
The Marshal by Adrienne Giordano

beckymmoe's review

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Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books on 1/6/15.

I really enjoy this series!

"Marshall Hottie" (aka US Marshall Brent Thompson) showed a lot of promise as a secondary character in [b:The Defender|19302479|The Defender|Adrienne Giordano||27351818]--in fact, in my review of that one I requested that he be given his own book.

Score! :)

Brent and Jenna's book doesn't have the same lighthearted vibe that Penny and Russ's book did, in large part because Brent's entire adult life has been overshadowed by the murder of his mother more than twenty years before. It's affected pretty much everything he's done since--including his choice of careers--and has taken up a huge portion of his spare time as well. Since he did such a stellar job (ha! She was a major pain in the butt about it) keeping Penny alive in book two, Penny's mother convinces her husband to put the law firm's resources into solving the decades-old cold case.

Which is how Jenna Hayward enters the picture.

Jenna--the former Miss (runner-up) Illinois--applied to the FBI, once upon a time. They turned her down. Now she's an investigator at Hennings & Solomon, skilled at using her beauty-queen assets to give her an assist when she needs it.

She doesn't need it with Brent.

The two have been fighting a low simmer of attraction since they met in book two, but psychology major Jenna knows that the Brent Thompson who's dedicated to bringing his mom's killer to justice isn't a good relationship prospect. The more time they spend together, though, the less that seems to matter. Especially when he is able to look beyond her exceptional (and fifteen pounds heavier--thank you, doughnuts)--ahem, assets--and see her keen investigative mind...

Quite frankly, I don't know how Jenna was able to resist Brent as long as she did. Picture a brooding Bruce-Wayne-type hero, only minus the cool gadgets and plus a warm and loving relationship with his sister and aunt's families. The brooding! The hotness! The cute family interaction! He's not called Marshal Hottie for nothing, you know.

Since the murder they're investigating is a cold case, much of their investigation seems more low-key than those in the first two books--until it isn't. The big reveal happens in a more rapid-fire fashion (and slightly before I was quite expecting it--there's a sizable preview of another book at the end of this one that threw me off) and it's pretty surprising--the only early clues to how it's going to play out in the end are very subtle.

In the end, the bad guy(s?) get theirs, our hero and heroine get together, and the world is once again made safe. The Marshall was an enjoyable read all around, even if its vibe was different from the first two books.

Marshal Hottie still gets the girl, though, so all is well. :)

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
