
Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout

lavendermarch's review against another edition

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I just reread this. And it is sexy asf.

moogly_googly's review against another edition

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I thought this book was far better than the previous one in the series. I liked Katy in this, i always love Daemon :) And even the other characters seemed better in this book. There were the moments in the book where i started crying, which alarmed the people i was near to, and i laughed, sighed, and another at the end when i could have punched someone.
At the end of the book i was crying, there are cliff hangers then there's this type of ending when it takes a few hours to process and then you have to read it again and again.
Overall i thought this book was much better, and i can't wait for the next book to be released :)

kippins's review against another edition

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I am so sad, I didn't enjoy this half as much as I have the first 2 in this series which I absolutely loved and bullied encouraged so many of my goodreads friends into reading about the divine Daemon Black.
But this was just so depressing and whiny and dare I say a little bit boring (eek).
Don't get me wrong there were still some completely awesome scenes in this especially between Katy & Daemon.
And I will definitely continue on with the series cause I felt like this was "that" book in a series, you know the one where everything is bleak and depressing so that things can get better from there.
I feel blue :*(

kristenbooks's review against another edition

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2-26-21: alright, I've now caught up to where I left off with the series. It's just as addicting as I remembered, and I'm dying to finish the series!!

I KNEW that was how she was going to end the book. Ugh I KNEW IT. And it's even more frustrating because I was sitting there for the last 50 pages hoping I was wrong because JLA totally wouldn't do that to us but OF COURSE SHE WOULD DO THAT TO US. Ugh I simultaneously love and hate this series.

I never noted my rating on the book-- it was probably my least favorite of the series so far, but only marginally. Still definitely 4/5. I think it's about an 8/10 or 8.5/10.

viktrei26's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional lighthearted mysterious sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


nikkimouse_16's review against another edition

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WOW I feel so drained after reading this book. Ugh. I love this series.

bluebeignet's review against another edition

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DNF 34% through. I got bored

mxharriet's review against another edition

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This series is just too addictive! Fast-paced, thrilling and dangerous, Opal will leave you wanting the sequel straight away. Not a fan of the covers of this series by far, they are really cheesy however the story inside certainly makes up for it.

This novel leads on from Onyx, when Dawson returns. And their main goal: to get back Beth. However, is rescuing Beth too big a risk to take? (I do not want to write too much of a summary, because this is a sequel and I do not want to spoil it for you!)

The character development in this sequel was brilliant. I loved seeing Katy grow as a character, but also witnessing her change, she is becoming more mature and grown up, doing what she feels is right and sticking to it; if she wants to do something, she will not let Daemon dissuade her. Katy is strong and fierce, and will always protect those she loves. What I have found Armentrout does brilliantly, is her secondary characters. All play a key role in the novel, and their personalities are explored; they are not just individuals in the background, they play a key role in the novel. Dawson's character was explored perfectly. We were able to witness his hurt and emotion, but also his brief times of happiness that really stood-out within the novel. Though I was also pleased to see not everything about him was given away in this novel, there is still some mysteries to be solved. And lastly Blake. Did not expect him to turn up in this novel. But he is the same as ever, but A LOT creepier. And horrible.

"Daemon snatched the yellow packages from my hands. "Oh! Books! You have books!"
I laughed as several people waiting in line looked over their shoulders. "Hand them over."
He clutched them to his chest, making moony eyes. "My life is now complete.""
Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Paperback

Next we have the relationship in this novel between Katy and Daemon. As swoon-worthy as before, and I was pleased to see they trusted each other more and respected their choices when agreeing to help Dawson save Beth, although I am pleased their relationship did not always play centre-staged.

"I love you Katy. Always have. Always will."
Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Paperback

The plot of this novel I will admit was not as good as the first two books. At the start I did find it to be a little slow and repetitive, and I did feel it lacked a little something. But none-the-less, I still thoroughly enjoyed it, being thrilling and dangerous, with twists I did not see coming, I was addicted till the very end. And speaking of the end... THAT CLIFFHANGER! My goodness, I am still thinking about it. I was sort-of expecting it, but it was still a surprise!

This was a brilliantly addictive sequel, to a thrilling and emotional series. Super excited to start Origin (I am so pleased I bought the bind-up :0) ).

megsbookishtwins's review against another edition

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This series just gets better and better. I don't think I have words to describe how great Opal was, it was absolutely heartbreaking. It kept me captivated from the first page and I was so anxious throughout and it kept my heart racing.
The relationship between Kat and Daemon was perfect, the development is so amazing and they have such great chemistry and you can see that they love each other so much. I was glad that towards the end Kat and Dee's friendship was slowly improving.
And then everything was ruined because of one fucker.
Spoiler I knew they shouldn't of trusted Blake as soon as he open his mouth. He's such a douche ugh. There are not many characters which I actually HATE but Blake is definitely one of them. What I would do if I ever got my hands on him.

That douche ruined everything and now Daemon has lost Kat and he was so heartbroken and he actually said he loved her omfg (not like we all didn't know) but he actually said the words. I can't do it.


sunsetsnbooks's review against another edition

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"It'll be okay." I wishpered as tears filled my eyes. "It'll be all right."
Well, guess what. IT'S NOT!!


Aquí se acaba mi review, no puedo seguir, no con un final así. Estoy perdiendo tiempo ahora mismo escribiendo esto cuando podría abrir el siguiente libro y saber wtf-is-going-to-happen-next. !!!!
Me duele todo. El corazón, los ojos, las manos de tanto temblar y morderme las uñas leyendo los capítulos finales y necesito tiempo para asimilar lo que acabo de leer.


Si soy sincera, [b:Onyx|13047090|Onyx (Lux, #2)|Jennifer L. Armentrout||18211575] me llenó más en conjunto. Es un libro donde hay de todo: humor, amor, giros inesperados, tensión... y sobre todo el ritmo. Todo va de menos a más. Y [b:Opal|13362536|Opal (Lux, #3)|Jennifer L. Armentrout||18591132] es todo lo contrario. No estaba nada preparada para esto cuando empecé el libro. No te da ni un solo respiro, estás en tensión desde el primer capítulo y aunque me pareció que al principio le costaba arrancar después es imposible soltarlo. Y ese sufrimiento constante es lo que me ha impedido disfrutarlo tanto como el 2º. ¿Pero es malo por eso? ¡que va! todo lo contrario. Opal tiene todo lo que le pido a un libro y si no siento nada leyéndolo no me vale. Pero dios... why so much pain? :'(

Pasan tantísimas cosas que no te da tiempo a recuperarte de una y ya tienes el corazón encogido de nuevo. Lo que peor llevé fue el distanciamiento de algunos personajes. Durante todo el libro sentí que Katy estaba sola aunque tuviese a Daemon a su lado en todo momento. Me mataba saber lo culpable que se sentía y que se tragara toda la mierda ella sola, por eso creo que Jennifer acertó de pleno con Dawson. Él conoce a Dee y Daemon más que nadie y a la vez ha vivido lo mismo que Katy. Me encantó leer los consejos que le daba porque lo hacía desde el punto de vista que ella necesitaba, es decir, la otra parte, la de Daemon. Los momentos que compartían los tres me parecieron adorables. Me da un poco de pena que no se explore a fondo el personaje de Dawson en este libro, ya sé que no se puede porque es desde el POV de Katy pero me habría encantado saber qué pasaba por su cabeza cuando vio el cambio de Daemon. 

Daemon... a él le puedo escribir una review entera porque no hay personaje que más adore ahora mismo que él. Solo quiero abrazarle, decirle que sea fuerte y que todo va a salir bien. Me encanta. Me encanta con todas sus imperfecciones. Me encanta aunque me saque de quicio y le quiera borrar esa sonrisa chula que se le pone cuando va de "soy-el-ser-más-perfecto-del-universo" (lo cierto es que casi casi lo es xD)
Pero en serio, ¿cómo no vas a quererle cuando ha llegado tan lejos por Katy? que su vida ya era complicada antes de que apareciera y cuando ella llega la pone aún más patas arriba y ¿él que hace? ¿echa a correr? ¡NO! Lo arriesga todo aunque sabe que tiene las de perder y se desvive por ella. Y encima es gracioso el capullo, pero gracioso tipo "hace un segundo quería exterminarte, a ver qué hago yo ahora para aguantar la risa y que no sepas que me has ganado." Y eso, ¡¡ESO!! es lo que más me encanta del libro. Hay tensión, sorpresas, momentos adorables, drama (pero drama del bueno, no del cortavenas-telenovela-emoji del mono tapándose los ojos-no aguanto más) y a pesar de eso NUNCA NUNCA NUNCA el libro pierde ese toque de humor que me lleva enamorando desde [b:Obsidian|12578077|Obsidian (Lux, #1)|Jennifer L. Armentrout||17588854]. ¿Cómo lo haces, [a:Jennifer L. Armentrout|4476934|Jennifer L. Armentrout|]? Es increíble que me haga llorar de risa y de pena al mismo tiempo en un solo párrafo. 

Katy: "I think the general public would be shocked to know how deep your sweetness runs."
Daemon: "They can never know."

He sat behind me and then poked me in the back with his trusty pen. I rolled my eyes and then turned around.
"You and your damn pen."
"You love it."
(exactly my reaction xD)

Puede ser todo máaaaas perfecto y bonito entre estas dos personas que me están arruinando la vida? Pues si. CAPÍTULO 33.I mean, treinta-y-tres capítulos esperando. Desperate much? I don't think so. Dios. No digo nada más, pero os juro que no he querido hacer tanto daño físico como a Dawson o Dee por interrumpir siempre, me moría, jajaja. 

Y vale... creo que ya estoy preparada para pasar a la parte dolorosa. Mi querida Katy. Si pudiera ahorrarte todo el sufrimiento de este libro créeme que lo haría. Me pareciste una pasada en Onyx porque aceptaste con fortaleza todo lo que te iba pasando. En lugar de esconderte tras una coraza saliste de ella y luchaste. Y en Opal lo tienes todo en contra y aún así no agachas la cabeza. Si antes me gustabas ahora me encantas y te admiro muchísimo. No sé cómo lo haces, cómo a pesar de todos los reveses de la vida te sigues levantando y sigues caminando. 
Creo que nunca he querido tanto que una historia acabe bien. Necesito que ella y Daemon sean felices o si no mi corazón no va a poder soportarlo. Tanto sufrimiento tiene que tener recompensa al final. 

Y ese final.... no había forma más dolorosa de escribirlo, eh Jennifer? No... tenías que coger mi corazón y estrujarlo para después dar saltitos sobre él mientras disfrutas viéndome llorar. ¡Maldita! Lo peor es que lo sabía. Los capítulos anteriores te dan pistas de lo que va a pasar y aún así había una parte de mi que se negaba porque nope, no es justo y ta-dah. No querías sufrir?? pues toma! 
Que escena más dolorosa y qué bonita a la vez. La leería cien veces más y seguro que todas acabaría llorando pero es que es perfecta, me la imagino en una serie y habría sido mi season-finale favorita ever. Too much feelings and too much pain, pero compro TODO de esta saga. Me dejo torturar con los brazos abiertos mientras me sigan dando todo lo adorable y gracioso también.

Quiero más. No quiero acabar.
PD: ¿cómo es posible que siendo un libro "paranormal" me parezca lo más normal del mundo? Estoy tan metida en la historia que me veo conviviendo con Luxen como si no pasara nada <3