
My Kind of Forever, by Heidi McLaughlin

babblingchatterreads's review

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Cristina's Thoughts #BabblingChatterReads
Babbling Chatter Reads 5 Hearts RatingThe Beaumont Series is one of the early books that had gotten me addicted to series reading and where also Heidi McLaughlin was added to one of my go-to authors. When I found out that another book was added (and last in this series) the want to relive in these characters was a necessity.

We once again get to experience the story of lead singer and bad boy hottie Liam Page Westbury and his high school sweetheart Josie Westbury with their continued journey entailing never-ending (it seems) challenges that they face since they have known each other.

4225 West have been laying low and living the normal domesticated family life of Liam’s hometown of Beaumont. Since the move back and the change in plans for the band it has began to affect their status. A call back to Los Angeles is a trip that will either make or break them known in this industry again. However, the Hollywood life is the place that had brought Liam to a dark place in his life. The questions, the constant hearsay, more unexpected secrets coming out, along will paparazzi who love to portray a certain story...will it be the end of them?

Although this is Liam and Josie story we get snippets of the rest of the band members and their close circle of friends too! The 5 stars read had many moments that had me teary eyed, gutted, and torn in different directions. It will make you feel so much and the connection felt between the high school sweethearts runs much deeper regardless of the choices/path that Liam had made to find himself. It also presented an overview on his decisions that had affected not only himself but everyone around him as well. This was the perfect end to the series and any new and old fan of the series will thoroughly enjoy the conclusion.

sinagaraw's review

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michalice's review

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Reading My Kind of Forever, and then having to formulate my thoughts into a review has got to be one of the hardest things I've had to do. This series has just blew me away with each installment, and while I wanted to dive right in, devour the story and be finished in record time, I made this one last. I really did not want this book, or this series to come to an end.

As I write this review it is so hard to keep it spoiler free and I hope, I do not only the book, but the author, Heidi McLaughlin, justice with it, so apologies for vagueness.

What a great first paragraph. I was giddy with excitement reading it, but then as the chapter progressed something was thrown into the mix to make me go back and read it all again, just to make sure I hadn't missed out on an important bit due to my excitement. As the story progresses we definitely see Noah in a different light, he's older and not so happy with parental displays of affection, for him and for each other. This new change is something he is not happy about, and feels like this is a change for Liam and Josie to have a chance at something Noah didn't have.

4225 West are failing, they are losing sales, popularity, and money. They have to go back to LA to not only help and old friend out, but also get themselves back in the spotlight, but this only brings up bad memories for Josie, of Liam leaving her and not coming back. This was emotional to read, I know the history of this break up, who was at fault, and what happened. But with everything going on Josie is unable to go with Liam, she is stuck at home due to other commitments and is finding it hard to deal with the publicity surround Liam and an upcoming book. But it also gives Josie the chance to step back and think about her relationship with Liam, and what it could have been like if he had stayed with her.

He gave me the opportunity to grow up and find the me I needed to be without him guiding our path. It just sucks how it all happened.

Just when we thought Sam was out the picture, she back with a vengeance, this time in a tell all book, taken from her diary, that is being published by a journalist. It holds every secret, every singe thing that went on between Sam and Liam, shit is about to hit the fan, and it won't be pretty at all. I really want the slap the journalist that thought ti would be a good idea to publish this book. To add to the mixture, Mr Moreno is back, determined he is going to make some money off the band, or off the members individually. Is Liam strong enough to fight a war from both sides whilst keeping the band together and his wife happy.

Liam and Josie have already had a lot to deal with, and they do not need the past flung in thier face. With Liam in LA helping out an old friend, it's Josie who see's the book first, and all her old fears and hurt comes back to haunt her. To make matters worse, when she goes to confront Liam about it, she is met with his past, and his present, all presented neatly on stage for her.

One thing I love about My Kind of Forever were the alternate chapters that give Liam a glimpse into his life if he has of stayed with Josie when she was pregnant with Noah. He gets to see what his career, his life, and his future would have looked like, and it's not exactly a bed of roses. But this also makes him truly grateful for what he has and the decisions he made, it also helps them compromise on the future of 4225 West, and the future of thier family.

Final Verdict
What a sad, but amazing end to this series. I am sad to see this series end, but My Kind of Forever ensures it goes out with a bang. You don't want to miss this finale.

bribookish's review

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Aww. :) This just brought a big smile to my face. I loved how it ended and definitely need to go back and read the 2 novellas!

chrissywilson80's review

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Josie and Liam have a history, together and apart. This book dives into that history and shows how love can conquer all or push you apart. Follow them on the journey of finding out more things from the past that may or may not be too much for Josie. Can their love conquer what scares her? This is a must read if you are loving this series.

brownsugarbookies's review

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It almost received 4 stars, but Josie was soooo annoying. Her fears and misconceptions just kept playing over and over again on a loop. Aaargh! Other than that, it was awesome.