
Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning

cedrisc's review against another edition

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This series was definitely a ride. I have never loved and hated an author at the same time like I do Karen. She really is queen of the tease. I was ready to drop the book on the floor at the beginning. Mac's wailing went on for much too long. I did identify with a lot of what was said in the book, but because I wanted to find out what happened in the end so badly I found the flowery language and stalling irritating. Everything was tied up pretty well, and if Karen truly did dream this entire series in one dream, I wish someone would send me one haha Barron's is one of my fav male characters and this series has been added to my book collection.

natalieladerer110300's review against another edition

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WOWOWOWOW! Incredible conclusion to an INCREDIBLE series. WOW. Mac is officially my favorite, most well written female main character EVER. she is complicated, brave, badass, and incredibly nuanced. And don’t even get me started on Barrons.

I’m so happy that there’s spin-off books, because i love this world that KMM created.

evikes's review against another edition

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I liked this series but it doesn't feel like it’s over… there isn’t a lot I can mention without giving away too much for those who haven’t read it. I’ll keep it generic:
Although this is the last book of the seores, it does not feel like it is…. and not in a good way. Waaaaaayyyy too much happens in this book compared to the last 4, and you could almost skip the first book because it’s just so dull. There were too many things left unresolved & unaswered in this last book. The final book in a series should wrap things up - at least the main things within that series - but this one left more things unanswered than not. That is a huge pet peeve of mine.... don't make a book a prequel/trailer to the spin-off or the next book unless you resolve all the things that the readers are baffled about. It just doesn’t feel like the end, and to some degree it should… Oh well, a writer's gotta make $$, so bring on the spin-off series (because KMM already confirmed at least 3).

This is my song for the series (actually, almost all songs by Three Days Grace seem to fit):

idratherbereading542's review against another edition

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Read Count: 2


RE-READ 1/30/2022


ORIGINAL REVIEW (8/14/2011):

The first word that comes to mind after finishing this book is epic. This book was absolutely incredible. It's long, but even so you don't want it to end! Going into this book forget all your theories. Forget all your guesses and assumptions. Because Shadowfever will throw them out the window for you if you don't do it yourself. Everything you thought you knew, everything you thought you'd guessed and figured out, you didn't. Nothing happens the way you will have played out in your mind because this book does it better.

Going into this book I was fully ready for the roller coaster of emotions it would give me, but it still blew me away. It made me sad, depressed, angry, confused, excited, happy, giddy, and everything in between. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time while at the same time I was holding back, trying to keep it from ending as quickly as it began.

After reading this I can understand now why there are so many reviews for this book out there that cry spoiler warning. It's difficult to sum up ones feelings about this book without throwing in a spoiler here and there. But I'll save that for later and put it behind a spoiler warning.

For all those out there who have yet to read this series, or have yet to finish it. I urge you to drop everything and pick it up. What I've loved most about this series is the mysteries. The questions that keep coming at a rapid pace and never seem to be answered. I loved being able to form my own theories about any and everything throughout this series, only to have it all smashed to pieces because I didn't have a clue. I love that I was wrong about mostly everything because it made this book so much more interesting.

Overall, this series couldn't have ended better. If you're wondering if all the questions you formed will be answered, the answer to that is yes. There aren't any loose ends. Everything is tied up nicely (in my opinion) and all the mysteries are solved. It probably won't happen in the way you thought it will, I can guarantee you that. But still go on with your theories and opinions because that's what half the fun is about. This is easily one of my favorite series now and I can't wait to pick this back up one day down the road again. I already want to read them all over again and I've just finished!

Now for my spoiler-filled final thoughts. Obviously don't read these unless you've read all of the first five books in the series (including this one) because they contain MAJOR SPOILERS:

I loved...
• That Barrons and Mac are finally happy together.
• That they will have "forever" together.
• That the story didn't end all roses and sunshine with the walls back up and the world the same as it was before. The world isn't the same now. It's forever changed.
• That even though we know what Barrons is, we still don't really know. He's still mysterious and left open to interpretation.
• That every little mystery was answered. Right down to why "dreamy-eyed-guy" always seemed so interested in Mac.
• How long it was. I wish it could've been longer!
• That Mac was finally able to do what SHE came to Dublin to do, get revenge for her sister's murder. She was able to finally kill her sister's true murderers -- all of them.

The only thing I wish was a little different was how it ended with Dani. I hope that if there truly is a spinoff series of some sort that we find out what happened between them. I wish they would've been able to have a conversation before the end of the book.

I also am a bit sad that V'lane/Cruce ended up being evil. Although I didn't want him for Mac, I was amused by him and he grew on me over time.

I am kind of hoping that the spinoff series will be about Barrons' other 8. I want to know more about them in general and I think they should get love too! ;)

smilesgiggle's review against another edition

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Mac attempts to rebuild herself after killing the most important person on her quest for justice. Darroc convinces Mac an alliance is not only inevitable but the only way to control the book.
Mac struggles on her path.
Some great surprises, though V'lane is so predictable.

ajstat's review against another edition

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An enthralling ride .
I am sad it's over for now

secretmagic's review against another edition

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I'm speechless.
This series has captivated me for the past week. I have been living, breathing, dreaming Barrons and Mac and the war with Unseelie. And I am so happy with the way it has ended (or ended...for now :P). While many of my questions from the previous books were answered, the ending still left so much open for discussion.

Shadowfever is not a tame book. Nothing is what it seems and everything, to borrow a term from Ryodan, flips. I don't think I can count how many times my jaw hit the floor.

Mac surprised me the most. No longer the light southern-small town American girl; but a strong, calculating women fighting for survival. And yet, she still managed to do silly Mac things that made me smile. What made me smile more was the amount of times Barrons called her Mac, and the still present eye-conversations and little arguments that went on between our leading lady and man.

I was shocked by how much was still happening in the last book. While the search was still on for the Sinsar Dubh, the Lord Master a constant problem, and the sidhe-seers causing problems, little moved forward until midway through the book. Little things (like who killed Alina, was there a fourth making Mac Pri-ya, and just what is Barrons...?) were almost left unresolved. And some answers left more questions.

I felt the ending was a little rushed. It didn't take away from how I felt about the book as a whole, I thought it was fabulous and I'm really sad it's ended, but with all that was going on, there could have been a bigger battle or more of an explanation for the way it ended.

As a final comment,I have to say I'm extremely impressed by the indestructible Jericho Barrons. His theme song really is Tubthumping, because no-one can knock him down.

Fabulous series. I enjoyed every minute of it.
6/5 stars :)

kippins's review against another edition

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5 stars not only for this book but for the series as a whole.
So this is it......The End......For Now!!!
I have to say that I have absolutely loved this series.
I loved the mystery, the lore, the romance, the wonderful array of characters, the world building.
In short everything!
And the biggest surprise of all was that all the questions asked throughout the series weren't clearly answered and I didn't care. Because somethings you just don't need to know.
I have to say I may also have whiplash due to all the twists & turns throughout....right up to the very end you were kept guessing as to what was going to happen next.

"Evil is a completely different creature, Mac. Evil is bad that believes it's good."
I loved this quote. And the question as to who is on the right side, it always depends on which side your on.
What is good, what is evil, what is bad, what is right, what is wrong, who are we if all of what we grew up believing is taken away from us.

I am so looking forward to Dani's series, it should be a wild ride!

"The man that dies escapes. Plain and simple. Game over. End of pain...Try living for someone. Through it all-good, bad, thick, thin, joy, suffering. That's the hard thing.”

lark_reads's review against another edition

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So freaking brilliant. This series. I just can't even

sunsetsnbooks's review

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¿Por qué no hay una super-estrella especial para puntuar libros como éste? FEELINGS y EPIC es lo único que me sale y aún así se queda corto para expresar todo lo que he sentido leyendo esta saga.

[b:Shadowfever|7304203|Shadowfever (Fever, #5)|Karen Marie Moning||6967072] es el mejor los 5. Me da mucha pena acabarla, sé que sigue con Dani pero no será lo mismo sin Mac, Jericho y el resto de personajes :(
Me ha sorprendido mucho la forma de escribir de la autora. No intenta en ningún momento justificar las cuestionables acciones de sus protagonistas, ni redimirlos, consigue que les aceptes con sus luces y sombras y para mi eso les hace más humanos aunque no lo sean. Y por encima de todo lo que más valoro es la evolución de los personajes, sobre todo el de Mac.
Tenía mucho miedo de que dejaran cosas en el aire y resolvieran el misterio de forma precipitada pero no me ha dado esa sensación.

Me ha encantado, en serio. Mil gracias Bel por recomendármelos ❤!! Diría mil cosas más pero aún estoy asimilando lo que he leído. No quiero decir adiós :(