
Sweet Dreams by Aaron M. Patterson

liisp_cvr2cvr's review

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I liked the idea of this book, liked the action, the characters... Unfortunately, I didn't like the twist at the end. It's a good twist, but it threw me off the story, so the last 50 pages I just skimmed to catch sentences to see how things ended. "It's not you, it's me."

And yes, it would be a great movie.

sewcialist_librarian's review

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I can't believe I am actually breaking my ratings guidelines to give this a one-star review; but this book is hideous. It is a terrible mash-up of probably 10 or more existing stories (including a poorly executed Star Wars line that completely jumps the shark).

knitter's review

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Started out excellent, then dipped into the unbelievable with a major sci-fi bend.

imzadirose's review

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I don't know what I just read, but holy hell!

Finished ~ Sweet Dreams (Mark Appleton 01) by Aaron Patterson
Completed 8/23/14
4 of 5 stars
423 page Kindle book

I received this book from NetGalley for my honest review.

In the description of this book at GoodReads, it says the following ~

"Warning: The WJA series is a cross genre series and may bend or break
many rules.If you are set in the traditional ways of storytelling this
may not be the series for you. Please use caution and only read if you
are of an open mind, and crave something off the map and mind-bending."

I'm here to tell you, that statement is COMPLETELY accurate. I've never read a book like this before, and just wow!

The book itself is follows Mark Appleton, a man who is trying to piece his life together after his wife and child were killed in what the police believe was an accident. Mark finds out otherwise and wants to find the people responsible.

The only negative about this book is that the first 60% of the book is just "OK", even bordering on boring. There's a little bit of action, but not a lot. It's almost like a VERY VERY long prologue, because after you hit 60%, holy shit, the book just takes off in a completely different direction and I STILL don't know exactly what it is that happened. If the first 60% was a 3 star book, the last 40% was a 10 star book. It's that much of a change!

I'm a big fan of action in my books. I read very little that doesn't have some kind of action in it. I love romantic suspense and some action adventure books, such as Matt Reilly. This book ends up delivering in spades, it just takes a while to get there. If you are patient enough to stick with half of the book, it's worth it at the end.

I would love to talk more about this book, but I'd start to ruin it. It's gotta be experienced not knowing anything about it. It's for fans of mystery, suspense, thriller, action and a few more things I don't want to mention because it'd give stuff away. Just give this book a try. I can't wait to try the next one!

Setting = B
Plot = A
Conflict = A+
Characters = A
Theme = A