
Initiated by Nicholas Bella

hpstrangelove's review

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(Audio Book review - narrator: Michael O'Shea) This is basically a review of the first two audiobooks. The rest of the series is not yet available as audio. The first book was just an introduction to get the story going, although it has a rape scene which should probably be warned for. This isn't going to be a series for everyone. It's dark, violent erotica.

First off, Michael O'Shea does a fantastic job with the narration. His voice is sexy and he reads the main character and supporting characters well. Even the female voices aren't bad.

I enjoyed the bdsm/noncon/dubcon m/m aspects of the plot, and the m/m sex is very hot. It's nice to have something other than sappy m/m romances that are predictable and boring. And demons - I think I love demons almost as much as vampires.

But with this second book, I almost had my first 'DNF'. I have never abandoned a book once started, no matter how awful it turned out (even though several have been on my 'reading' list for years, I will finish them). What was really difficult for me to get through were the explicit het sex scenes. There's a reason I prefer m/m stories - I don't want to read about het sex, and definitely not explicit slang descriptions of female anatomy, fluids, and odors. When you're reading a physical book, it's easy to skip over the pages that don't appeal. When listening to an audiobook, however, it's impossible to do because there's no way of knowing if you're skipping over something important to the plot. And the main character's mantra of 'I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I love pxssy and not cock, I'm not gay' also started getting on my nerves.

But none of that was enough to get me to quit the book. I don't want to spoil anything so will only say that the (hint of) m/m bdsm and m/m sex scenes were hot enough to keep me listening to O'Shea's sexy voice.

There are 8 books in this series so far. I normally stay away from serialized stories until they're complete. Most are overpriced when you end up totaling the cost and the amount of words you get, although this series seems reasonable. I've also been burned by several authors by buying parts as they come out, only to have a 'complete' version become available at less than half of what I paid as a loyal reader. So now I just wait for the completed versions to become available.

I don't know if any more of the books will be done in audio, or if I'll continue with the audio when they do become available. I think the plot is good and I'm curious to know what happens, but if I have to listen to more explicit het sex scenes to find out, I may just pass.

tltravis's review

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Even better than book 1

This series gets better with each book, I really enjoyed this book. Can't wait to start book 3 and see where it goes.

pagesandprozac's review

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these books are literally like mcdonalds burgers. they're objectively not really good quality and full of all sorts of shite yet at you find them inexplicably delicious and addicting

damn now i want a big mac

cadiva's review

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Another incredible series from Nicholas Bella with loads of twisted plotting, evil doings and awesome sexy times!