
The Best Thing by Jaci Burton

agrutle's review

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Brody is the middle child in between oldest Wyatt and youngest Ethan and also the last one single. Last year he kissed their office manager and family friend at the company Christmas party and he can't think of anything else but her. He's known as a man whore, love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy and that doesn't set well when Tori throws that up in his face.

Tori has been in love with Brody since she was fifteen years old. Something's changed since that kiss and she can't decide if its for the better or for the worse. She wants nothing more then for Brody to sweep her off her feet and tell her that he wants her for always, but she knows that's not his style so she hides. She's afraid she'll lose him and his family, that have become her her family the last few years. When Brody confronts her about the way things have changed, she has to decide does she throw caution to the wind or does she protect her heart.

Watching these two dance around each other was great. The sexual chemistry they had was leaping off the pages. Sometimes thought meddling can be very bad thing and can send a relationship that's moving forward flying backwards at the speed of light. You should go and read about all three Kent brothers if you haven't yet. I know you won't be disappointed!

mees_grows's review

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Decent book but the ending was a little bit over the top and tied up too quickly and unrealistically.

belle505's review

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Typical contemp romance. Girl has crush, doesn't want to ruin friendship...yata, yata, yata.

lenoreo's review

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2.5 stars -- definitely my least favourite of the 3 novellas of the Kent Brothers. It felt like it jumped into the story real quick, and I was left feeling a bit of disbelief at the characters -- they really went 10 months with a mean Tori?? It took them that long to say "enough is enough"?? So it started me off on the wrong foot. Then I wasn't really impressed with Tori herself, and her reasoning for behaving the way she was with everyone else. Brody I get, but what did everyone else do to deserve her apparent wrath?

And then they got together and some of the lines felt cheesy to me...and yes, I know, it's a Christmas novella. But I just found myself going "really?" a few more times than I would like.

And then it wrapped up quickly too. I don't know what to say, I just wasn't feeling this one...

ssejig's review

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This is either a novella or part of an anthology since it's just over a hundred pages. But it's still a good read.
The story opens with Brody Kent being admonished by his brothers to "Fix Tori." It seems that, ever since he kissed her at the company party ten months ago (TEN MONTHS? And they're just getting to this now?) she just hasn't been the same.
See, Tori has had the super-hots for Brody for a long time now (over ten years) but Brody has only recently noticed that she's a good looking woman. Knowing that Brody is a player and not wanting to lose the only family she's ever really had, Tori is gun shy about jumping into the sack with him. It's only going to break her heart.
I haven't read the other two books in this series but still enjoyed this story. For me, knowing that two characters have a back story helps make short stories more believable. And while it takes awhile for these two to finally communicate, it's done in a realistic way. Except for the last-way-too-over-the-top end scene. Nope. Did not enjoy that. But the rest of the story was good.

thenia's review

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Tori has had a huge crush on Brody for years, but his womanizing ways always kept her back.

When Brody suddenly kisses her in the middle of an argument she panics, fearing that she'll lose her job and the family she's come to love when he moves on as he always does, and starts avoiding him for months, before he finally corners her to resolve their issues.

Brody is shocked when he learns what people think of him and realizes
that they are not wrong. For once having a relationship doesn't make him want to run, but he'll have to convince Tori to give them a chance.

A moment of intense stupidity on his part almost ruins what turns out to be a great relationship between them, but he resorts to a grand gesture and finally reaches his own happily ever after.

All three Kent brothers' stories are short and sweet, with Christmas as the background helping to bring about happy endings.

Previous book review:

All She Wants for Christmas (Kent Brothers, #1)
A Rare Gift (Kent Brothers, #2)

bookedinsideout's review

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This was definitely my favourite of the trilogy. It probably had the biggest over-the-top cheesy ending, but it actually made me smile and somehow feels fitting for Christmas. There were a few things I didn’t love (like the brothers referring to the leading lady a few times as “broken” when what they meant was “hurting”), but amidst the holiday romance of it all, there were some real themes that we got to see play out even within a short novella.

sarahbowman101's review

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Do you know what is worse than a cosy Christmas romance novel? A cosy Christmas romance novella. Romance books tend to be bad at character development. They are pretty good at creating characters you like by telling you over and over what their good qualities are, and not by showing you. And part of the fun of watching the relationship develop in romance novels is the banter, the tension, and the dialogue of uncertain desire. But if you cut out 2/3 of the novel, you are left with even less character development and even less of the relationship build up and left with clunky bits about people who are fine and all but also completely banal. The conflict was to trite and the HEA was the hero standing on a cop car with a megaphone so she knows he IS SERIOUS. Ug.
I was desperate for something light to read after I finished another excellent novel and this was available as an ebook. It took me about 25 minutes to read, so I guess I'm not sorry but it was pretty terrible. Also? Boring sex scenes.

thefiercepanda's review

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2 1/2 stars

abbielairson117's review

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It was ok but I prefer longer books.