
Atrophy by Jess Anastasi

chllybrd's review

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Zahli and the rest of the Imojenna crew are forced to land on Erebus to repair their ship and she can't wait to get off of it. It's Tannin's chance to escape the prison planet Erebus and he is taking it. Zahlia and Tannin's worlds collide in a story about love, loyalty and the fight against the aliens that are taking over their world.

I really liked both Zahli and Tannin and together they made a great team. They had a lot of issues to work out, but they had each others back when it was most important and their connection only grew as they got to know each other. The romance although important to the story, isn't in your face for the whole book as there are some other pretty big things going on.

The entire Imojenna crew helped keep things interesting. They each brought a little something to the storyline. The world of ATROPHY was interesting. I enjoyed the way that Anastasi brought it alive. The world and the problems that came along with it played a big role in the way the characters act and conduct their lives.

I'm not sure if ATROPHY will be part of a series, but there is a lot of story potential to work off of it and I hope to see a book featuring Zahli's brother Rian and Mirella. They have a LOT of sexual tension and I can see it exploding into something great. I would definitely read more.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

helenkat's review

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4.75 stars

It's way into the future and the human race is across the galaxy. On board the Imojenna, Zahli tries to keep her brother from going supanova, his dark past threatening to always engulf him. Meanwhile, Tannin stowaways from the prison planet Erebus, imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. Adventure after adventure abounds, with the scorching attraction between Zahli and Tannin increasing. Throw in some aliens, and you've got a rollicking good sci-fi romance. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series!

Disclaimer: While I personally know the author, this does not have any affect on the star rating.

storieswithsoul's review

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Exciting, funny and romantic... I loved this book. It is a sci-fiction packed with action and intrigue. Story revolves around the crew of ship Imojenna and their captain is messed up war hero, Rian. Zahli is his little sister and he is a bit over-protective of her.

When the ship had to land on Erebus they picked up an unwanted guest. Tannin has been plotting his escape for a long time now. Even though he is scared of Rian's reputation and attracted to Zahli, still he plans to go throw with his escape.

Zahli finds him on their ship and she wants to help him too. Rian is not happy but because of his sister he lets the "scumrat" live. Things are quite interesting on this ship. I loved all the characters. Rian is my favorite character in this story. Story is fast paced and never gets boring. There is so much going on at all times. There is also a mystery about aliens and how they are trying to take over the universe. But Imojenna's crew is hell bent on preventing it. Not that it will be easy thing to do but with Rian's warrior skills, Tannin's hacking expertise and everyone else' determination the might just succeed. But we'll have to wait to read about how things go from here on wards...

jellbea's review

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Good space adventure story. The hero/heroine did read very young to me, though, and sometimes they felt pretty immature. I liked them as a couple though, and I loved the cast of characters. I'll keep reading the series.

nikkisbooknook's review

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I am a sucker for all things Sci-Fi and always on the hunt for new authors so this was right up my alley! Thinks rag tag space rebels with more baggage than is healthy and add in sneaky alien invasions (a la Body Snatchers style) and you've got yourself a winner.

The Imojenna is a piece of space crap! It should have been junked years ago and is pretty much held together by hope! But former soldier, Captain Rian Sherron, has his own secretive reasons for holding onto the clunker. But when she decides she's had enough, Rian and the crew have to land on a prison planet to effect some crucial repairs. But when they crew stretch their legs dirt side Rian is unaware that he's leaving with more than a repaired ship!

Erebus is hell in space and Tannin has spent the last 12 years of his life incarcerated here. He is, unlike the other prisoner here, innocent and he's been plotting a way to escape. When he comes across Rians sister in a bit of sticky situation, he comes to her rescue. But now is his chance to escape and he is taking it. Even if it does put the crew of the Imojenna in a sticky spot!

Zahli knew being helped by an inamte on Erebus would bite her in the butt, she didn't expect this though. She and her brother are at loggerheads over the fate of Tannin and it doesn't help that he's bringing her girly bits online! But when their romance comes to light and Rian doesn't hesitate in picking his neck Tech Analyst over his sister, he doesn't realise that he may just have put a big old bullseye on her back!

I loved seeing the fledgling romance took root, hiding out from Rian and watching as the action, adventure and intrigue unfolds. Loves the backstory with the Reidar, which totally made my skin crawl! This space faring family of misfits has rocketed to the top of my love list!!!!

chanel's review against another edition

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Coming off the high of season two of the Expanse, I decided to jump into Atrophy which came highly recommended from one of my girls. I had tried it previously but I was in slump land and everything I tried to read was failing. This round, Atrophy worked.

The story begins on Planet Erebus from Tannin's POV. He's been a prisoner for 12 years. He's worked his way up to an administrative position and had become an accomplished tech analyst. Rian and his crew on the Imojenna land there one day and Tannin decides it's time to escape. Before he makes his getaway he becomes a witness to an officer mistreating Zahli and essentially becomes her partner in a coverup. Zahli is Rian's sister so when Tannin sneaks aboard Imojenna, he luckily runs into Zahli and between his skills and Zahli's relation, they're able to convince Rian to let him stay; at least til they get to the next planet and he can go on the run.

What started as just hiding and helping a fugitive escape turns into a bigger plot involving an Arynian priestess, Reidar infiltrating the government and trying to take down said Reidar while trying to figure out the bad guys from the good and keeping the crew on civil terms with one another. Tannin and Zahli have chemistry but Rian has ship rules that are a constant battle between them whether it's worth the risk to break them or not.

I struggled with how to review this for a bit mostly because the flow of the book was a bit obnoxious. It started with specifically focusing on Tannin and Zahli but then they became background, secondary characters because I felt like Rian and his story and quest for vengeance totally overshadowed their story. This made it incredibly hard to even like Rian because his character is so complex but it definitely should have been reserved for his own book with us getting glimpses from Zahli.

The chemistry, when it finally exploded, was super hot but again, it would go back to Rian and my happiness would dissolve because he would be a giant dick to Zahli. There are a ton of different plot points so it can be a little overwhelming to keep up but overall the story did work for me and I definitely plan to continue to read the next books in the series.