
Edward Scissorhands Vol. 2: Whole Again by Kate Leth

jennykeery's review

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I enjoyed this volume just as much as the first one. I think the plots in both books are simple, but less important than how well the creative team captures the feeling of the Edward Scissorhands film. This is a cute, clever story with a message that's probably aimed at kids, but made me smile regardless.

rouver's review

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Poor Edward. He's clearly a tragic figure, a kind & gentle soul who can never physically touch anyone without hurting them. When he sees a tv show, "Get Wells," that features makeovers and restorative surgery, he hopes to have his hands fixed and become normal. Megan loves him for who he is and (for some reason) has a hard time grasping that he wishes to be the completed creature his maker intended. I can understand being so loving of someone, regardless of their flaws, that you don't want to see them as 'broken', but the MAN HAS BLADES FOR HANDS. Get a grip, Megan.

I still think this series is intended for those already familiar w/ the Tim Burton film, but it's still an entertaining read. I can't say I'm a huge fan of some minor details when it comes to the illustrations, but I think they ARE a good representation of the off-kilter world this story is set in.

urlphantomhive's review

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After reading the first volume, Parts Unknown, I was already looking forward to this next volume. The same feelings of nostalgia apply to this graphic novels, and although I still haven't watched the movie again, I want to do it soon.

Once again the art reminds of me of American cartoons I used to watch as a child. They work great to tell the story but I wouldn't call them beautiful or special. The story wasn't very original and obviously aimed at younger reader, but was enjoyable nevertheless.

I'm looking forward to a next volume.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!