
Falling Into Heaven by Stephen Craig

jooshanoosh's review

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A well done first novel. Isaac discovers that his dad has invented an anti-gravity suit that allows the wearer to control how gravity affects them - whether it pushes or pulls. Isaac becomes a test pilot for the suit and tries to convince his dad to share the secret with the world.

The book is a modern re-imagining of the Icarus myth and does a great job of creating a compelling and believable sci-fi technology. The flying scenes were some of my favorites and Mr. Craig has a real gift for describing action sequences in ways that are compelling and understandable, which is no easy feat.

My one criticism of the book is that because Isaac is based on Icarus (who famously died because of his pride.) he come across as a bit of a jerk and isn't always very likable. The scenes with his friends were less compelling than the flight sequences, but still helped round out the character.

Overall, worth the read. A good, solid novel with great a toon sequences and an emotional finish.i