
A Walk in the Snark by Rachel Thompson

mamalemma's review

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I wanted to like it, I really did. Unfortunately, despite having kids the same age, and being married for nearly the same amount of time, I found little in common with the author. So much of the content read like a bad sitcom. I don't like shoes or martinis, and my hubs does not follow the "mancode" in the slightest bit. The work felt completely inauthentic and stereotypical to me. I really liked the stories about her ex, though. Those were gut-wrenchingly honest pieces of writing that felt real. I'd like to read more of that.

gettinglostinagoodbook's review

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I finished this book - but only because I kept hoping it would get better. I read several reviews, and am wondering if my copy was different. While I did find some of the relationship, and MANCODE, stuff easy to relate to and amusing, the term hilarious seems like quite the stretch for me. I found the book repetetive and somewhat lacking in substance. To be fair - perhaps reading it in short blog entries seems more appropriate. I also found the parts about D to a bit whiny and not fitting in with the rest of the book.

katieneedsabiggerbookshelf's review

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Got 3/4 of the way through and gave up. I was trying to finish just to finish. On the plus side it's a quick read. However, it was repetitive and seemed like it was just a bunch of blog posts thrown into a book. If I read about toilet paper rolls one more time I think I would scream. Maybe the fact that I'm not married meant I didn't see the humor as much, but I just couldn't finish.

bcbrownbooks's review

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Rachel Thompson doesn't disappoint in this witty, humorous look at relationships. While there were a few places where the writing could have been tightened a bit, the overall impression of this book is clever. It left me smirking on more than one occasion and even laughing aloud on others. It wouldn't be a read for everyone, but it is one I'll recommend to readers I know enjoy a good snarky sense of humor.