
Marvel Zombies: Battleworld by Simon Spurrier

malcolmafraser's review

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Decent fun. A bit of intergenerational reconciliation and phantom childhood presence in the Deadlands.

jwlahn's review

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I was really enjoying this book and Elsa's grouchy attitude throughout. The dialogue was fun, the zombies were entertainingly gross, and the mystery was engaging. And then the ending kinda sucked, at least in my opinion. Overall it should have been a much higher rating, but the ending just disappointed me.

edcorcoran's review

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This started out pretty fun but ended up pretty blah.

crookedtreehouse's review

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This was almost great. The first 3 & 3/4s of the 4 issue run were a fun Bloodstone story that took place amongst some Marvel Zombies. I've never been interested in Bloodstone as a character before. But her bad-assedness and self-assurance with a hint of humanity were fun to read. I didn't even mind the repeated flashbacks about her poor relationship with her awful father.

She gets a sidekick during the first issue, and it's a young girl Elsa refers to as ShutUp. It's a somewhat amusing Lone Wolf & Cub style deal, and I liked some of the worldbuilding around them.

Then, it was revealed who the sidekick was.

F-. For Fuck That Bullshit.

That's when I checked to see who wrote this. Ugh, Of course. Simon Spurrier, the heaviest handed writer in the 21st century Marvel bullpen. Only he would have thought this reveal was cool, interesting, or worth completely destroying the value of the rest of his story.

I tend to avoid his comic work. But I've been trying to read these Secret Wars tie-ins without actually investigating the authors until I'm done, so as not to set up any biases. I'm glad I didn't check first as it 1.) allowed me to enjoy as much of the book as I did, and 2.) confirmed that his writing is not For Me.

I recommend reading the first three issues, and closing the book. It's a completely satisfying three issue story.

gilh0_0ley's review

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adventurous dark fast-paced


Functional but utterly forgettable.

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wolvy's review

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The art was a little weak and the plot went some obvious routes.

However, the story is strong enough and the characters are a ton of fun.

Shame it’s just 4 issues. I didn’t read the bonus issue which is a reprint of Zombies 1, as I’ve already read the series up to this point.

oldmangaz's review

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The first secret wars book I've really enjoyed so far. Still pretty clueless to what's going on though.

sbobcat's review

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Excellent read if you like comics and zombies! Really enjoyed this one even though I am not very familiar with the main character.

sassypants859's review

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I like Marvel Zombies. I like Battleworld. I like Marvel monsters. You'd think all three would be fantastic but alas it didn't quite come together. Weirdly lacking in all three departments.

texaswolfman's review

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Spurrier and Walker have hit it out of the park. Self contained Secret Wars limited series. Love the art.