
Beauty in the Beast by Christine Danse

fictionalkate's review

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Four travelling puppeteers and storytellers are braving a terrible blizzard when they come across a little cabin in the woods. Thankful to the strange but kind stranger who offers them lodging and food until the storm passes, they repay him by telling him stories – stories of dragons, fairies

The stories were enjoyable and were very reminiscent of other stories I’d heard before but with new twists. Whilst I enjoyed reading them, I’m not sure that Beth and Miles stories added anything extra to the novel as a whole.

Rolph’s story was my favourite. I loved the vividness and descriptions of both the story and the characters.

The interactions between Rolph and Tara were very cute. Attraction – at least on Tara’s behalf – from the moment they meet and that continues on throughout the book. It was a very sweet story.

My main negative about the story was the pace – it’s very slow. Action wise, not much happens (until the very end) and there are times when it feels like the characters talk too much about certain topics. I didn’t feel like there needed to be that many words spent in discussing travel and the vehicles they used (although I adored the term “mechanimal” for the mechanical horse) and all the details about the shopping trip that a few of the characters took into town. Sometimes less is more.

All in all, a very sweet story and an interesting take on the old Beauty and the Beast story.

novelheartbeat's review

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All of my reviews posted on Auntie Spinelli Reads

The only complaint I have about this book: It wasn't long enough.
The stories within a story were awesome and really set the scene (even though I didn't really know it). The tale of the dragon was very witty and I really liked the Ice Flower story, but my favorite was the new take on a werewolf stemming from Alchemy. Very interesting and unique! The touch of steampunk was pretty cool too!

The relationship between Rolph and Tara moved a bit fast but it didn't feel forced. It just felt like a bigger story was being squeezed together into a smaller one.
My favorite part? Where Rolph rescues Tara from the (Will-o-the-Wisp?) wolf-creatures . Why? Because that was my absolute favorite part of Beauty and the Beast and I was totally thinking of that.

This one was short and sweet and over too soon!

Plot: 4/5
Writing style:4/5
Characters: 4/5
World-building: 4/5
Pace: 5/5
Cover: 3.5/5

Overall rating: 4/5 starfish

emilyhei's review

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Trapped in a storm, Tara Cooper and her fellow entertainers seek refuge at a lone house that they happen across. The house is inhabited by a mysterious stranger, Rolph. Rolph agrees to harbor the guests from the storm, in return they share their tales that they usually have a grand audience for. As each tale unfolds, perhaps there is a hint of truth that could be fate’s way of pulling them together.

Full review on Sensual Reads

rosepetals1984's review

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Quick review for a quick read. This was another galley I picked up, and I fully knew what I was getting into when it was billed as a Beauty and the Beast retelling. "Beauty in the Beast" is that folded into a steampunk tale and blend of stories within a story. Tara alongside her puppeteer/storytelling companions are stranded one night on the way to London's Frost Fair. A stranger takes them in and provides them food and a place to stay with a request in return: stories. Thus begins each of the members of the group telling various stories to entertain the stranger: one story is of a mechanical knight fighting a dragon, another of a child who grows to age between the fae realm and the real world with tragedy striking in some fair measures, and another of a lord who doesn't know the meaning of the phrase "Be careful what you wish for" when he replaces his staff with automatons.

But perhaps the most curious is that of the stranger's tale - one of a man whose obsession with alchemy turned him from man to monster, with only brief snippets of relief. You realize quickly that this tale might have more truth behind it than meets the eye, and it leaves a question as to whom the stranger (Rolph) really is and Tara's growing affection for him possibly placing her in danger. I loved this paranormal tale for what it showed. It has a nice touch of wrapping things up in the end charmingly to bring the stories within together. Overall, this was a nice read for the evening and I'm sad that I was not able to pick it up sooner.

Overall score: 4/5 stars.

Note: I received this as an ARC from NetGalley, from the publisher Carina Press.

kayleigh_kbooks's review

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Beauty in the Beast Review on K-Books

I really don't know what to say about this book. It was definitely not what I was expecting. It's a very great premise but for me I was expecting more and I'm left feeling a little disappointed.

Tara and her friends are travelling to the Frost Fair but when they get stuck because of a storm they find shelter with a mysterious stranger. Tara feels inexplicably drawn to Rolph and she is determined to find out why. Things are not as they seem with Tara and she can sense that Rolph is keeping secrets. Will she be able to find them out and stay in Rolph's life when they only have one night?

When I saw this book on Netgalley I was instantly drawn to that beautiful cover and the title. I am a huge fan of the Beauty and the Beast story and I requested it without even reading the blurb. From the cover I was really expecting a dark mysterious story and I was looking forward to reading it. I was so happy when I got accepted for this title and had to dive into it straight away. I was very surprised when I realised that it was not a novel but a novella. I usually don't like novellas very much but in the past week I have read a few that I loved. Unfortunately this was not the case with Beauty in the Beast.

Beauty in the Beast has a great premise with a supernatural element further than just a man turning into the beast because of a sorceress. I really liked the storyline of this novella and I think Christine's writing was very good. I was definitely intrigued and hooked from the first chapter. I read the whole thing in one sitting and I did enjoy it. However I did feel like there was something missing. I didn't really enjoy the stories within the story at the beginning. I thought they were kinda weird and I felt my mind wandering a little and wanting to get back to the story. I definitely started enjoying this novella more once we were past the stories but there was still something missing for me. I was really expecting a good dark romance and I didn't really get that. I liked the flirtations between Rolph and Tara and when I read that I was happy to see a bit of romance starting. However I feel like it didn't really develop. I definitely wanted more romance.
I also feel like it ended way too soon. It left so much unanswered, did Tara stay with him? What happened to her other friends? To me there was no fluidity to the ending and it was very abrupt and I was left feeling like "That's it?" I think if we got to see the romance develop after the 'ending' then it would have been much better but to me, it was just very abrupt and lacked the romance I was looking for.

A really good premise and I loved the more supernatural aspect to the story but there was definitely something missing and I was left disappointed. I was definitely expecting more