
Untethered by Katie Hayoz

ninjabunneh's review against another edition

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This book had everything I hate. The stereotypical cookie cutter crew. The gorgeous best friend, the unattainable boy (who falls for said best friend), the bitch that bullies our poor mc Sylvie, and the boy who actually likes Sylvie, but she is too obsessed with unattainable boy. And let's welcome Sylvie, our supposed heroine. The girl we should all fall for. She is self depreciating, depressed, blames all of the problems surrounding her life on her own being, and is just not likable. I know what you're thinking.
 photo robert_zps4a554bbc.gif
I thought that, too. Then I got over it. Why? Because this is a pretty damn good book.
This had to have been one of the most interesting YA reads I have had in a good while. It isn't full of rainbows, puppies, and unicorns. It is a dark story, full of unhealthy obsession, jealousy, and betrayal. It is about how far a person may go to get what they want, and how much of themselves they sacrifice to get there. It's realizing that you cannot possibly know someone until you do. It is also a story of maybe, just maybe, you can change who you are, and become who you were always meant to be.
This book is a journey, and with all the surface negatives it may have, I'm glad I went along for the ride.

Thank you to Ms. Hayoz for the arc.
No cookies were given to me in exchange for this honest review.

Solid 3.5 stars.

jenny_reads_horror's review

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I LOVED this book! I zipped right through it, having a hard time putting if down. The characters were enjoyable, the feelings real. I would definitely like to read more books from this author, especially a follow up to UNTETHERED!

gypjet's review against another edition

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I was quite impressed by this book. I was intrigued initially by the premise, because I haven't read any paranormal/urban fantasy type books about astral projection. Plus the fact it won a book award gave me the impetus to ask to read it in exchange for an honest review.

Sylvie, the main character, has a tough life in her own eyes. She has this terrible issue that when she is highly stressed, she slips out of her body and her body appears to go catatonic. She has suffered years of bullying in exchange, and countless medical tests and appointments because no one believes her. This is a great beginning for a teen issues book. It deals with bullying, family issues, friend issues and boyfriend/girlfriend issues. What adds a nice twist is the paranormal ability of Sylvie to astral project.

Once Sylvie realizes that she can control the gift it becomes an escape for her. As she leads herself deeper into despair over the problems in her life, she becomes more and more negative. The author does a great job of showing teen angst (reminded me of my teen years and how twisted your thinking is then). This leads her into doing something very selfish and very dangerous.

Pros: As a story, the author did a great job of creating a believable world full of believable characters. I think she had great insight into the teen mind. She did an excellent job of explaining that transition everyone goes through from the selfishness of childhood to empathy for others. The pacing was well done, and I never wanted to put it down. I wanted to find out what Sylvie would do next how she would figure out the truth about how things worked and if she would learn to like herself in the end.

Cons: I don't have many cons. The only thing I felt was left wanting at the end, was more explanation about the shadows. I didn't think this was supposed to be a sequel, so I wished there was more on the paranormal end to explain them. There was also one tiny plot hole at the beginning, and I told myself I'd remember it for the review, but I didn't, so it must not have been that important!

Overall, for me, the final grade for a book is if I would recommend it to others. I would definitely recommend this to lovers of YA, fantasy, urban fantasy and teen issues. I think it is a good story, it has a good message, and it was fun and entertaining.

literary_chaos's review against another edition

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I was drawn to this book because of the uniqueness of the plot. It seems that most young adult fiction lately is about paranormal creatures, dystopian worlds, or high school drama, so the fact that it was about something as unique as astral projecting made me excited to read the novel. The book itself is an easy read, even at three hundred and fifty pages I never felt that I was forcing myself to continue. The book had an easy reading level that I think preteen and teens can enjoy.

That being said, those who do not have the patients to read from a young teen girls point of view may get easily annoyed with the character. Sylvie, as a character, can be self-centered and obnoxious at times. She is often preoccupied and
obsessed with things that are very trivial, which some readers could find frustrating. For me, however, I felt that Sylvie was a typical teenaged girl (give or take a few bad choices). I think the author did a great job of portraying teen girls as they really are; dramatic, preoccupied with trivial things, and sometimes short-sighted.

Overall, I think that the author did a great job of creating a story that many ages can read and enjoy. The book has such a unique plot that I would definitely recommend giving the book a chance even if it is not your normal genre of book.

solelylu's review against another edition

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Original Posting: Gaga Over Books

This was another book I was given the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review by the Gr Group Shut Up & Read.

Surprisingly, I found the book really good. My interest was piqued right from the moment I read that first line.

The book was told form Sylvie's perspective. And it was such a fun perspective to read from. We would get glimpses of Sylvie in someone else's body and then it would go back to the present. An intriguing start that led to more interesting scenarios along with some fun moments.

This book was realistic, unique what with astral projections. I seriously thought what she was experiencing was because she had some supernatural powers so I really liked this scientific aspect.

Untethered wasn't all about astral projections. It had all that boy and (girl)friend trouble. Although it was annoying that Sylvie couldn't see Nelson in front of her but well, we all are stupid that way. So can't really blame her. Also, I liked how this book was real. When Cassie found out about why and how she ended where she wasn't supposed to I really liked her reaction. This is how I would have reacted.

The pacing of this book also kept things interesting. The characters added to it. I liked everything. So, what I am saying is I really enjoyed reading it.

Totally Recommended.

What? I can't even catch a break in a different body

jen286's review against another edition

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Also posted to Jen in Bookland

4.5 stars I received this book in exchange for a review. Really when I read the description I was just kind of eh on the idea. It sounded like it could be really annoying and I wasn't sure I would like it. I looked up other reviews and the consensus seemed to be that it was great so I thought I would give it a try. I am so glad I did! From the first sentence I was hooked. Somehow Katie Hayoz managed to make a character (Sylvie) who doesn't see what is right in front of her face and can be kind of oblivious and stupid about things, but made her so I didn't find her completely annoying. Most authors do not manage that. Most times I cannot stand characters who are similar in characteristics to Sylvie. Usually there is a lot of eye rolling, yelling, and complaining to my husband going on about what is wrong with this character?! Sylvie though I actually enjoyed. I understood her reasonings and she was just really interesting to read. I still am kind of blown away by the fact that the author managed to pull it off so well, manage to write Sylvie in a way I didn't hate. It was great.

So what else did I like about the book? Well almost everything. The writing was really good, the characters were all wonderfully written, the plot was interesting and kept me asking what is going on?? Or what is going to happen?? and anticipating the next pages. I couldn't put the book down. Sylvie is always down on herself and thinks her bff is perfect, when you that is not the case. There is one line in the book that really stuck with me and summed up Sylvie excellently. Cassie said something about how Sylvie didn't like herself so she didn't let other people like her or see how great she was. It was so spot on that it just was like yes! That is it exactly! She is so down on herself she won't let anyone or believe anyone likes her even when it is obvious that they do.

I really can't say enough good things about this book. It was such a surprise that I enjoyed it so much. The story is also interesting with the whole astral projection thing. It was very different from anything else I have read, and the character all felt real. Definitely recommend reading it as it was a pleasure.

hollymbryan's review against another edition

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I have been wanting to read UNTETHERED since it was first released and I saw the blog tour happening on several blogs I follow. It sounded great and was receiving really good reviews from the bloggers I trusted, so it immediately went on my wish list. Then, this October, I lucked out and saw that the book was available for free, so I gleefully downloaded it and started reading. And I am SO GLAD that I did! The story of Sylvie, who is traumatized by the fact that her soul slips outside of her body without her control but who later gains control (of a sort) over her astral projection, is not only exciting but also subtly presents the reader with such a beautiful and uplifting message. I went through just about every emotion possible over the course of the book, but at the end I was left with such a sense of...well, there's no better way to say it than just, a feeling of PEACE.

I absolutely love this book, and I had such a good time reading it. I say that even though there were definitely times when my heart broke for Sylvie (and sometimes one or more of the other characters -- even certain ones I thought I hated), there were times I cried (it's true, I'm a baby when it comes to books!), there were times I was spooked out big time, and there were times I thought I would go crazy with the tension and suspense. So, it may sound weird to say I "had a good time" and enjoyed reading it -- BUT having my heart broken, being brought to tears, having goosebumps or finding my heart in my throat from the spookiness is EXACTLY what I WANT from a book! Not every person who writes a book can achieve these results with their writing, and to be frank I think it is even harder for an indie author because they do not have the benefit of a whole team of professional editors, proofreaders, and other publishing folks to help them refine and polish their book. HOWEVER, Katie is one indie author who has absolutely succeeded without the big publisher behind her; the support she received from family and friends, fellow writers, and beta readers, combined with her own immeasurable talent, has resulted in a 5-star book!

I truly feel that Katie put her heart and soul into this book -- into creating believable and relatable characters (even those we might wish we didn't relate to), a stellar and unique plot, a full and complete story, and all the things readers want to find in the books they read. The way she wrote in first person was brilliant; the reader couldn't possibly have been any closer to Sylvie without BEING Sylvie! On top of that, I honestly think that if you didn't go into this book knowing it was by an indie author, you would believe it was professionally published (and professionally edited). There were only a few errors here and there, and those that I did see were very minor (pretty much the same as you would find in most professionally-produced books from a big publisher! I regularly find at least 3-5 errors in most books I read). I emphasize this because (1) I don't want anyone to forego reading this book just because it's indie, because this is top-notch writing, and (2) I read a lot of indie books and cringe when I see loads of errors, including rambling writing; unfocused plots; poor grammar, sentence structure, and spelling; stilted dialogue; story threads left unanswered and hanging; etc ad nauseum. So I just want to stress that I have no doubt a publisher could pick up UNTETHERED and turn around and put it on the market almost immediately, with very little editing -- it is that high in quality!

I firmly believe that just about anyone could pick up this book to read and find themselves at the end having felt all the feels I mentioned above and having fallen in love with the book as much as I have. I would absolutely, without a doubt, put Katie Hayoz on my list of auto-buy authors, and I can't wait until she has written something else I can read!! (Seriously, Katie, be it works-in-progress, emails, shopping lists...I'll read anything!!) I strongly recommend this book to those who love to read YA books, paranormal books, books with strong characters you can love (or hate!)....honestly, there aren't many readers I can think of to whom I *wouldn't* recommend this book! Please pick it up, give it a try, and then let Katie (and the rest of us) know just how much you loved it!!

One final thing before I go: I just wanted to give Katie props for the decision to change the cover. I actually liked the old cover and thought it was pretty, but oh my gosh THIS COVER... it's designed by Nathalia Suellen, who also did my two favorite covers ever ever ever (and I've been around for a long time, people!) -- for SPLINTERED and UNHINGED by A.G. Howard. I think she is truly an artistic genius, and her design here just perfectly captures Sylvie's story. I'm thrilled that Katie was able to work with someone so talented and that the outside of the book now truly matches the quality - and the beauty, and the genius! - of what's inside.

libscote's review against another edition

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This one got more readable toward the end, when the action picked up. Sylvie believes that her life is horrible. She has allergies and spontaneously leaves her body behind, which is causing friction in her family. They don't actually believe her when she says what's wrong, although they do recognize the symptoms. She also has a huge crush on a guy named Kevin, who is starting to get interested in her best friend Cassie.

There were many times I wanted to shake Sylvie for how she was acting, even though I also felt like it was typical teenager stuff put in an extreme situation. Still, the shaking overruled everything else.

afirepages's review against another edition

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“I love the library: the hushed voices, the smell of books, even the way the wrinkled old ladies behind the desk look at you like you’re up to no good.”

That moment when you literally left your body behind:

Sylvie Sydell is suddenly, uncontrollably, and unpredictably slipping out of her body.

Sylvie’s best friend for already 11 years Cassie is now popular. Cassie changed for the better (or not?). After 11 years of being best friends and sticking with each other, Sylvie remains as the weird and awkward “psycho skinny Sylvie Sydell” while Cassie became popular, friendly and more beautiful. And she is now dating the ultimate love of Sylvie’s life Kevin.

Sylvie’s parents are separating. Sylvie blames herself for what is happening to her family. She thinks that if maybe she’s not weird, or if she doesn’t even exist at all, maybe her parents will still try. Maybe her younger brother Sam will still have a complete family. Maybe her parents are still together.

Sylvie loves art. She is an artist but also a total “loser” - if that’s what you called people who almost have no one in school but except for one or two. She has this incredible talent of identifying different shades of colors such as Ivory Black, Red Ochre, Burnt Sienna and more (which I find really cool). People think she is a “psycho” because of her sudden faints in fact Thori Thompson is calling her the “psycho skinny Sylvie Sydell”. She tips over her toes, then she’ll faint. She got hurt, then she’ll faint. She’s eating, then she’ll faint. She feels angry, then she’ll faint. Name it. All through these years, people have always believed that she’s just passing out, what they don’t know is she’s already slipping out of her body; suddenly, uncontrollably, and unpredictably.

Untethered talks about typical teenagers’ life that no one can ever truly understand except the teenagers of this generation ourselves, best friends growing up, families falling apart, love triangles, and obsession.

First of all, I hate how so in love – or should I say obsessed – Sylvie is towards this Kevin. She’s so obsessed with him to the point that she is willing to give up everything just to have him. The reason why Sylvie is so in love with this Kevin is so typical, totally cliché. Kevin saved Sylvie from some bullies on 6th grade. And because of that, the young Sylvie Sydell thought he was a hero and that’s it! 6 years passed and she still can’t get over it. Worse, she’s becoming more “in love” with this guy as the time goes by, even if he definitely doesn’t like her.

The story will open our eyes to the subject of astral projection. First things first, I have read books about OBE (out of body experience) but never heard of astral projection. Reading the blurb, I thought that this will be just another typical book about a soul being out of its body - one book that has the same concept is Every Day by David Levithan – but I was wrong. Astral projection is very different from that. And it’s not entirely safe – for your body and for your soul.

Although I’m already used to this kind of story – love triangles, besties’ quarrel, and out of body experiences or OBE - I still find this book gripping, intriguing, and worth reading. It’s the kind of book I am looking for. It’s the kind of book that has the power to get me out of a reading slump. I can actually finish it within a day if it wasn’t for the school stuffs, because it is just really a page-turner.

Every single page since the very beginning contains too much emotions. That’s the reason why I couldn’t even stop reading it. Every words used, are perfect. The only thing that I didn’t liked are the emotions the main character has. She’s too jealous, insecure, self-loathing, desperate. At first, I am really glad at how the emotions in this book can consume me, but as the time goes by I got pretty exhausted. Reading this eventually became very exhausting. I got exhausted on how insecure, jealous, selfish, envious and self-loathing Sylvie is to the point that I almost don not want to finish it. I got her point. I understand her but still, things could have been better if she did not let things happened, if she did not made things happened and if she did not let these emotions control her.

I love Sylvie’s character. Although she became a little bit frustrating and her thoughts became depressing, I still find her character so likeable. There’s something unique with this female main character that will make you love her even though she is really annoying and frustrating at some times. As a reader who knows what the heroine will do is already wrong and you can’t even yell at her saying “SYLVIE DON’T DO THAT. SYLVIE DON’T DO THIS.”, reading her journey of diving into so many troubles in her life that she created is still a very engaging and entertaining journey. You will see her learn and that’s one of the reasons why you should read this. It will make you smirk thinking “I TOLD YOU”. It will also make you smile, laugh, roll your eyes, frown, blame her, and want to hug her.

The writing is very good. It’s the kind of writing that makes me crave for more, need more. From the relatable characters, the issues being tackled, the convincing plot, infuriating, annoying but still lovable main character and the narration, everything went perfectly altogether.

Lessons from Untethered?

People change. No matter how you don’t want them to, even if you stop them, people will still change. And so are you.

 Chapter 28 “Watch What You Wish For (Because you’ll get something else altogether)”

 Telling the truth, because “the truth will set you free.

Accepting reality.

Love yourself. Embrace your flaws. Just love who you are. No matter how ugly you feel, you don’t have any idea how someone out there sees you so beautifully like you are such a precious gem. There’s always someone out there, waiting for you to notice.

Be contented. It may feel like things around you are not a loss, and that you don’t really want and need them in your life, but once you lost them, you’ll see and realize how grateful you should be.

Judging people will lead you nowhere.

 We often think that we already know a person, what we don’t know is what we’re seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. We need to dive deeper to truly and deeply know a person.

This book has a very nice trick. I didn’t saw it coming. I love the twist. It’s shocking.


I’m giving a 5/5 stars for Untethered. A gripping, full of drama and slightly depressing read that talks about some teenager’s issues. I recommend this to everyone but most importantly to teenagers. Surely most of you will relate BUT just a little reminder, you might not be able to take the emotions of Sylvie. But why not give Sylvie Sydell a chance?

“Blood sisters, blood sisters as long as we live. Always together, we always forgive.”

Disclaimer: Thank you Xpresso Book Tours for providing me a copy in exchange of an honest book review.

ltg584's review

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Yes! Yesyesyes! I absolutely LOVED this story! It's original, enthralling and suspenseful. Also, exactly what I was in the mood for. I'm going to be suffering some serious book hangover after this one...

The first thing that struck me while reading, within the first pages, was the absolute contrast between Untethered and her Clockwork Siren series. I had assumed that since they were both paranormal, that they would read very similarly, but I couldn’t have been more wrong! The Clockwork Siren, being aimed more towards adults, has a more mature feel to it. The characters are flawed, certainly, but all of their decisions have adult complexity. Untethered, on the other hand, being in first person/present tense, reads as though you truly are within the mind of a teenage girl. Completely different! It’s so great to find that an author has such versatility. Pleasant surprise!

I absolutely loved Sylvie! She was so realistic (my opinion being based on my own experience as a teen girl, obviously). She was self-centered, shallow and had low self-esteem; doesn’t she sound great?