
Complicating by Samantha Chase, Noelle Adams

cgroup6's review against another edition

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Really cute story and the perfect summer read - light, with lots of chemistry. A lack of communication and a (not-so) surprise pregnancy create a plenty of tension. I highly recommend this book - especially as a mid-summer beach/vacation read.

I did find Daisy to be too judgmental for my taste - she seemed entirely too hung up on her small town and frankly childish in her insistence that Carter leave the big, smelly, scary city. I had hoped that she would step out of her comfort zone, but instead she forced Carter to step out of his. He was a successful business owner at the start of the book and ended up leaving that to go work for a local small town government? That just doesn't seem reasonable to me.

I loved Carter - his character is the example as to why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. A little rough around the edges (although, that is likely Daisy's prejudices coming into play there), he was actually a big teddy bear and patient to a fault with Daisy.

I received this book as an ARC, free for an honest review.

shobeteener's review against another edition

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I just love books that make you laugh out loud and this one does that.

On a bet at a wedding Daisy sucks up her courage and wins the bet but taking it an unplanned totally unlike herself move with Carter. A guy she has just met. Based on that move Carter and herself will have a permanant connection.

I highly applaud Daisy for doing the right thing and letting Carter know. Carter is the man dreams are made of. He fully supports Daisy and steps back and accepts whatever relationship/non relationship that she wants. In fact, I think at times she tramples all over poor man.

Carter and Daisy are completely opposites. She has become an image people want her to be (town good girl) and Carter is biker dude at his best. She attempts to change Carter and kudos to him for realizing it and not changing who he is. Once I found out why Daisy is attempting to change him my heart melted.

These two are both working hard for whatever is best for their baby. Though all along there is the underlying sizzle of sexual attraction. They try to ignore that attraction and try the friendship route. They have to decide if they will settle for that our let go of caution to see if they can build a future together as a family.

This is a wonderful feel good story that I really enjoyed reading.

bookaholicmommy's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

jen286's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Complicating was a cute read. I love both authors, their books are always fun, and this was a perfect summer read.

Daisy is a good girl. She lives in a small town where everyone knows everyone and she never does anything crazy. She wouldn't want the people in town to talk or be disappointed in her. Only she doesn't plan on Carter.

Carter is a tattooed biker who seems to be the exact opposite of Daisy. He looks rough and tough and doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. He is who he is and that is that.

When Carter and Daisy first meet at a friends wedding neither expected anything to happen. Carter noticed her right away, and Daisy noticed him, but without the help of Daisy's friend daring her to chat up guys, including Carter, they probably never would have met. They never would have sat and talked forever and connected. And Daisy definitely wouldn't have had a fling in the back room! Once she realized what she had done she doesn't stick around. She doesn't even really know who Carter is!

Now Daisy actually likes Carter. Like there could have been something there, but of course things don't turn out the way she had planned. Or didn't plan. Or whatever. She ends up pregnant! Which...she was not prepared for, but she is happy to be having a baby even if it is not the conventional way, after she is married with someone she loves.

Carter really liked Daisy. She rushed out on him so fast he couldn't get her info, but afterward, he finds himself at his friends place trying to subtly get information out of him. He wants to find her and see if maybe they do have something there. Only when he runs into her she acts like it is the worst thing ever and that she wants nothing to do with him. I loved Carter. He is who he is, he is super sweet and kind and he was the best. As soon as he found out Daisy was pregnant he wanted to be there for her and the baby...only Daisy doesn't want him there. Or she does, but she doesn't want him to feel like now he is stuck with her. Oh, these two. They were so cute together. Carter is wonderful, doing whatever Daisy will let him and even some that she won't. He just wants to help her and make things easier on her. And through it all they grow closer and closer. It was so cute! I loved them.

Of course they have their ups and downs. Daisy doesn't know what the town will think of Carter much less her parents. And would he consider moving to her small town? To be closer to their child? And maybe her? Can he change enough to fit in? Does she want him to? Oh, Daisy had a lot of things to work through, her heart might be in the right place but she doesn't always go about things the right way. And Carter doesn't always react the way he should or she would like him to. From misunderstandings to feelings getting hurt it wasn't easy to make it to happily ever after. Especially not with a baby on the way, but they were adorable and I loved them both. Another great read from these authors.

*Note: I received a free copy of this book for voluntary review consideration