
The Court of the Undead by F.M. Aden

readingwithkirstyn's review

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"The Court of the Undead" is a riveting and intense novel that had me glued to its pages, often reading late into the night. The plot is rife with twists and turns that add layers of suspense and excitement. Despite the complexity of the storyline, the author masterfully keeps everything easy to follow, making it a highly engaging read. It's a captivating book that keeps you on the edge of your seat, eagerly anticipating the next revelation.

caomoli's review against another edition

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Regret reading this book because now I want Book 2 IMMEDIATELY

I was so hooked on the book, I finished reading it in one sitting [AND I HAVE EXAMS HAHA]

I can’t believe there is many midass reviews. Y’all just haters. Hence, do not hesitate to read because of those lameass stars my dear reading companions.

Anyways, let’s proceed to talk about what I loved about the novel;

Muslim and African rep: I learned so many new cultural terms, and learning new things about culture is always such a delight. The novel ignited a desire in me to read more novels with such rep.

Character Development: The sudden change in our MC’s personality as soon as she is in dangerous terrain is astounding. She knows she isn’t physically strong enough to fight her enemies so she starts playing mind games, making everyone appreciate her. When you first start reading, Yara feels like your innocent kind, most beautiful but average boring girl who wants to please everyone around her. But girl, did she prove me wrong.

Character regression: bombastic side-eye, criminal offensive side-eye @ Eldar but that’s what makes the novel more addicting. Because of his character, it opens the door to many different upcoming plot ideas and keeps the reader’s attention on the series as there are many possibilities on how the novel might end.

Romance and Pining 10/10: I know Eldar x Yara, if it ever happens, will be toxic BUT I AM ROOTING FOR THEM. The sexual tension and pining between them is over the roof. I just love me some pining and foolish actions, even if it is one sided haha.
Ilyas, man tf up or wave goodbye to Alyin.

Strong bond between siblings (and we get both of their pov) : The sisterly bond between the sisters was crafted so well, you could feel it. They are complete opposite of each other but it doesn’t lessen the affection they have for each other. One of the common tropes is making one sister villain and the other hero, one filled with jealousy, the other being docile. This novel DIDN’T have it. The bond between the brothers is also good until [Redacted]

Plot: It’s been so long since I read vampire novels. The plot might not be mind blowing but it’s still refreshing. It creates this tension making you wonder if Yara will be able to escape. The ending ended exactly how I wanted it to. I do hope we get some sneak peeks on the sultan and the prince of the Ottoman Empire.

SpoilerPoor Yara, she could never see the sun…

Thank you NetGalley, Northern Light Press, and F.M. Aden for granting me ARC of this book in return for my honest opinions.

abbieday01's review

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I just reviewed The Court of the Undead by F.M. Aden. #TheCourtoftheUndead #NetGalley

Worth the read!! Fun, great characters, great world building, supurb storyline.

thisbookishbee's review against another edition

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This is my unbiased review as thanks for the publishers and netgalley granting me an arc.

I adored this book. Yara was a delight, and I loved that she was a curvy girl that was described as being beautiful. Curvy girls are gorgeous, just as much as skinny girls are. Aylin was also a delight, I loved her passion for her sister and the lengths she went to protect Yara. Both girls were faced with multiple trials and I commend them. If I had been in either girl's position, I wouldn't have made it out the other side.

It was obvious that Ilyas loves Aylin but that he takes his faith very seriously. Often times I wondered if they were about to kiss and was disappointed for her when they never. Domenico has me conflicted. I feel sorry for his upbringing and the way his father treated, and still treats, him, but his behaviour towards Aylin was sickening. It infuriates me how much some men believe us as women to be their property. As if we have no autonomy and are there purely for their pleasure.

This is also why I started out absolutely hating Volkan. He was abysmal towards Yara. Of the two twins I much preferred Eldan as, while he seemed disinterested, he appeared to be the kinder of the two. Let me tell you that opinion changed so fast. Now I'm team Volkan and hate Eldan. Eldan can toss himself into the fiery pits of Hell.

_simplylornie's review against another edition

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This book had me in a chokehold. The blend of history and fantasy was just perfect. It was super dark and alluring and it had me on the edge of my seat!

Ottoman Empire and Dracula! Absolutely perfect!

I loved this new character take on survival above all, even above love and intrigue, and I was just always watching for more.

The family theme in this book was strong, in both the mortal sisters and the vampir brothers, and I loved seeing what it meant to be “family” and what protecting family looked like for the different dynamics.

This book deserves more hype and it was also such a quick read.

ARC provided by NetGalley! Thank you for the opportunity.

sea_uh_dahmay's review

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2 stars for Aylin 5 stars for yara. Aylins pov was SO boring I really don’t think I’d b able finish this book if it was just Aylin. But YARA nah that’s my girl. I loved the dynamic between her and the twins like idk if she’ll end up with either of them but THATS enemies to lovers right there like they aCTUALLY hated each other.

jordanmichalik's review against another edition

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I have been wanting to dive back into fantasy/romantasy books and this was a solid read to get back into these genres.

This story follows two sisters, one after being kidnapped by the vampir, and the other on the journey to save her sister. There is a third POV occasionally which is one of the vampirs, Eldar. Yara, the sister who is taken to the Court of the Undead, was my favorite storyline. It was full of vampires, a love triangle, political intrigue and spies. Aylin's story was less eventful and her love triangle wasn't of much interest to me. The reader is introduced to a slew of characters and although the character development isn't too deep, this book sets the scene for these characters to grow in the next book and for the reader to learn more moving forward.

If you love enemies-to-lovers, politics and love triangles you will really enjoy this book. There isn't any true spice besides a few steamy kisses but the tension in this book is incredible.

I didn't find the book difficult to follow as other reviewers did. There isn't a need for deep knowledge of the Ottoman Empire or Islamic culture. Without the historical knowledge you will still be able to enjoy the book.

I am eagerly awaiting book 2 because I NEED to know what happens with all these characters, specifically who ends up with whom. I need an alert set up for when the next book comes out.

Thank you to NetGalley and Northern Light Press for this ARC, in exchange for an honest review.

jemmakate's review

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A young adult vampire fantasy that follows dual points of view of two sisters separated and trying to find their way back to each other. One sister is trapped in a vampire court and the other with an army of vampire hunters.

This book has some interesting aspects and the world it’s set in is diverse and different from what we usually see. Overall initially the premise of this book really drew me in but unfortunately the book fell a little short for me. One of the sisters I found insufferable at times and the books pacing was off as the whole book felt like it was just a set up for a second book with really not much happening.

There is very little romance in this book, despite there being many love interests, which I personally found frustrating as I did want to see a little pay off to the hints of romance throughout.

Overall it was an okay read, but I’m not sure I’d reach for the second book.

Thank you to NetGalley for proving me an e-arc of this book to read and provide my honest opinion on.

bibliotequeish's review against another edition

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Yara and her sister Aylin heard stories of the Vampir, and when Yara is taken, Aylin has reason to believe that she has been taken by the monsters who haunted the stories told to them as children.

With alternating chapters following Yara, a blood slave in the Undying Kings court, and Aylin, trying desperately to save her, this book is a dark fantasy that has a lot of potential.

I loved the back and forth chapters, loved seeing the two sisters as they fight to stay alive and make their way back to one another.
While I love a morally grey love interest, these guys were not morally grey.
There are good guys, morally grey guys, bad guys, really bad guys, and then these guys.
They were awful, and I did not like how quickly the female characters flipped from hating them to caring for them.
One night she is trying to kill him and then the next night she is worried that he is mad at her ?WHAT?
In order for me to enjoy a romance, I need to want the characters to be together, and I do not want these women with any of these lowlifes.
BUT the story is great and I am looking forward to the next book!

beelovesreading's review against another edition

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This is my unbiased review as thanks for the publishers and netgalley granting me an arc.

I adored this book. Yara was a delight, and I loved that she was a curvy girl that was described as being beautiful. Curvy girls are gorgeous, just as much as skinny girls are. Aylin was also a delight, I loved her passion for her sister and the lengths she went to protect Yara. Both girls were faced with multiple trials and I commend them. If I had been in either girl's position, I wouldn't have made it out the other side.

It was obvious that Ilyas loves Aylin but that he takes his faith very seriously. Often times I wondered if they were about to kiss and was disappointed for her when they never. Domenico has me conflicted. I feel sorry for his upbringing and the way his father treated, and still treats, him, but his behaviour towards Aylin was sickening. It infuriates me how much some men believe us as women to be their property. As if we have no autonomy and are there purely for their pleasure.

This is also why I started out absolutely hating Volkan. He was abysmal towards Yara. Of the two twins I much preferred Eldan as, while he seemed disinterested, he appeared to be the kinder of the two. Let me tell you that opinion changed so fast. Now I'm team Volkan and hate Eldan. Eldan can toss himself into the fiery pits of Hell.