
Set the Night on Fire by Laura Trentham

hugbandit7's review

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A journey to Cottombloom will leave you filled with happiness!

I have read several other books in this series and didn't realize that this was #6. I thought it was 4 books about the 4 Abbott brothers but obviously, this is not the case and I need to go check out the books that I have missed to see who stars outside of the Abbott brothers.

We had a glimpse of Ella in the last book. She bought out Ford's ownership in the garage and that is not going over well especially for Mack. His loyalty to his father has him at a crossroads especially once he realizes how attracted he is to Ella and it might be mutual. Mack is very protective of his brothers and the shop but is able to recognize that perhaps there is more to life than work. We also get to see some of his creative side and the art he creates out of metal. I was imagining the pieces in my mind and know that each piece turned out beautifully...well except maybe that first giraffe.

Ella has her own baggage from her past marriage and is terrified of dogs. Sadly, River just wants to play with her and be her friend. That is hard with Ella's fear but perhaps she will overcome. Ella does stand up to her ex Trevor and it was rewarding to see him come around and realize she was the force behind his success. She even has to deal with Trevor's current wife, Megan. But knowing the situation Megan is in how can she not help?

I love this town and the community spirit it fosters. We have seen the troubles Marigold and Dave have had financially and to see the whole town chip in to help is very touching and rewarding.

All of these books can be read on their own, but it is best to start at the beginning if you can as all the characters move from book to book and you will understand their relationships much easier.

novelesque_life's review

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SET THE NIGHT ON FIRE (Cottonbloom: #6)
Written by Laura Trentham
July 31, 2018; St. Martin's Press (336 Pages)
Genre: contemporary, fiction, series, romance, small town, southern


I have a soft spot for Mack, the second eldest Abbott. He tries his best to keep his father's dream, the family garage going, while taking care of his brothers. Mack means well but sometimes his bark scares away the ones he loves. Ford, the eldest Abbott brother, has sold his quarter of the garage to an outsider. Ford has also gone to their estranged mother for aid. Mack feels betrayed from all sides. Plus his broody bearded looks sound...not so bad. This is another great book in the Cottonbloom series, but I just didn't feel the chemistry with Mack and Ella as I did with the other Abbott brothers. I really hope that Ford gets his own story...maybe with Megan?

kbranfield's review

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4.5 stars.

Set the Night on Fire by Laura Trentham is a charming enemies to lovers romance. This sixth installment in the delightful Cottonbloom series can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend the previous novels as well.

Following her divorce, Ella Boudreaux moved to Cottonbloom to start over. She has made incredible strides overcoming the damage wrought on her self-esteem and self-confidence by her ex-husband. Ella is a highly intelligent, savvy businesswoman and she has very quietly amassed a fortune through her keen business investments. Her most recent business acquisition means Ella now owns a quarter of the Abbott brothers’ car restoration and garage. She immediately butts heads with Mack Abbott, who is furious with his brother Ford for selling his shares of the family owned business. Ella has plenty of backbone and she refuses to allow Mack to intimidate her and a surprising attraction catches both of them off guard. Will Mack’s animosity toward her prevent them from giving into their scorching hot passion?

Mack is the de facto boss of the garage and Ella’s purchase of Ford’s shares grates on him. He has finally come to terms with the sudden death of their father two years earlier but he cannot quite bring himself to forgive Ford’s betrayal. Mack is also dealing with the sudden reappearance of his mother, whom he has not seen since she walked out on their family when he was a child. Needless to say, the last thing Mack needs is unwanted business partner, but will he give Ella a chance to implement her shrewd ideas for growing and streamlining their business?

The relationship between Ella and Mack is contentious but neither of them can deny their sizzling attraction for one another. Much to Mack’s frustration, Ella remains undaunted by his attempts to browbeat her into staying away from the garage. She is plucky and resourceful and she rises to whatever task he throws her way. Mack’s brothers, Jackson and Wyatt, genuinely like Ella and they become her unlikely champions with Mack. The transition from business foes to a wary friendship paves the way for their budding romance but a misunderstanding threatens the future of their relationship.

Set the Night on Fire is a fun-filled, heart-felt romance that is fast-paced and engaging. Ella is a feisty, compassionate woman whose recovery from an emotionally abusive marriage is inspiring. Mack is a gruff yet immensely appealing man who is in danger of repeating the same mistakes of his beloved father. Ella and Mack are a sweet couple whose fiery attraction leads to some blazing hot love scenes. Despite some drama late in the novel, Laura Trentham brings this newest addition to her beloved Cottonbloom series to a sigh-worthy conclusion. A captivating read that I great enjoyed and highly recommend to readers of the genre.

gothai's review

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Mack and his brothers own a garage and he does not like the fact that his elder brother has sold his part it to an outsider Ella. Ella is out of a bad marriage and wants to find a place of belonging and thinks the garage will give her a purpose. The sparks fly; banter and passion was great; the humour was good.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the eARC.

kylieeason's review

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This is the first book I’ve ready by LAura, and while you definitely know you’re missing out on a bunch of back story, it was still a pretty good read.

I gave this book three stars because while it was a decent read I didn’t connect with the characters at all. I was just kind of along for the ride instead of fully immersed in the story.

kle105's review

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The worst thing Mack can imagine is for his family car restoration business to go to an outsider. So when his brother Ford, sells to Ella he is furious. Ella is starting over after a very nasty divorce and she is looking forward to this new investment. She has a lot of ideas and hopes to market and help the business grow.

Her new partner doesn't agree though. Lots of struggle and power moves. Lots of tension, most of which is sexual. I loved seeing Mack get softer around the edges. Cute love story with drama mixed in.

I received a free copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

saschadarlington's review

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Note: In previous reviews, I've put some importance on how long it takes me to read a novel. In this case it doesn't hold because I had to read two novels during the course of reading this one.

If you’re a fan of small-town romances with memorable characters, Laura Trentham’s Cottonbloom series will be for you. Set the Night on Fire, the sixth novel in the series, has the right combination of small town charm, sense of humor, and a sizzling enemies to lovers trope.

Mack is the stubborn Abbott whose life revolves around the garage that was his father’s legacy, and now Ella Boudreaux, a woman rumors say has taken everything from her ex- in a divorce settlement, owns a portion of the garage and seems to think she can interfere with its running.

Ella, however, is not who everyone thinks she is. In fact, she’s the one who added to her ex-husband’s wealth. She’s the one with the business savvy. And, now she’s the one with her ex-husband’s wife living with her. How did that happen? She’s also the one who bought a part of the garage for sentimental reasons.

Both Mack and Ella are big-hearted and so attracted to each other that they almost ignite when they come into contact. They are also written with so much depth, exuding good as well as bad qualities, that they seem like real people.

My only disappointment was the fact that Mac’s visit to see his estranged mother seemed too much like Jackson and Willa’s visit in When the Stars Come Out (you can read my review of that novel here)—you know, deja vu all over again.

While Set the Night on Fire is the sixth book in the Cottonbloom series, it is definitely a standalone. I never had that feeling of being inundated with characters from previous novels, although it was quite obvious that Mack’s brothers already had their own stories. At some point, I will happily go back in Cottonbloom time and read the other novels in the series as Trentham is now a must-read author for me.

Read this if you like small-town romance with humor and eccentric characters.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

paddlefoot55's review

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ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

I feel that the people of Cottonbloom have become like extended family to me over the past couple of years, and it was like coming home diving into Set The Night On Fire.

I have been impatiently waiting for Mack and Ella's story since the previous book, and Ms Trentham has not disappointed.

I knew from the previous book that there was going to be sparks between our lovelies - just wasn't 100% sure if they would be sexual or hateful (note: we got a bit of both FYI!) They have more in common with each other than they think they do, and watching it all play out was a lot of fun.

I loved Ella's feistyness, Mack's broodiness and gruffness. I adored the rest of the Abbott boys and their ladies.

There is more to Set The Night on Fire than just Mack's love life. There is love, loss, family dramas, forgiveness.

I fell into this book, and read it in one afternoon, and I just want more!

I can't wait to see what Ms Trentham brings us next.

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bananatricky's review

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Three and a half stars.

At the end of the last book we found out that Ford Abbott (the second oldest Abbott son) has sold his quarter of the family business to fund his gambling debts. He sold the share to a wealthy divorcee called Ella Boudreaux. Mack, the oldest Abbott, is furious and has a stand-up row with Ella in the middle of a swanky party and vows to do everything in his power to bring the business back into Abbott hands.

Ella Boudreaux left an abusive marriage, she knows everyone thinks she's a gold-digger but the reality is somewhat different. She bought the share in the Abbott garage in memory of her older brother who loved cars and taught her to drive when she was just twelve years old. She's determined to carve out a new life, alone, in Cottonbloom starting with the Abbott garage.

I had really high hopes for this one, the start of it kind of reminded me a little of Sutton and Wyatt's story and I was hoping for a rich woman meets surly mechanic romance with a soupçon of Pride and Prejudice thrown in for good measure. Of course the reality was somewhat different.

Mack is floundering, he and his brother are at odds, his two younger brothers are happily loved up, his mother (who he hasn't seen since he was young) has resurfaced, and even the bolthole of the family business has been contaminated by Ella buying Ford's share. He's lonely and troubled that his relationship with Ford has broken down so badly, and maybe a bit guilty as well. He takes all of his frustration and guilt out on Ella, but this sophisticated little society woman has a steel core and won't stand any of his bluster. At the same time as he is fighting her with every fibre of his being he is also very slightly turned on by her feisty attitude and refusal to back down.

I liked this, I like the small town vibe, the family business, a woman building a new life for herself without having to put others down in the process. But it wasn't without fault. I felt that Ella's constant references to her saintly brother were repetitive and became tiresome. Similarly, she jumped to ridiculous conclusions about Mack and his motivations. I thought she was being ridiculously obtuse and determined to think the worst, no matter what Mack did or said. Luckily, Mack made it all better. He was a big gruff intimidating man who finds recipes on Pinterest and makes art from metal.

If you like second chance romances with couples who have faced adversity and come through it stronger, small towns and BBQ then this is the romance for you.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Bumped for release.

jaimereadsromance's review

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I think that this is my favorite book of this series so far. Mack is definitely my favorite Abbott brother. I have a thing for stubborn guys who take on the role of the protector and provider when the parents are absent or just don’t care. There is something about watching that man fall in love and learn to put his happiness first once in a while that just does it for me.

Ella was the perfect, imperfect match for Mack and that made for some really great sexual tension and wild chemistry. I love that the attraction between them was clear from the beginning, but that they both struggled to reconcile that attraction with the bumping of heads when it came to the garage.

Ella just wants to have a piece of something that reminds her of her brother and to prove to people that she can be successful after, and despite of, her divorce. Mack just wants to keep the garage owned by Abbotts because he’s trying to do what he thinks is best for family. Like he always does.

I also have a thing for slow-burning romances. You know, the ones where you can see what’s coming from a mile away but the author just keeps torturing you. You’re just waiting with bated breath for the tension to finally snap and for them to give into their feelings. Meanwhile the author is developing the characters and furthering the storyline in a way that is absolutely necessary for that tension to break and you just can’t stop reading!

Laura Trentham has mastered the art of character and world building. Sure I’m focused on the romance, but I’m also invested in the family dynamics, revisiting previous characters/couples and just falling in love with the town of Cottonbloom. This is a well-rounded, thoughtful series that just keeps getting better with every book. I never would’ve thought I’d actually be looking forward to Ford Abbott’s story but I’m seeking a good redemption story. He is next, right?