
A Touch of Dead by Charlaine Harris

gimchi's review

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these were so unsatisfying.

plus, very strange and specific references to both teva sandals and campbell's chicken tortilla soup. product placement, anyone?

bibblanmadde's review against another edition

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Det här kommer bli en liten annorlunda recension då jag hade tänkt att berätta lite kort vad jag tyckte om varje historia.

4.1 Fairy Dust
I Fairy Dust får man reda lite mer på hur Claudine och Claudette förlorade sin syster. Claudine frågar Sookie om hon kan "lyssna"på några personer för att få reda på vem som mördade deras syster.
Hängde egentligen inte med alls hur Sookie kunde lista ut vem det var, allt bara gick så snabbt.

4.3 Dracula Night
Eric ska ha en fest för att fira Draculas födelsedag och självklart är Sookie bjuden. Eric hoppas också att Dracula (om jag fattade rätt heter han också Vlad Tepes?) ska dyka upp men det blir inte riktigt som han hade tänkt sig.
Förstod mig inte på alls hur Eric kunde dyrka Dracula så mycket när Eric är dubbelt så gammal, men det var dock kul att se en annan sida av Eric.

5.1 One Word Answer
Sookie får reda på att hennes kusin Hadley är död, och drottningen har skickat en person (som jag nu inte minns namnet på) för det är han som mördade Hadley och Sookie ska få äran att döda honom själv eller nått. Visade sig sen efter att drottningen satt i limosinen hela tiden och Sookie visste om det, inte för jag tyckte det hade någon betydelse.

7.1 Lucky
Sookie försöker hitta vem som sabotera alla försäkringsbolag i Bon Temps.
Helt klart min favorit av de alla, tycker om att all magi har sina konsekvenser, och då menar jag all magi!

8.1 Gift Wrap
Sookie hittar en skadad och smutsig varulv i skogen som hon inte kan låta bli att hjälpa. Måste kanske lägga till att hon hela tiden tycker han är otroligt het och inte nog med det naken under i stort sätt hela historien.
Hela historian var bara EW! Kan inte förstå att Sookie kan ha sex med en person hon precis har träffat, visst du kanske inte har haft sex på länge men ändå. Och sen få reda på att hennes gammalgammelmorfar (kanske ännu mer gammel) Niall hade skickat varulven som egentligen var en älva som en julklapp. WTF?!

jackiesam's review

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Even though the stories were just ok, it was kind of interesting to fill in the gaps.

kmontcrieff's review

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3.5 stars ⭐
- Cute little short stories to go alongside reading the Sookie Stackhouse books.
- My favorite was the Dracula one with Eric, and my least favorite was the Christmas Eve one.

iamjamface's review against another edition

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Sookie helps Claudine and Claude find out who killed their triplet Claudette.

iamjamface's review against another edition

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A little story with Bubba (I’m a Bubba simp okay???), Bill and two men from the Queen of Louisiana’s court about the murder of Sookie’s cousin Hadley.

Baby girl has a ruthless side to her and I love it.

glitterbomb47's review

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Wow. This book was lame. No new story, just five stories already published in other short story collections. Two-page illustrations in front of each story and really big font to make you feel like you actually read a book instead of a glorified Sookie Stackhouse brochure.

I'd only read one of the stories before, unfortunately for me it was apparently the best of the bunch. "Gift Wrap" was plain awful. "Fairy Dust" is unimpressive (ooh, Sookie's so clever and uses her extreme cleverness to solve crime!) "Lucky" trots out the uneducated idea of Limited Good and pretends like it's legitimate. Bo-ring.

This book is a shameless attempt to milk money out of fans of the Stackhouse series. Good thing I got it from the library. Take that Ace Books suckas!

Alternatively, may I suggest you get your fix by reading Many Bloody Returns, which includes the only good story from this collection, and also introduced me to the fun fiction of Jim Butcher & Rachel Caine.

bibliotequeish's review against another edition

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This series... I mean its not the best, but I can't stop. 
As a fan of the show I flew through this series.
The very definition of a guilty pleasure. 

mmasten's review

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Quick book of short stories about Sookie!

kandicez's review

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2021 - Still a great collection, made more so since I read this after something I truly did not enjoy to clear my literary palate. Thank you Harris for being so reliably entertaining!

2010 -

Fairy Dust

This story is about Claude and Claudine. I never knew they were actually 2 of a set of triplets. That's one of the joys of short stories slipped between novels in a series. You get little glimpses and facts that just aren't necessary to canon, but are sure fun to read. My favorite line in the story is at the end when Claudine says "Fair is only part of Fairy as letters of the alphabet." It sounds so menacing, and since I picture Claudine as Liv Tyler in my head, I can just see her saying it.

Dracula Night

Sookie is invited to Fangtasia for a birthday party in honor of Dracula. Yes, Dracula. THE Dracula. It's something Eric does every year with the anticipation of being graced with the presence of a true star in the Vampire world. I love when we get little snapshots of Eric being "human". It's been 1000 years, so when he still shows some spark of life, it's pretty thrilling. His excitement in this story was adorable, and even when his hopes were dashed at the end, he perks up with thoughts of "maybe next year". Sookie shows us, once again, that she is a pretty smart, Southern cookie, and not just a psychic barmaid.

One Word Answer

In this story, Sookie learns of the death of her cousin Hadley and meets Mr. Cataliades and the Queen of Louisiana. Bubba makes an appearance which is always welcome and brings a smile to my face. Bill rushes to the aid of "his" Sookie, and just like the last story, Sookie shows us just how smart she really is.


This is my least favorite. I can suspend disbelief with the best of them. I mean that's obvious since I love Sookie, the vamps, weres, shifters, and witches, right? But believing one person can use up all the luck in the vicinity? That seems a little silly to even me.

Gift Wrap

Sookie is alone on Christmas Eve. Poor thing. This was a fun story that could have fit anywhere in the series. I don't see anything that pertains to any other stories, other than a few events Sookie references. All I can say is, only Niall, a 1000+ year old, fairy great-grandfather would think of a no strings attached evening of physical pleasure as the perfect Christmas gift. He was right;)