
Shadow and Ice by Gena Showalter

fourclarkes's review against another edition

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3.5 stars ~ Reviewed for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty

kaydanielsromance's review against another edition

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From the start I was loving the new world Showalter created. The old-world/sci-fi boy that meets today's millennial girl is a fantastic mashup that I just plain loved.

As the first in new series, Shadow and Ice, this book had me hooked right from the beginning. It's been awhile since I've read a Showalter novel and I forgot how much I love her writing. The passion mixed with just the right amount of humor is always spot on. I can hardly wait for more Gods of War.

Knox of Iviland, The God of Darkness - and no that doesn't mean he's Satan - his literal power is over shadows and darkness - although with his cold personality and icy way he treats his enemies some might consider him similar to the Lord of the Underworld. Shadow and Ice is a book filled with war and blood, but it is also filled with lots of humor, it's a wonderful balance. Given Knox's name - there are lots of adorable (p.s. he hates that word) opportunities to sex up his name that he doesn't understand. He's a man who is centuries years old and all the euphemisms and slangs of the twenty-first century don't easily translate to a God of his time.

"Vale" Valerina London is just your ordinary girl out on vacation with her sister, Nola. Sure they might have been abandoned by their guide and left to potentially freeze to death in the vast tundra of the arctic, but every vacation has its setbacks, right? While venturing out to save their own lives, Vale stumbles upon the Gods who have been trapped in ice for centuries (they were mid-battle when they locked into their icy prisons and it just so happens that they begin to thaw when Vale stumbles upon them.)

"He'd known centuries had passed. He just hadn't realized he'd gone thirteen hundred years without speaking with Ansel."

Knox has more than just the gift of shadows and darkness, he also has a very intuitive insight he calls his eyaer. That insight speaks to him and has saved his life over and over again. The eyaer also tells him that Vale is necessary. As much as Knox does not want the complication of a woman in his life, he picks up the mortal - against her will mind you -  and brings her with him as he escapes his icy prison. Knox has always worked alone. Alone is good. Alone has always kept him alive. His eyaer better be right or this mortal woman will get him killed before he has a chance to win the war.

"I'm not your friend. If you trust me, even for a moment, you'll regret it." 

Vale isn't keen on being kidnapped, even though it saves her from dying in the freezing tundra. She is ripped away from her sister, Nola, and that weighs on her mind throughout the entire story. Vale is no wallflower and gives as good as she gets. She didn't have an easy life growing up and she isn't willing to just sit around waiting for Knox to ravage her, kill her, or send her home without her sister. She either wants his help, wants to bed him, or just have him go through with his numerous threats already. She doesn't sit patiently overly well. Willing to fight for what she wants may end up getting her killed, but it also may work in her favor when the time is right.

"Considering she'd beheaded a woman, gotten stabbed, been captured and kissed by a murderer only to be kidnapped by other murderers, today's threats were just more of the same. Part of her new normal."

Their push and pull, their give and take, neither trusting the other as neither should because who really trusts any stranger upon meeting them especially a man who calls himself the God of Darkness and a woman who can melt the icy heart of the very god himself?

The war is waging on, who will win?

crochetchrisie's review against another edition

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Not my favourite of Gena Showalter's books, but I am still interested to read the next one when it comes out.

I felt like the characters were pretty well motivated, but it was kind of a weird situation and I never really connected with either of them.

Either way, as always, the 'love' scenes were pretty good. ;)

faraway84z's review against another edition

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Too intense right now

amym84's review against another edition

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Originally posted at Vampire Book Club

While on an adventurous getaway in the artic Vale London and her foster sister, Nola, become separated from their guide. They end up stumbling upon a centuries-long battle known as the All War. When Vale inadvertently enters the War, she’ll end up fighting for more than her life, she’ll be fighting for the planet.

All Wars are fought by various realms when a new unclaimed land is discovered. When Terra (aka Earth) was discovered its resources make it extremely coveted. Knox of Iviland was born and bred to be a fighter. He’s won four All Wars in the past for his King, but Knox is tired of living as a slave, and his determination to win this particular All War is only masked by his plans to kill his King once he get back to Iviland in order to secure his true freedom.

When Vale lands in Knox’s crosshairs, he can’t bring himself to end her. In the end only one can win, and what starts out as an uneasy alliance between the pair, heats up into full-blown attraction neither of them will be able to resist.

There is a lot going on in Shadow and Ice, and from the way things progress, there’s so much more to come. To be honest the complicated start to the world-building is what brings this down a star for me. It took a bit before the story became consistent, not just with the mythology, but with the tone as well, volleying back and forth between tongue-in-cheek funny and too serious. Once things evened out a bit, and the story really found its legs, and I’m here for it 100%.

Gena Showalter has created this awesome almost perfect blend of the sci-fi and fantasy genres in Shadow and Ice as these warriors seemingly come from different realms, or as I saw it planets, and they tend to have some innate power, coupled with weapons or objects also imbued with powers. Think alien Vikings. It’s a very interesting premise and probably the thing I enjoyed most was learning about the different combatants and their powers. There are quite a few, however, and they tend to run together, but Showalter does a good job of highlighting certain warriors. I’m sure we’ll learn about more in upcoming books.

I liked the predicament in which Knox and Vale find themselves. Their attraction to one another tampered by the fact that, in the end, one of them will have to die. While Vale is pretty steadfast in her beliefs and is a survivor through and through, it’s Knox that undergoes the biggest transformation. He starts out as a hardened warrior who never makes alliances, or, if he does, quickly reneges. He has no family left, his one goal is just to win, and Vale comes along and throws all his beliefs out the window. I want to believe they can find a way to end the War with both of them still alive.

It seems, though, that this series will follow a separate couple in each book. The end is fitting for Knox and Vale, but it by no means signals the end of all their problems. I’ll be interested to see how Gena Showalter continues to solve the overall conflict while switching perspectives to different characters.

mycatismybookmark's review against another edition

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"I am the author of my own story. Today I'm writing myself a happy ending, and maybe possibly killing of the rest of the cast.

I am Vale Fricking London, and I've been through hell and back. I can overcome anything."

Suspenseful, sensual, and a wildly addictive mix of modern and mythical - you won't be able to turn the pages fast enough!

On an Arctic vacation gone horribly wrong, foster sisters Vale and Nola have unwittingly found themselves swept up in an a war of immortals, and must find a way to survive.

Combatants will stop at nothing to win. With alliances being formed and broken, new adversaries entering the war, and awakening to a world completely changed, it's hard to tell who is your true enemy and who is your frienemy.

The battle for survival and freedom just got a whole lot more complicated when the fate of the Earth rests in your hands and you find yourself falling for an immortal warrior.

"The warrior was a walking contradiction . . . He was a beast on the inside and a storybook prince on the outside."

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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OMG this series is so freaking interesting already and i am dying to see what happens next. For fans of Kresley Cole this will be like coming home. Similar true but definitely with the Showalter flare that makes her work all her own. Cannot wait for more!

sonja_ahrb's review against another edition

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I was so excited when I saw that Gena Showalter was coming out with a new series and though I had to wait awhile before I could read it, Shadow and Ice was absolutely worth it! The book captured my attention from the get-go and I just fell deeper and deeper into it the more I read on. It was so intriguing from the characters and the plot to this Gods of War world and just everything — I couldn’t get enough. Shadow and Ice was totally amazeballs and while that word might not seem appropriate to describe this book, I can assure you that it is and that Vale would love it and that’s what matters!

Speaking of Vale, I loved, loved, loved her, she is a complete and utter BOSS! She’s fierce, tough, loyal to the people she cares about, and does it all with snark and sass — I could not have asked for a better heroine. I think Vale might have edged out Knox as to who’s my favorite, but I love them both so much and especially together — they were fire and passion and made my heart pound when it wasn’t melting.

Shadow and Ice was highly entertaining to read. It amused me, thrilled me, kept me engaged, and turning the pages to find out what would happen next. It made my heart ache at times, made me tear up, made me yell and laugh and just put a smile on my face. I wholeheartedly loved Shadow and Ice and I can’t wait to read Frost and Flame!

~ Sonja, 5 Stars

erinremen's review against another edition

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Edge of your seat action. Passion beyond this world!

Another roaring success for our Queen of the paranormal Gens Showalter! An ingenious storyline, coupled with a cast of characters as interesting and individual from all over the universe, creates a compelling read I have savored every word of. Storytelling at its finest.
Knox and Vale are both damaged and abandoned in way that creates nothing but mistrust and innate need to keep people at a distance. Knox though on a whole other level! Thrust into the world of immortality Vale will do anything to protect her sister, and earth. She never waivers, though it gets harder and harder when her passion and need for Knox only gets stronger and harder to ignore.
At the same time Knox fights with himself and what really matters most. Revenge and freedom, or the woman who is becoming everything to him.
The All Was rages and surprises leap out of the woodwork to ripple down onto them all, no one left untouched.
How will it all play out? This is seriously not a story to be missed. Definitely some of her best work!
Five stars are truly well deserved. I am impatiently awaiting the nest in this brilliant new series!
I will mention that I loved the 'town' they are from reference 😀

sk24's review against another edition

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3.5/5 stars.

This review and more: Sharing Inspired Kreations

This was my first time reading an Adult book by Gena Showalter and I’m pumped to have read it as part of this tour! I thought Shadow and Ice was good. It didn’t blow my mind like my past experiences with Gena Showalter’s books (the White Rabbit Chronicles – LOVED that series), but it was still good. The book kept me mostly captivated. There were a few times where my mind wandered while reading, but for the most part I was completely invested in the story.

The story was quite good. There was some back-and-forthness with a couple different things that I wasn’t the hugest fan of. Especially because there wasn’t much time between the back-and-forthness if that makes sense. So it was almost like, what’s the point of even having that as part of the story. Some things just seemed a little too easy. I would love to explain better what I mean, but I can’t without spoiling some major plot points.

The characters were quite good as well. They were well developed and relatable (even though most of them are immortal).

I am a fan of Gena Showalter’s writing style and am looking forward to reading more of her books in the future. I was a bit bummed to learn that the second book in this series is from different perspectives. I’m not a fan of series that go that route because I spent a whole book getting super attached to these characters, and then all of a sudden in the next book they’re secondary characters. Not cool (in my opinion).