
I'm Judging You: The Do-Better Manual, by Luvvie Ajayi Jones

nivysb's review

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This was a fun and hilarious read, but a little disjointed. A great debut effort!

abagdasarov5's review

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It was just okay; definitely made me laugh!

There were a couple chapters I wasn’t into, topics that didn’t interest me. That being said, I echo other reviewers in my struggle to finish this book. But, I did infact finish it and unfortunately feel a bit deprived of any object lesson. Which is worth note considering it's entitled, The Do-Better Manual. Although, if I'm being honest I didn't seriously expect much from this book but a few ironical laughs of which it did deliver. I enjoyed her conversational tone and illustrative comparisons. I also liked how she took on some heavier topics in a lighthearted way, which comparatively reminded me of the musical artist Lily Allen’s style in ranting book form. Lastly, I loved her use of imagery in the last chapter. Hope this helps!

a_novel_ty's review

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affiknittyreads's review

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I thought this was great, especially the second section on racism, sexism, and LGBT issues. The chapters on social media were less interesting to me, because they seemed more relevant for people who use it professionally. Ajayi is very funny, and presents some serious and hard issues in a way that is challenging but still entertaining.

ginnygriggs_'s review

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Funny and correct.

“You do not have to yell. Even a whisper of truth matters in an echo chamber of lies.”

“Just walk in love and try not to be a hateful shrew and you’d be doing life right.”

duckoffimreading's review

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Luvvie just might be my spirit guide. I saw her talk at the Texas Conference for Women, and had never heard of her before. I can 100% say I’m a huge fan now. She is, like me, of the transitional generation (growing up with the start of the internet) and practically her whole book rings true for me. Her brash, take no prisoners style is hysterical and BUT SO DEAD ON! So many yasss queen moments, it is like she had the cliff notes to my mind. Her section on religion, social media, racism, feminism, homosexuality...YES TO ALL OF IT! And her prologue on the great orange Cheeto...heartbreaking and so true. I’m judging you America!! I get that her approach isn’t for everybody, but coming from a cynical, sarcastic female like myself - it is worth a listen, even if you don’t agree with her. Oh, and by the way, she narrates her own audiobook (which has one an Audie award!)

addicted2bookz's review

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I thoroughly enjoyed her take on the world and the current issues it faces. She had some hilarious moments as well.

aemorrison2001's review

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I respect and value Luvvie's insights and humor, I learn from her, and think her's is an important voice for our times. That said, I think I'd just prefer the short form, rather than an entire book.

ardavis414's review

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I really wanted to like this book but I just couldn't get into it. It wasn't particularly funny to me and none of the topics discussed anything new. By the end, I was just skimming through the chapters so that I could finish it.

drwatsonjd's review

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A good range of subject matter with Luvvie's wonderful brand of humor.