
Ignorance by Michèle Roberts

lisa_mc's review

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I don’t mind, as a reader, rising to meet the challenge of an author, but there needs to be a payoff, and that’s what’s missing from “Ignorance.”

The book centers on Jeanne and Marie-Angele, who are classmates at Catholic school but not really friends and certainly not peers. Jeanne’s mother does laundry and mending for Marie-Angele’s mother, who runs a grocery with her husband. The disparity between their family situations -- as Jeanne puts it, “she had too much of everything and I didn’t have enough” -- prevents the girls from getting to be close and influences their choices as they grow from schoolgirls into women.

Jeanne’s mother was born Jewish, but changed her surname from Nerinsky to Nerin and poses as Catholic. Roberts gives us this information somewhat matter-of-factly but never explores Madame Nerin’s character. Not that every novel set during World War II has to focus on the treatment of Jews -- and “Ignorance” certainly doesn’t ignore what’s going on, as one character covertly helps people escape and others are turned out of their homes and businesses -- but this seems to be an interesting angle that is brought up and then just dropped.

It would be great to be able to give more of a summary of what the book is about, but there’s not a lot of plot. The book jumps around, back and forth in time and among multiple narrators. We get Jeanne’s point of view first and most often; we also hear from Marie-Angele, Sister Dolly from the school, and Jeanne’s illegitimate daughter. Instead of this giving a fuller picture of events, though, it results in a choppy storyline with large chunks missing, and the ending feels disjointed and too pat.

Roberts’s writing creates vivid images: words “hopped across the pages like toads,” the scent of early spring is “a bitter green perfume sharp as a chisel,” a locked front door “a slap in the face, a slap to the heart.” But ultimately, this novel doesn’t hold together: it’s like flipping through a stack of old pictures -- some beautiful, some horrifying, some simply descriptive -- that are cryptically labeled and out of order.

stacyculler's review

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France during the holocaust

The authors style is fragmented sentences and scrambled chronology. Although the characters were interesting and the events of their lives compelling, I had some difficulty following the chain of events.

grinnoir's review

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This was an interesting book. I had a hard time figuring out if I was liking it or not while reading. On one hand it was an interesting juxtaposition of stories. Then again the two stories felt like they were pushing the morals of not judging others, and looks can be deceiving. There was also the free association writing, which felt a bit poetic at times, but was really hard to figure out what was going on sometimes. If I don't over think the book it was enjoyable, but I got the feeling the book was trying to be thought provoking making it hard.

ranaelizabeth's review

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Lovely writing but wasted on such a flimsy story. If this was written as just a straight story without the fancy-pants this-is-prose-not-writing, it would have been an amazing book. But since the writing really does overwhelm the story and characters, it's not so amazing.