
Shay's Awakening by Bre Rose

lsteimel's review

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HOLY WOW! This book is amazing! The writing is phenomenal, and the characters are so wonderful! (I call dibs on Damien!!) I love how the writer makes me forget the outside world, and makes me feel like I am actually a part of this world that is created! The guys are so swoon worthy and so sweet to Shay, and her daughter. Watching their relationships form has me drooling and wishing I could make my own harem. Such a sweet and captivating read! I am starting the next one ASAP! Must read, 5 stars!

fiestj's review

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Shay's Awakening is book one in The Prophesy Series.

This was a very interesting introduction to this series. We get to meet a lot of characters and it sets us up for what the Prophesy is about. The men who are in Shay's life are cinnamon rolls. They are kind and caring, but Shay knows nothing about the supernatural world, so they are trying to woo her the old fashioned way. Shay seems to have some trust issues as she lived a sheltered life when she was younger, and her family was very controlling of her actions. We see her slowly starting to open up more to these men, but in the end she does feel betrayed by them for keeping secrets from her.

We do end on a very troublesome moment where starting the next book is needed. This was a great start to the series and I love it so far.

anotherhalima's review

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we just went through a rape scene and then she’s pregnant and i was like no way is her rapist.. yes indeed he is one of her love interests! hard pass!

doloresjune92's review

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Bre Rose truly knows how to put words on a page, and them turn out to be PHENOMENAL! I really enjoyed this first book about Shay and the harem she is quickly building. The twists and turns in this book were amazing, and I am so obsessed with seeing where this series leads! I, for one, am glad that they're all out cause I do not know if I could live with that cliffhanger!

spicymakeupreads's review

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@breroseauthor of course delivered me a good as hell PNR RH. I was interested to see what she could do with PNR since her other books have been MC RH and I was highly in love with this book.

Its a cuter end PNR but we do have some drama..which a bitch needs to stay interested.

I cannot even with that ending. I cannot wait for book 2 I need answers like right the hell now.

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tj_darkreads's review

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I couldn't wait to read this book after reading the blurb I knew I had to get my hand's on it and let's face it when
the characters are Shayna who's the fmc who maybe human or maybe not, Damien, a Fae, Sebastian, a vampire, Hunter, a wolf shifter and his Alpha brother Ryder, all of which want her as their fated mate. But then you throw in Maverick, a witch/warlock, who wants to claim her as his intended you have a very interesting story that didn't disappoint and after that ending I have to wait for Bk 2.

mamasmutsalot's review

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It's gonna be a hard no from me. TRIGGER WARNING: r@pe.

I don't care what anyone says, that prologue is assault. It's a dangerous narrative to sensationalize that. I figured it would be a plot device but after the first couple chapters, I realized that she looked back on that night with fondness and I wanted to absolutely hurl. I just couldn't do it.

Please read this book with caution and protect your mental health.

manda24176's review

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Shay's Awakening

I'm glad I finally got around to reading this. In the beginning we meet Shay as a high school graduate, who ends up pregnant from a one night stand. Her parents, who are pieces of crap, want her to abort. Of course She refuses. After over hearing her father's convo, she packs up and leaves to protect her baby. Then we are moved to 10 years later. Shay moves to live with Beba. There she meets 4 hot as sin guys. She learns they all want to date her. Things go well until the last chapter where we are left with a dreaded cliffhanger, lol. Can't wait to see how things go once all of the guys realize who they all are to Shay and what that means for everyone. I know the guys are regretting how things played out that last chapter. Let's hope Shay can be forgiving, cuz all 5 men are gonna need it.

catslife_1970's review

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Wow! Bre Rose is a magician when it comes to paranormal reverse harem stories. Her characters are so realistic and become your friends. I didn't want to get to the end of What's Awakening because I know I have wait for the rest of the story.
A chance one time steamy encounter. One sweet child born. 5 supernatural beings drawn to the young mother. How do they become one to save the magical world from destruction? Grab Shay's Awakening to learn the beginning of this amazing adventure.

eamacire's review

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I really enjoyed this book. I was iffy about Mav for a good portion, unsure if he was a good guy or not. I like all Shay’s guys, but I’m very frustrated with them not being honest with her. Too many secrets always lead to bad things happening! I’m very much looking forward to the next one!