
Konsekwencje namiętności by Aleatha Romig

emhof96's review against another edition

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Overall rating: 3.5-4 stars

Genre: Mind Fuck Romance
Plot: 7/10
Ending: 5/10
Writing: 8/10
Hero: 7/10
Heroine: 7/10
Steaminess: 7/10
Feels: 7/10

Thoughts: After the first one I just wanted an explanation and was prepared for his to drag and bore me but Truth is so much better! It was engaging and made me want to read more, it was as though they were both written by different people!
SpoilerI also really did grow to like Tony more but there wasn't a redemption attempt like I expected, he just wasn't responsible for it all even though that's what it looked like

desertlover's review against another edition

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Gah...I love this series!! From the first pages until the last, I had no idea what was going to happen. I loathed Tony in Consequences and pretty much felt the same way throughout half of this book. However, my walls started crumbling and I started to like him (I need therapy). He is the most twisted and dark hero I've ever read. I believe there is so much to his personality and demons that Aleatha hasn't even told us yet! No shocker, but I also found myself drawn to Harry. I can't wait see more of him in the final book. Claire was so much stronger in this book and I was relieved to see her tougher side.

I am counting the day until Convicted!!

Could it be possible to hate and love someone too?

It was amazing how the mind can twist things, making them legitimate, especially under duress.

lifefanatic's review against another edition

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I was so frustrated after reading this book.

I felt the whole time she was brainwashed, and anyone with any self respect or brain cells would have left at the first chance. Jesus this book made me so angry.

I didn't see anything at all redeeming about Tony, except his supposed good looks. After everything he did to her, how could she possibly care for him, at all? Perhaps it's because I read both books in a row, in a 2 day span. The first one was tough. Where he raped her REPEATEDLY and kept her chained to a bed. He humiliated and degraded her. Made her watch the rape and threatened her with worse. God, so many things he did to her, I can't even go on. For MONTHS...he controller her EVERY move, and wouldn't let her wear underwear for Gods sake.

The only reason I read to the end was so I could see her get justice, an feel some remote vindication. After he framed her for murder, tried to get her committed so he could control her in hospital, and left her in prison!! But as soon as she gets out, she falls right back into old behaviors. She agreed to pretend to be his girlfriend so that her new friends would be safe. That's when I lost respect. She should have told him to go fuck himself.

But no, she loves him. And when she finds out he only did it for his grandfather, well,t hat explains it. His grandfather is DEAD. No one held a gun to his head and forced him to kidnap and rape her. But hey, he loves her too! See, he even lets her have a phone at the end. What a great guy. Lets have babies with him, cause of course he would be a GREAT father.

I think I lost a little respect for all the people that rated this 5 stars. Definitely not my cup of tea.

kerbear's review against another edition

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OMG. Holy crap!!!!! I don't even know what to say. There were as many ups and downs in this book as there were in the first and I think that is quite an achievement. Unlike the 50 Shades story, which I became progressively bored with due to the repetition of the sex, these books are, in my opinion, for people who do not need the overt sexuality to enjoy them. These are for people who are able to be given a sliver and then use their minds to imagine the rest.

Ms. Romig, you are a brilliant writer and these books have captured me heart and soul. I am already having a panic attack of not knowing when I will read what happens next. Thank you for bringing these people into my world and me into theirs.

amandawooden's review against another edition

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*Review done for Swoon Worthy Books!*

What the hell just happened. . . my mind is completely f**ked. . . holy sh*t! I don't even know what to think, Truth is a nonstop roller coaster ride that is AMAZING!!! I can't even begin to explain to you everything that stood out to me, because there is always something going on! I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! If you even kind of liked Consequences, you will be ECSTATIC about Truth!!!

"First, you're sorry for invading my privacy for years, years before I even knew you existed. Second, you're sorry for kidnapping me, isolating, controlling me, and manipulating me. Third, you're sorry for lying to me, pretending you cared and oh yeah, marrying me. Fourth, listen carefully Tony, this is a big one… you're sorry for framing me for attempted murder, resulting in incarceration in a federal penitentiary."

Truth begins about a year after the events that occurred in Consequences. By the end of Consequences I absolutely HATED Tony, with a passion!!! While I still am having trouble getting my mind past certain things that happened in book 1, I will say that in Truth you learn what is behind some of his madness and I kind of learned to "like" him. I am slowly coming to terms with how controlling he is, but I really enjoyed hearing about his past and what makes him that way!

Tony looked perplexed, "It was the only way to save you."
Claire tried to comprehend his words, "I have no idea what you're saying. Save me, from what?"
Tony looked down, his tired eyes suddenly dark and gloomy and his voice flat with restrained emotion, "Me."

I loved Claire in this book! She is trying so hard to make smart decisions and move forward with her life after Anthony Rawlings. But she also is trying to uncover more about Tony and try to answer some of the many questions she has. Sometimes I wanted to scream at her and other times pat her on the back but by the end I believe she made the right decisions for her life!

You will meet a lot of new characters in this book! Mrs. Romig will keep you on your toes trying to figure out where the story is taking you and how everyone fits in! Okay. . .so let me gush for a minute because I fell in love with Harry! He is had me swooning!!! He was so passionate and caring towards Claire I was hoping she would open up to him and see what a healthy relationship is like!!! But you know her and Tony have this undeniable connection. . . So I'm sure you can guess where her heart leads her! I will say though without giving too much away she didn't let him control every move! I was so proud of her for standing up for herself!!!

"Say you are mine and nobody else's."…. "Yes, Tony, you are mine and nobody else's."

Aleatha Romig is AMAZING!!! I mean where the heck does she come up with these ideas! Amazing doesn't even do her justice she is a storytelling GENIUS! Yes I said it, she takes us on such a journey that you never know what is going to happen next! Sometimes it catches you so off guard you are literally cussing Mrs. Romig! There were many times where I just couldn't stop reading because I just had to know where everyone fit into the story line. I seriously need intense THERAPY after this book…. But absolutely can't wait for the 3rd book… (squee) so excited!!! Do not pass this book up it is an ABSOLUTE MUST READ OF 2013!!!


veraann's review against another edition

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Just when I think there are no more twists and turns to take, Aleatha Romig takes one again! After reading truth I feel like Consequences is just one big prologue. Now I am curious as to where else this journey will go. When I read reviews saying people are team Tony, I thought no way! Did they read consequences?! Then I found myself rooting for him, and hoping what I'm sure all the others have. What am I thinking? Bravo Ms. Romig you are just blowing my mind. What a thrilling ride, here's to hoping I enjoy the conclusion in convicted.

justjulie36's review against another edition

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I spent nearly the whole book infuriated with Claire. I wasn't that interested in Nathaniel Rawls until the end, but found the other story lines interesting, especially once they all wove together at the end

ladyhawke's review against another edition

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Truth is much better than the first book- and for the most part - a page turner that I couldn’t put it down. The pace is much quicker than the 1st book, there’s strong character growth, we have chemistry/romance injected into the story, and new characters are introduced and well thought-out. I would prefer more explicit sex scenes but that’s me and not a deal breaker.

That said, i took away some stars due to 3 big problems I had with it: — Spoilers!

1. Derek and Sophia’s story - they were a surprise introduction and their story took a lot of space throughout the 2nd book. And for the most part I enjoyed following it. Their story felt significant somehow like it was the slow burn leading to something explosive and I enjoyed trying to solve the mystery - who they are, how they fit in and what will happen to them. But in the end the answers are given in quick, anticlimactic fashion with no real twist or gain. What was the point of the investment?

2. I enjoyed Claire’s growth arc in Truth but whenever she would recap in her mind or in conversation the things Victor did to her- the constant omission of the brutal beatings she experienced at his hands, once almost to the point of death, was downright infuriating. Other times it was simply referred to as ‘the accident.’ Walking around that one point without ever explicitly calling it out for what it was felt like a gut punch, antithetical to her character’s growth and newfound strength, and almost like a way to let her character fall-in with Victor more easily. It also took away from the stark brutality of the first book almost like the beatings weren’t as bad as I’d remembered or they didn’t happen.

3. The last few chapters are just the worst and puts this book in the category of ‘will not re-read’. The story takes a drastic, WTF turn in the back-half that is hard to fathom really and kinda dumb, but at least that part of the story is written with enough care and suspense that you begrudgingly still follow along.

BUT THEN.. just as you’re entering the climax of the twist’s like the author just stopped writing and took a long time-out before realizing the ending still needed to be written. But instead of diving back in…her heart is out of the story so she goes the lazy route, jumps forward in time to skip over all that messiness then tacks on a few vague chapters that potentially set up a 3rd book but mostly make no sense (like Victor ditching everything to enjoy tropical lovemaking bliss while his company spirals into decline in someone else’s hands). Seriously. ——The fuck.

andranyat's review against another edition

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What a turn of events! This book was much much better than the first one. It even had a twist at the end. Holy cow!

sea_caummisar's review against another edition

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My head is spinning! So much happened... I remembered a lot of it from my original read a few years back, but not all of it. I still kinda hate Tony. I think Claire is an idiot. But I still love them together! Yep, I must be an idiot also. These are such great books