
The Hometown Hoax, by Heather Thurmeier

justmekendra's review

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The Hometown Hoax is a romance book set it Cutter's Creek, a small town. Tessa Cutter, an artist living in New York, comes home for a week to go camping with her family. She hadn't even arrived before her world turned upside down.

Crash! Someone in front of her slams on their brakes and she goes flying into the guard rail and almost off of the cliff. Talk about a close call! Getting out of her car, she realizes she can't finish her drive. The guy who caused the wreck, Logan, offers to drive her the rest of the way. Well, lo and behold, they are going to the exact same place.

The week holds its downs as Tessa makes up a fake boyfriend from New York to get her family off her back, because they want her to move home. Always. This backfires as she tries to deny her attraction to Logan.

Sparks fly, sexy time happens, and she is left feeling conflicted when the week is over. She vowed to never move back home. She wants to become someone in New York and she feels this small town of Cutter's Creek holds her back. But now, she's met Logan, who just moved into Cutter's Creek. Dilemma ensues, and who will win? Or will it end in heartbreak?

So, I adored this book. However, I do think it was the big bang that makes me fall in love. The details were great and well developed. I haven't read anything by this author before, but I definitely enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more of her books. Maybe she will write more books about Cutter's Creek? I'd love to see more about her family.

This book was a small town romance and definitely had the cute aspects of it. If you enjoy reading small town romances, you'll love this book! I've always wanted to live in a close-knit, small town, and this is the best I can get. :-) Living in Vegas does have some disadvantages. Haha.

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review, provided by NetGalley.

wessa's review

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DNF @ 43%

Blurb: Tessa Cutter escaped her tiny hometown and chased her artistic dreams straight to Manhattan. Now she’s home for a camping trip with her family. To keep them off her back, she makes up the perfect pretend boyfriend—successful, important, and most of all, permanently located in New York.
Logan Ridley lost everything when his Manhattan-based personal training studio shut down. Luckily, a friend got him a position as a gym teacher in the small town of Cutter’s Creek. He’s heard a lot about the infamous Tessa, but she’s even better than he imagined. Except, she seems to hate everything about the small town he’s growing to love.


Alright, this is how it went:

•Girl meets boy after he almost got her killed on the road
•Boy happens to be vacationing in the same place as her
•Boy knows her family
•Family set them up in the same cabin
•Girl tells everyone she had a boyfriend back home, which is a lie
•Girl and boy are hot for each other
•Boy finds out girl’s lying
•Yada yada sexual tension yada yada girl and boy realize they’re both more than they let people know.


In theory this book should’ve worked but I had a really hard time caring about the characters because:

1.Tessa was very rude to everyone.
2.I was not hot for Logan.
3.Too many clichés for me to handle.
4.Tessa and Logan’s relationship was rushed.
5.Not likeable characters.

What bothers me the most is the fact that I could have related to Tessa in so many ways. Like her overhyperprotective family and her desire of living her life on her own terms and all of that but it was so poorly executed I couldn’t sympathize with her whatsoever. Logan was too pushy and Tessa was so bitchy and her family was too intrusive. Everything was taken to the extreme.

So, nope. This one wasn’t for me at all and life’s way too short to read books you’re not interested in.
