
Live and Let Rogue by Eva Devon

lux_klara's review

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I'm sorry to say this, but the only word that comes to my mind is: *unremarkable*.
There is nothing that really stood out to me from the beginning to the end.

The writing style is good enough that you can enjoy the book. It's one of those cases where you read the first few line and already decide to toss it aside. But at the same time it didn't really capture my interest either.

The plot was interesting (at least it was supposed to be) but I thought it progressed too quickly and it felt very mechanical, as if in every chapter something specific had to happen and the author wanted to check all the boxes. Asif she had already decided the different phases in the book, decided all the different events and then decided in which chapter they would go. Which make sense, but as the reader I don't want to "notice it" and feel like that. And I would have enjoyed it much more if she had developed more each situation and "phase", if she had slowed down the pace just so that that could be more overall depth.

As for the characters I think they were very well characterized. Or better yet, I think the author had a clear idea of who they were, she knew what made the character thick and how they would change throughout the book. But I think they had the same problem that I found in the story itself. Their development felt somewhat mechanical, but I think in this case they actually suffered more due to the quick progression of the story. And the result was that, despite being their own person and being well characterized, they also felt shallow because in the end I felt I didn't really get to see in depth their situation and psyche. I know that they are deep character, I felt throughout the book that they are, but at the same time I also felt like I wasn't able to explore them like I should have and like they deserve.

And when I finished the book I felt absolutely nothing, no rage or annoyment because the book sucked (in which case, to be honest, I would have probably DNF) but not even the satisfaction of finishing a good book. Just a slight disappointment because it could have been better but it could have also been worse.

The only word that can came to my mind when thinking about this book is "unremarkable", and because it's so unremarkable, it's also forgettable. Usually, if I put 3 stars in a book is because I felt there was one particular aspect that stood out to me and just detracted from the book (ex: great writing style, but noconnection with the character, or really 3D characters but the story was slow) but in this case I just finished the book feeling like I just didn't care. Disinterest, pure, simple and complete disinterest. Not good enough to reallu take my interest and not bad enough that I hated it.

And the worst thing is that I feel like I could copy and paste this review for all the other book 9f this series and it would work for me. Despite having very different characters and plot, my feelings about these books are all the same. The only thing that differentiate this book from the others is that I was actually anticipating John and Meredith story but aside for that? Yeah, nothing

Overall, it's not a series that I'm going to continue. It's one way to pass the time if I really have nothing to read, but until then I will just read other books and probably forget about this whole series.

crazychriss93's review

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Writing Style?
Didn't particularly like that the chapters didn't flow into each other. They were quite short and the endings are so abrupt.
But there were hardly any mistakes.

Liked them.
I mean, yeah our heroine is pretty naive and she doesn't change that much. She is trying, yeah, but not very successfully...
And our hero?
He redeems himself in a way, I guess.

I didn't like the scene in which the hero stepped in and offered her his hand while she was dancing with someone else. I mean, hello?? Scandal? Or at least a lot of gossip at the ball?? But no, that's not even mentioned...

Anyways, all in all, I still liked this one. Sure, if you hold grudges and don't forgive easily, this one might not be the book for you but otherwise, feel free to pick it up and let yourself be carried into the past.

jandmterry's review

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Ms. Devon has brought us back for a visit with the Duke of Huntsdown and his brothers and family. Huntsdown is out to fix the wrong that was done to Emmaline and her cousin Meredith Trent. What better way to fix your mistakes then to hand your illegitimate brother the title of Earl of Moreland and send him to Scotland. John Forsyte isn't pleased with the title or mission of bringing Meredith back to London.

Meredith has been living with her uncle since the scandal that sent her into hiding. She is ready to make her debut back into society and the deal offered by Huntsdown cannot be refused. The fact that John was sent for her isn't too pleasing. She hates him!

I loved this story and seeing the characters develop their feelings and relationship along the way made it all worthwhile. We all need a story to remind us that we choose love and happiness from within.

I received a complimentary copy to read and review from the author.

missyterry73's review

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Ms. Devon has brought us back for a visit with the Duke of Huntsdown and his brothers and family. Huntsdown is out to fix the wrong that was done to Emmaline and her cousin Meredith Trent. What better way to fix your mistakes then to hand your illegitimate brother the title of Earl of Moreland and send him to Scotland. John Forsyte isn't pleased with the title or mission of bringing Meredith back to London.

Meredith has been living with her uncle since the scandal that sent her into hiding. She is ready to make her debut back into society and the deal offered by Huntsdown cannot be refused. The fact that John was sent for her isn't too pleasing. She hates him!

I loved this story and seeing the characters develop their feelings and relationship along the way made it all worthwhile. We all need a story to remind us that we choose love and happiness from within.

I received a complimentary copy to read and review from the author.

archerofpages's review

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I think I was at a slight disadvantage because I had not read any of the previous books. It left me with questions around some underlying tension and family drama that was illuminated throughout the book and it fell a little flat. That being said I really loved John- I always love a damaged rogue. I enjoyed that Merry embraced who she was and knew what she wanted. **sigh**

I need to check out the books before this in the series.

dianed's review

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This books starts out with events that had occurred but weren't explained - perhaps they happened in previous books in this series. Despite this, the story quickly picked up and the characters were well written and interesting. Meredith is ruined but even though her ruination is a secret, she is sent to live in Scotland. John, is the bastard son of a cruel Duke who had previously set out to get revenge on his half-brothers but is now reconciled with the family.
The current Duke, has managed to get John named an Earl in Scotland. He also is feeling bad about Merry's situation and has decided to sponsor her for a season in London. All he needs is to have his brother deliver the message to her in Scotland, where she conveniently is living with her uncle, the vicar on his estate.
The minute to two meet, sparks fly, she says she hate him but can't stay away. He says he has no feelings for anyone but can't keep his eyes off of her. Merry has managed to rise above her situation. John has never felt good enough and he needs Merry to help him see that he has changed and is a good man. It is interesting to see their relationship develop as they are drawn to each other throughout the book.
I received an Advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.