book follows a predictable path for a romance novel, this is a light read that would be perfect for taking along to the beach.

katherineep's review

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It felt lovely to be back in Jewell Cove! It's just as beautiful and welcoming as I remember from my last trip in The House on Blackberry Hill. The Collins family is center stage in this one and they are wonderfully meddling without being over the top or too perfect.
One of my favorite story lines involve people who have had a rough time of it being able to emotionally start over and find happiness and both Lizzie and Josh definitely qualify for this one. I loved them both though I think I identified more with Lizzie's perfectionism and high standards for herself. It was just nice watching her start to breathe and relax a bit and come to terms with some of the trauma that has surrounded her lately. I did get impatient with them both a little but it was mostly because they were so obviously perfect for each other and they really should just realize it and be happy! Watching them both break out of their shells and come to terms with what they actually want is lovely, even though I wanted to reach into the book and shake them at times ,and made for an incredibly satisfying ending. While this isn't heavy reading the issues that Josh and Lizzie are dealing with are weighty and I found Lizzie's struggle with her mother who is dealing with Alzheimer's particularly poignant.

While I hadn't read the 2nd book or the novella I am glad I read Blackberry Hill before this as it explained a lot of Josh's back story particularly in regards to Tom. So while this isn't a series that necessarily needs to be read in order I do recommend reading the Blackberry Hill before picking this one up. Plus, that one has another of my favorite story lines - family secrets and restoring old houses.

If you're looking for a contemporary romance series that has a fantastic setting and a wonderful group of side characters, you can't go wrong with Donna Alward's Jewell Cove series and Summer on Lover's Island is a fantastic addition to the series.

Full Review:

cheryls's review

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This is a story about Dr. Lizzie Howard. Working too hard and too much, among losing her father to a stroke and her mother fighting Alzheimer's, made an oversight with a patient that cost its life. Now she's on a forced vacation. Lizzy is filling in for her best friend while she's on maternity leave, in a small town family doctors office. Jewell Cove is an ideal seaside town, where everybody knows everybody else's business. She was told that her boss, Dr. Josh Collins, was a retired army doctor and a widow. She wasn't expecting a dropdead gorgeous, early 30s, blonde, tanned, single, sexy as sin doctor.

Fantastic small town Romance. I really like that the relationship had real issues and that it wasn't all hearts and flowers. Don't get me wrong, I like the hearts and flowers but it's nice to see a couple go through difficult, real-life issues. Jewell Cove is a little seaside treasure and would be a wonderful place to visit and contemplate the direction of your life, as Lizzie did. Great feel good romance with tons of fantastic characters.

Received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

gerd_d's review

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It's somewhere between the first and the second book for me in terms of like. Josh and Lizzie reminded me a bit too much of the first book's Tom and Abby, a tad too hormonal for my like. Which only means that fans of the first book, very probably will enjoy this one more again.

The whole "You know this can never be more than casual sex, but although I ain't saying it I actually want it to be more" back and forth between the two of them had me almost screaming (mostly at the heroine) "Make up your fucking mind!" (pun intended).
Neither did I like second main character Charlie, Lizzie's best friend, much. Too nosy, too indiscreet - someone I'd rather would want to strangle than befriend.

So, again I find myself thinking, "Sorry Donna, but I do like your Harlequin work better."

kame's review against another edition

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4 Stars

Lizzie Howard is reeling from all the changes in her planned out life. She is on a forced leave of absence visiting her BFF in a small Maine town, when she goes with her gut and decides to take a temporary position in the town's clinic. How hard can it be to work with the Dr. running the clinic, he is a veteran and a widower. Lizzie meets Josh, she expected someone closer to her Mom's age with gray hair, not someone her age and gorgeous.

Lizzie has a lot going on in her life, and found her challenge to deal with it all refreshing. I know that sounds weird, but often authors make characters too perfect. Lizzie had faults, made mistakes and continued to deal with personal issues the entire book. Josh has plenty of issues too but his aren't as obvious and he is slow to acknowledge them. Their connection was instant but their relationship was not, which I also enjoyed.

This is not the most steamiest book I have ever read - and most intimate scenes are behind closed doors. That does not detract from the emotions that I felt between these two characters.

This is a nice book in a series - I have not read the other books and I was never lost.

I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest review.