
ENDURER A Rape Story by Kapil Raj

singh_reads_kanwar2's review

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Review: This novel show us the true face of modern rich society who are there to show off, about brands, sex, rave parties, extra marital affairs, visiting or hiring high class escorts , trophy wifes and mistress, bad political influence, rich spoilt brats and girls, who demean other to show that they are superior, but hollow inside , there life is like a vicious circle which revolve around friends who are there for social status and back biting behind your back.
So the our story about a girl who was once full of life but an incidence change whole group life, people are there with venom in there heart for revenge and inhumane behaviour for they are desperate and then story turn into a revenge story and boy come to girl rescue later came to know his past too and then girl make an online statement and take those criminal for a wild ride in there life for what they have done and started a new business with friends and women's to help them.

▶cover is awesome shiny mat and beautiful
▶story build up, convincing and real
▶ Characters are larger then life
▶mirror to high society etticates
▶ problems faced by middle class and backward areas
▶ family turmoil are well presented in rich house
▶slap on upper class society spoilt brat
▶mirror to law enforcement system and its policies
▶ Justification of rape is impossible based on body size colour

aanchi3's review

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This book is about Palak, a college student. She like many other acted impulsive to bring thrill in life. Having a tough childhood, she needed all the distractions she could get. All the drugs and parties were fun. Until, at one rave party she decided to take it a notch higher and when she woke up next morning, things changed. She was raped and a clip was shared. What shocked her the most was the one in the video with her was someone she trusted. Who raped her? How did this happen?
The fact that it touches the life of a rape survivor gives the story a strong base. It touched the emotions a rape survivor has to go through. How we are still fighting for sexism. How girls still have to wear appropriately or act a certain way to feel safe. This book really brings out the sad reality of our society. Love, life, friendship and betrayal play such important part in very persons life. This story talks about all these problems. I really admire the authors will to talk about such important and sensitive issues. We need to know what goes through a rape victims mind. This book makes you feel a lot and leaves you with serious questions about our society.
The narration was a little weak but the story was gripping. The cover is beautiful and the language is very easy.

dhruv1996's review

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The best thing about the book is the thinking behind it. The effort by the author to put forward the thought process of our society's endurers is is really praiseworthy. But the book did have it's fair share of weak points.More about the good and the bad later.

The plot feels very real and unfortunately one can imagine someone already having face the same situation in real life. Palak seems to be a girl from a well to do family and one who is enjoying her life along with a bunch of friends. They involve themselves in various activities such as Drinking, Smoking, Parties and even Rave Parties. In one such party , Palak's life changes forever when she is raped by a person whom she trusted(Rohin). While still coming to terms with it her sex video is leaked. But,is there more to the story? And how will Palak take her life forward is what essentially forms the Crux of the story.

What I liked -
(1) As mentioned, the concept is important and we need more books exploring the same.
(2) Author has very rightly called out various prejudices against rape survivors.
(3) The story picks up as one moves forward and towards the end putting down the book is really difficult.
(4) The Title is well thought-out and apt for the content.

What could have been better-
(1) I felt the narration was the weakest part of the book, mainly in the beginning.
(2) There were lapses of logic. For example Right at the start Palak's group is shown trusting Rohin (a stranger) just days after he and Abhay had a massive fight.

But should one read the book? Definitely Yes because it's one of the most important topic in the current society.

byronicreader's review

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Good story with a sensitive theme. The story talks about the struggle of a rape victim and how she overcomes the struggle. The writing style is crisp without any unwanted details.

kusumita's review

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"Some decisions change your life, but a few of them shape it. The irony is that most of the time we can hardly make the difference."

Palak, who recently joined college was living her life one letter at a time - New found love, drugs, cat - fights, patch ups, crushes, night hangouts and unplanned trips. There was so much to enjoy and relish. To spice up things even more, she, along with her gang went to a Rave Party.
Little did she know how dangerous a storm was cooling its heels. She woke up the next morning to a reality she never even dreamt of in her dreams. Yes, she was raped.
Her world started turning up and down and nothing remained the same again. Cold stares, behind-the-back gossips and friend-turned-strangers came down crashing on her. Forced to flee from her world and distancing herself from the joys she had recently found, this heart-rending story is about a rape survivor - her struggle with reality everyday, with the world, trying to tell them that she wasn't at fault, trying to bring herself back to normal, the troubling flashbacks and, last but not the least, the conflict with her inner self.
Will Palak be able to fight against the taboos of the society and rise? Will she opt revenge? Will her life be the same once again? Read this eye-opener by Kapil Raj to get a glimpse of the cruel world a rape victim lives in.

deepanshi's review

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Endurer - a rape story.

Rape is one among those few words which actually scare me. This word teleports my mind in trauma. This word itself is misery and there are many stories hooked with this word - Rape. The pain and the hardship with the girl and her family suffer just due to the uncontrollable libidos makes me burst out of anger. But still, there is no cure of this sensitive topic.

Palak's life was moving swiftly - new love, luxurious life, drinks and drugs, fights, and everything that a college going student dreams of. Her life was a perfect one. Palak was the eye catcher, the girl, who can easily attract people's attention. Things were just the same as she desired - until then. She couldn't imagine a thing like this can happen to her - she could bear the fact that she was raped and In those traumatic days, she was compelled to end her life in order to come out of this unforseen situation, and the person who raped her, was also a big surprise to her. But things are not always the way we see it. She was already struggling with herself, her stances took a toll witnessing horrifying tales of women and young girls. But things didn't end the way she wished to, it ended the way it should have ended. There was a second side of the story which compels the readers to flip the pages and read without stopping.

This book is take of a girl who was raped and how she comes out of such trauma. The writing style is simple yet interesting. While starting with this, you might feel a little bored but trust me, it's interesting when you come to the middle of the story and it is very thrilling to know the actual rapists and how she overcomes. A strong read!

confuzzledreader's review

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“The deepest cuts are given by the people who are nearest to you. Why? Because they can.”

"Rape"- The word in itself is so horrifying that whenever I hear a rape case I get goosebumps all over my body. I chose to read this book because I wished to read about the rape victims and know about their feelings and agony. Though it was a fiction writing but I found the story to be a reality in today's world.
The story is about 6 friends- who belonged to rich and wealthy families and enjoyed their luxurious lifestyle. Each one of them loved partying and they found pleasure in having drugs . An illegal Rave Party was organised in Delhi by some peddlers and drugs of every level were available to people. The friends decided to give it a shot and got all dressed up for the party. But what they thought to be a pleasurable party became a nightmare for all of them the very next day. One of their friends - Palak was rapped and no one knew about the rapists. Palak's world collided when her sex video with Rohin was leaked, leaving her shattered to the core. On investigation, she found out that Rohin was missing and everyone thought of him as the culprit. But Rohin returned to take Palak with him to his village in order to help her fight the trauma.
Who raped Palak? And Was Rohin really the culprit? How did Palak survive after all this mess?
You definitely need to read the book to know all the answers.

I loved reading the book and the story felt so realistic to me. Each and every character was so well portrayed. The emotions felt so real that I actually imaged them. My favourite character was definitely Rohin. While reading about the condition and situation of the rape victim, I felt so bad and ashamed of people who are so insensitive to others. This is the debut novel of the author and he has done a tremendous job. The language used is easy and understandable and the narration is smooth and well paced.
Recommended for each and every reader and non reader.

kpuranik's review

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Thank you for the review copy @realistespresso :)
Every single day we hear stories of rape and victims who survived it. A henious crime that has ruined countless lives till date. Endurer is a book that addresses issues and the stigma that comes with the term rape. I was eager to read it and managed to finish it in just a day.
Palak, an outgoing student has always been the centre of attraction for her looks as well as for her nature. Her friend circle screams money, they party till morning and are no stranger to drugs. Beginning of the book talks about the parties that they attend and their life in college. I felt this part was quite dragged than necessary. Palak is then abused and sexually harassed at a party and wakes up the next day with no memory of the event.
A video clip is then circulated in her college which shows the culprit as Rohin from her friend circle. While Rohin pleads that it wasn't him who raped her, an investigation then begins to find out who had a hand behind this horrendous act. Rohin takes Palak to his hometown to protect her from public's scrutiny. Here, she founds solace in his mother's embrace for the time being. Rest of the story focuses on Palak and Rohin trying to figure who targeted her. Things start to unfurl and shocking truth is revealed.
This story has been penned thoughtfully, considering the victim's mindset and trauma. The horrors that women are suffering as a consequence of this henious crime breaks my heart. Public's reaction to such incidents, friends support, the humiliation that comes with a crime like that, it has all been written down. Palak's story is not just fiction but happens to real women almost everyday. Though the plot was well executed, I felt that the story could have been made much more crisp.
I would rate this book 3.7/5.

jenifer_reads's review

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Palak, a college student living in Delhi is a hosteler. She lives a blissful life with her friends. Her life with her father is complicated as her mother passes away. She lives with her roommates happily, enjoying her classes and parties. On a particular day, along with her friends she gone to a party where she gets raped.

Who rapes her? Was it intentional? Is it for revenge or someone being jealous? She doesn’t remember anything on being raped or who raped her. Her life is devastated and she can’t seem to find why she was raped in first place.

Read the book to know more. This book is an emotional rollercoaster and an important topic to be discussed in the current world. Being a raped women comes with huge price. How she being in the state of trauma or fear, overcomes/withstands in the society with a shame on her shoulder is greatly said.

The writing and narration is good. It’s a fast paced book which leaves the reader stunned and inspiring at the end.

gunjanmaheshwaribookwormreads's review

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Endurer : A Rape Story by Kapil Raj is about a college going girl Palak, who was living her life peacefully, enjoying it with her friends, bunking classes, partying and what not but one day everything changes when she gets raped.

The book starts with the day of her birthday and how they are planning to celebrate it. The beginning mainly talks about parties, alcohol and drugs which I think was shown too casually and extreme to digest. And then in a rave party, Palak was heavily drugged and sexually abused, leaving her in a helpless state and no memory of the event. Her friends starts the investigation to find the culprit because going to the police wasn't a option for them.

Everyday, we hear or read about rape cases and we all know how it is with them. The victim is blamed for not taking enough care, for attending parties with boys, for not covering themselves enough and for provoking boys. It's a heinous crime that destroys lives, causing physical and mental damage. It's unimaginable, unforgivable and terrifying and we should know what to say and not to say to the victim and how to support them.

The story has a lot of twists and is really engaging. Reading Palak's monologue after the abuse was really heart-breaking. The book indirectly talks about how drug abuse can be disastrous and how not everyone you meet can be trusted. At the same time, you can see friends and strangers helping you in the worst of times when even your family doesn't care.

What I didn't like was the writing style. The transition from one scene to other was surreal and I couldn't understand what just happened, the flow wasn't good. Also, the author has discussed a great issue but somehow the story lacked depth. The beginning was dragged and there was this one thing which I just couldn't comprehend that how could you trust and go with someone you think is your abuser. I loved the idea and wanted to like this book but the plot and the character had no strong base.