
Home to Stay by Terri Osburn

msap1180's review against another edition

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Can’t wait to read more of this series!! Great book great characters and great plot. It’s a must read for sure.

gfs0619's review against another edition

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This is a DNF review. This is my first Kindle First read and I have the book longer than I normally would have in the hopes that it would eventually grab my interest. I read nearly 50% but the book never grabbed me. There's nothing to hate about the book, I just didn't find the characters interesting and the story didn't progress.

onlyadream223's review against another edition

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Willow Parson is Anchor Island's resident temp and bar manager for Dempsy's bar. She has been living on the Island for about 3 years and now her livelihood is being threatened.
I really enjoyed this book, I loved the character developments for all of the characters and the fact that the characters kept re-appearing. We got to see the other developments from the previous novels.

sara_2103's review against another edition

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Una fuga rocambolesca da un ex fidanzato violento ha portato Willow Parsons ad Anchor Island, negli Outer Banks nella Carolina del Nord. La vita di Will nell’isola scorre tranquilla, passa le giornate a servire da bere al Dempsey’s Bar & Grill e ha due migliori amiche che la adorano. Non può chiedere di meglio.
Ma nessuno, nemmeno le amiche del cuore Beth e Sid, conosce il suo tragico passato. E quando a causa di una giornalista impicciona il suo segreto può venire a galla facilmente, l’esistenza pacifica ad Anchor può sgretolarsi.
Randy Navarro, il fratello maggiore di Sid e proprietario della palestra della città è affascinato dalla bella barista sfuggente che sembra dedicare tempo e un sorriso a tutti tranne che a lui.

Terzo romanzo di questa serie scoperta totalmente per caso e a volte, le scoperte casuali si rivelano essere le migliori.
Di Will non sappiamo nulla da quanto è schiva, sappiamo solo che si è trasferita ad Anchor soltanto un anno prima arrivando dal nulla.
Randy invece è un libro aperto: un uomo muscoloso e grosso quanto un armadio a quattro ante che non farebbe male nemmeno ad una mosca. Segue le filosofie di vita orientali, è vegano, praticamente astemio e pratica lo yoga ogni volta che può.
Finalmente abbattuto lo stereotipo del maschio alfa che ringhia e abbaia ogni tre righe, Deo gratias! Praticamente un orsacchiotto gigante.
Willow in sua presenza rimane sempre sul chi vive ma la dolcezza e la testardaggine di Randy riuscirà a fare breccia nella sua corazza.

jen286's review against another edition

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I seem to be on a roll with reading books with super annoying main characters. People who are horrible to other people for no good reason. This was one of them. Will was horrible to Randy. She would get angry and lash out at him for no good reason. He was nice and he can't help that he is big just like the person who hurt her. He is who he is and even though her bff, who happens to be his sister, and everyone else keeps telling her that Randy is super sweet she won't listen to them. Because she can't get involved and so she should be horrible to him all the time and make him feel like crap for existing. Cause I love when that happens. *some slight spoilers ahead*

Now Will is on the run from someone. Something obviously happened, right from the beginning it is obvious it is probably an abusive ex, so she tries not to let people in since she might have to run if he finds her. Only she has been on Anchor Island for a year and she seems to be safe. She has some good friends and is doing okay until some reporters come to do a story in a travel magazine. Now the reporter lady that came was so crazy in a way that I was like would a reporter really do this? I get she wants to cover "real" stories, but...why would she be so evil to someone she doesn't know? Or why wouldn't she at least try and figure out why someone is hiding? I mean has she never heard of domestic violence? Has she never heard of women who try and escape horrible situations and if they are found their ex's literally kill them? I don't know how you could be so out of touch. Because what she does find out about Will doesn't make sense unless there is something else going on. So she was a bit much.

Now Will and Randy get thrown together when they have to work together on their friend's wedding. Will has to go with him to get his tux fitted because her friend can't. And so Randy tries to win Will over to at least being friends. Because he hates how she is always afraid when he is around. For a year he has done nothing but be nice and unthreatening to her, but she still keeps her walls up. Until she can't anymore. Now I really liked Randy and he was sweet, and Will had her moments where I liked her too. She was there for her friends as much as she could be, but she was also crazy ridiculous trying to hide that she and Randy were even talking let alone anything more. Because...she is crazy. She might have to leave and she doesn't want to hurt Randy or her friends so she doesn't want anyone to know anything. Okay...but of course that never works for long. I didn't really get her. I think part of the issue was you don't get the full story until way late in the book and even then I was like this guy really after you? Are you sure? Cause it doesn't seem like it.

Then the end where everything magically is just better and she doesn't have to hide anymore? Yeah I am sure it was that easy. Come on. If this guy who is after her were really after her it would take more than the almost nothing she did to make him give up on finding her. If I were him I would have found her in two seconds and that would have been that. I don't buy that the special circumstances she finds out about magically make her invincible. Magically make it so she is safe. Nope.

This was an easy read and alright, but it wasn't all together believable. Will was annoying when she would lash out at Randy and be horrible to him, the two of them together when she was being nice was cute, but the ending kind of ruined it as it wouldn't have been that simple.

sara_va's review against another edition

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Third installment of hometown Anchor Island. Centered around Will's secretive backstory and Randy (Sid's large older brother) and some new characters to expand the setting. Spoilers if you haven't read the earlier books in the series, but great story and lots of ups and downs before resolving things nicely. Not too abrupt an ending (like some other romances), and great overall story.

gswain's review against another edition

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Good characters and a nice romance book.

ccoleman813's review against another edition

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A very cute traditional love story.

I received Home to Stay as one of my monthly gifts for being apart of Amazon Prime.

With secrets in her past that keep her on her toes, Willow is trying everything in her power not to get too attached to anyone in the small town of Anchor.

Before she realizes it, she has come to friend two best friends, Sid and Beth, and being the proud manager of the local bar and grill.

Sid's big brother, Randy, has a special eye on Willow, especially as of late.

Beth and Joe, who happens to be Randy's best friend, are getting married so Willow and Randy seem to find more and more reasons to run into each other.

I love traditional love stories. I get so hooked on paranormal and erotica and so distracted by them that I find I miss reading about every day love, about butterfly's in your stomach nerves, and silly excitement.

I was very sad that I realized about a quarter way through that this was a series book. Not that they needed to be read first to follow along, but I just wish this would have been labeled Book #3, and not just 'An Anchor Island Novel'. Now that I know the twists that happened in the previous books, I doubt I will actually go back to read them.

But I really did enjoy Home to Stay. A very cute story and very lovable characters.

mrose21's review against another edition

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I loved this edition to the series its great.

I think this book has so much heat and passion with also mystery and intrigue. Not completely faultless, I was a bit confused with how quick she jumped into bed with him. I know she was attracted to him but did she have to fall into bed as quick as she did? She was hot for him but still scared of him at the same time?

I also didn't like Sid's reaction. Why did it matter if her brother had sex with her friend? Its nothing to do with you?

Aside from those parts I didn't want to put it down. I think they make a cute book couple

attytheresa's review

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Finally finished my 3rd visit to Anchor Island. Even got to attend the wedding of the couple from the first in the series. I enjoyed Willow and Randy's romance but it just didn't wow me.

We have known for a while 3 things about Willow (Will) Parsons:
1. She's the Island's superbtemp worker.
2. She is nervous around big burly muscular men.
3. No one knows anything about her past.

Woman on the run and in hiding from an abuser, clearly. So of course her romance is with the biggest most muscular guy on the Island. Of course, Randy is the kindest, gentlest dude ever to be born. A vegetarian no less!

Yawn. Even Will's final release from her past was ho hum. Randy & Will finally burning up the sheets was fun and pretty hot. What really saved this though was the side stories. Sweet Beth from the first in the series going all bridezilla and tough f-bomb throwing Sid from the second turning into a mushy matchmaker and throwing a bridal shower for Beth.