
Alienated by Melissa Landers

whatanerdgirlsays's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on What A Nerd Girl Says

I finished the book at 4 am. After starting it about midnight. I FLEW through this book. I had honestly never heard of it, until my friend, Sasha, started recommending it on her instagram and it kept popping up, and I thought, this is something that I have to read in the future. Flashforward to ALA last weekend, and I saw it on a stand and immediately ran to it. I asked the Disney-Hyperion book if they were giving it away and they weren’t BUT Melissa Landers was doing a signing of Invaded, which is the second book. She was SO incredibly sweet and I knew that I was lucky to get my hands on a copy, especially signed. So I went out yesterday and purchased Alienated and proceeded to burst my way through it.

Way to go, Melissa Landers. Seriously. Way to go.

When I first started reading it, it reminded me almost instantaneously of the short-lived CW show, Star-Crossed. Aliens come to earth, peacefully, but humans get a little wigged out, and there’s violent protest groups and a new exchange program is created in order to foster a healthier alliance between the humans and the aliens. Intergalactic relationships ensue. I admit, that threw me off a bit. Not that I thought either had copied each other or anything, just that it seemed similar and I am mourning the loss of StarCrossed and I’m mourning being able to see Matt Lanter with his sexy Atrian tattoos and v-necks shirts that show off his beautiful arms and chest…

I’m getting off topic. The point is, that threw me for a loop when I read the first 50 pages or so, and those 50 pages were the slowest ones that I read. But once I was hooked into the story, that was it. I fell madly in love with the story and the characters.

First off, the characters. I adore Cara. I mean, her name is similar to mine so sometimes when Aelyx was saying “Cah-ra”, I admit I was imagining him saying, “Sah-ra”. Seriously. That was going down. But I adore Cara. I love how she progresses through the novel. She wants nothing to do with the exchange program when she first is recruited for it, not because she dislikes the L’eihr but because she’s so driven and she has other things on her plate. But as the story continues and her friendship and relationship with Aelyx blooms, her motives changes. She gets stronger, more passionate, she really comes into her ideas and opinions and sticks to her guns. Its incredible to watch her go through that. She falls in love and becomes a better person for it, and I love that. I think the same could be said for Aelyx as well. He comes to earth with a less than welcoming plan in his mind, and he has no desire to integrate with the humans. He’s a robot, thinks emotions are overrated, gets disgusted by human affection and thinks pizza and chocolate is gross. But his time on earth, and especially his time with Cara, begins to break that shell, and while Cara falls slowly in love with him, so do you, as the reader. The changes in Aelyx as the story goes on is incredible, and that’s truly a mark of a good character.

Then you have the story itself, which breathes so easily through the book. It feels so familiar and yet so fantastical at the same time. You have this familiar world of school, cars, ipods, computers, blogs, McDonalds but there’s something different to it: the aliens, the L’eihrs. They are like humans in so many ways, but not at the same time. They all look the same, wear the same uniforms, eat the same foods, and are way more advanced than the people on Earth. They want to make an alliance with Earth, but you can’t quite figure out why, and you can’t quite figure out why Aelyx and his friends want to ruin it. There’s so much mystery to the L’eihrs and you want to know more. The more that Cara discovers about them, the more than you crave for more information. There’s a beautiful romance (which I’ll get to in a second) building but there’s more than that. These two characters come from vastly different worlds that have collided and its a recipe for disaster and you’re just waiting for it to explode.

And lastly, the romance. Its been awhile since I read a book where the romance blew me away like this one did. I had butterflies and my heart beat fast, and I blushed and I fell in love with both of the characters as they fell in love with each other. Melissa Landers writes such a subtle, beautiful romance and that’s what I loved about it. It happens so slowly but then suddenly, its right in front of your face. Like its been there all along but it took them, and you, the entire time to figure it out. Its beautiful and I can’t wait to see more of it in Invaded.

Look, I’ve literally written the longest review ever. Seriously. This review is ridiculously long. I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. But I truly loved this book and I can’t wait to dive into book two. I am blown away by Melissa’s book and I am now officially a fan. I wish I had spent more time talking to her at ALA but I didn’t know. Now I do, and I’m a fan. This book is a knockout!

ditalion's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 3.5

Alienated is a nice and entertaining book. I thought Cara was a really fun character to read about and she is relatable, I really liked her. Aelyx, too, was a very nice character.

The premise of the story is quite enjoyable. It is a little bit unlikely that L’eihrs have almost the same DNA as humans while they come from a different galaxy but that didn't bother me a lot in the story. I liked the whole Alien-part combined with school and everything.

The story was really immersive and I did enjoy reading it very much. I was really interested in what would happen next. You will finish this book before you even know it.

The writing style was pleasant and I liked the blog-posts in the book. The story had a nice feeling about it and the characters could be really sweet and nice, but also surprise me.

So overall I highly enjoyed reading this book. It didn't blow me away but it was a very nice book. I would recommend it if you are be interested in the Alien and School combination and in an alien and human romance.

I will have to wait for the second book to be published but when it is, I will definitely pick it up! Nice start of a serie.

sjess94's review against another edition

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Okay 4.25 Stars because as cheesy as it is (and I certainty have some problems with it) I'm officially addicted. Call this my guilty pressure.

So I haven't written a review in a long time but- hey, look over there! Some free time! (Okay, more like forty minutes so let's keep this brief).

Unsurprisingly, this review is recyclable.

"This book, for me, falls under the same category as Janet Evanovich's "Wicked Appetite". A lovingly defiant and rather ordinary heroine's life turns upside down when a hot but arrogant supernatural character comes into play. The two of them bicker endearingly throughout the rather ridiculous but entertaining text. And there's the sexual tension practically dripping off the pages."

If you want a hardcore science-fiction, don't buy this book. If you want a realistic storyline, don't buy this book. If you don't enjoy sexy aliens doing mundane things like eating pizza and learning to hug, just forget it.

This book is a fluffy romantic comedy with an underlying theme about ignorance transforming itself into fear and hatred. If you scoff at that kind of thing then get lost. Go find something deeper to read while we let our teenage hormones rave over this in a nonjudgemental enviroment. Thank you.

Okay, now that I've made my point more than clear, quick synopsis.
Cara is your normal, overachieving high school student who gets the chance of a lifetime to take in a brilliant but cold alien exchange student named, Aelyx. While they may annoy each other at first, they gradually learn to care for one another, which is bad because Cara's ignorant small town gets more and more peeved about an alien in their midst as the story progresses. Aelyx also discovers something quite unusual while living on Earth, something that makes it dire Cara and Aelyx convince Earth and his planet move past their hatred and cooperate with one another.

There's really only three minor problems I had with this story:

1) Sucktacular and words like it, for one, do not exist in the English dictionary and, two, make it all the more obvious you're a grown adult attempting to talk like a "typical" teenage girl. Nobody talks like that and I was embarrassed for you.

2) The trivial high-school drama subplot. It was boring, shallow, cookie-cutter and did not belong in this story.

3) The level of perverts in this book is too damn high! Seriously, teenage boys do not make their desires to get laid this tastelessly obvious. Give them some credit. They're usually a lot more subtle and cunning about it then anything else.

But onto my somewhat positive check-list:

Funny? Check.

Shipping? Double Check. Insta-love free with an emotional relationship to match the physical one to boot.

World? A bit farfetched, but still very intriguing. I can't wait for the sequel.

Characters? Not too shabby.

Love interest? Hell Yes!

Aelyx's subplot: Good
Halo subplot: Alright. Added a little theme to the storyline. Much appreciated.
Highschool Drama Subplot: No.

Mid-book Plot-twist? o.0 W-what? Are you....oh no.

That is to say: MEGA CHECK PLUS! My favorite part of the whole book!

Ending? Pretty good, but it felt a little forced at the very end in order to carry on the plot of the next book.

So wrapping it up, Alienated isn't a very deep book (though it tries) but it is a very funny, very addicting read that eventually reveals a pretty intriguing premise. I recommend this to lovers of Obsidian and girls who like arrogant hotties, Sheldon Cooper, and a dash of science fiction. Enjoy!

gracedwithbooks's review against another edition

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Okay so first I wanted to tell you guys my reaction to the book. When I saw it on the shelf at Barnes and Noble I thought “Wow, that is such a cool cover,” and it is! At the bottom we have the green and colorful world of Cara and on the top we have the dry and grey world of Aelyx. So without even reading the book I was able to get a sense on their characters. Judging a book by its cover isn’t always a good idea but after reading the back, I knew this was a good plot. First of all, it hits the ground running by telling us about the main character as soon as we read the first word. The book does have its slow parts, but when the action comes, you can’t keep your eyes off of it. I, personally being the fast reader I am, finished this book in about 3 hours. I could not put it down. This was true for me because compelling and well written fiction and fantasy books are my drug (figure of speech, I am totally against drug usage).

Read the rest of my review at

inkwellofwords's review against another edition

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Holy shit! This book was fantastic! No shit, it was amazing! It's really refreshing to read YA after reading do much erotica and NA. It was amazing! But I'll be posting a better review on my blog:

jennifervu's review against another edition

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Aw, this book disappointed me. I kind of had high expectations since my friend recommended it to me but fell short.

I felt like the supernatural alien aspect of it was too forced because all this book was at the end of the day was a romance. Plain and simple. To be honest, the whole intergalactic idea running through this book was a joke with too many coincidences (like the ease of learning language, same DNA but improved, mind reading)- Landers tried to make up some weird differences like four toes and no belly button which really didn't distinguish much from Aelyx and Cara.

Even the romance wasn't great! It was kind of too insta-love and I had a hard time believing that Aelyx would just dump his plans like that so soon for her. The romance just didn't feel right.

In the end, everything felt really forced. It's such a shame because I really wanted this book to be great. I mean, I read this in a day so it was an easy read (which is why it's 3 stars!). This book might be good for someone who doesn't want to think- just read.

I'll probably not read the sequel.

tartbarbie's review against another edition

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I received Alienated in return for an honest review from the publisher Disney Hyperion via Netgalley. Cara has been giving a once in a lifetime opportunity the only thing is she didn’t ask for it. She’s been picked to be one of the three humans to host one of the L’eihrs the aliens. In return she will get to spend time on their home planet as well as have college paid for. It’s an amazing chance for her future after all thanks to the aliens they cured her mom’s cancer. They can’t be all bad? She will be able to blog all about her experience which is hard to refuse if she wants to be a journalist.

Cara isn’t sure how she feels about losing her brother off to the alien planet and having to live with a strange boy. He’s attractive, hates all earth food and happens to beat her in chess every time. Yet as the two start learning more about each other Cara finds that he’s not so bad. She tries finding a food that will allow Aelyx to eat instead of being stuck with his supplements. However Aelyx has an agenda of his own. With the help of his friends those who are also on earth they planned to sabotage any attempts for the two beings to live together. The more he learns about Cara the more he knows he doesn't want to leave her. As Cara loses all her friends and even her boyfriend she finds herself falling for Aelyx and he her but can the two find happiness? What about all his plans with his friends? What about the angry humans who want them to leave? Will they survive?

I love Cara she has a blog how could I not connect with her right away. She’s smart willing to do what’s right even risking everything for love. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about Aelyx he’s kind of frustrating but the more I got to know him and learned about his people it all made sense. I’m glad she had Aelyx when everything with her friends didn't work out. They each have toxic friends but together they find happiness.

I have had this book on my TBR list forever so when I received an Arc I was super excite. I couldn't wait to dive into the story as reviews quickly started popping up around the blogosphere. I’m still new to the whole alien concept but after Alienated the concept has become my new favorite. I love the characters in the book they are easy to connect with engaging and stole my heart I couldn't help getting sucked into their lives. The concept of finding the advanced L’eihrs in space was unique and refreshing I like the idea of them being humans who have advanced far beyond us. The author has created a concept that sounds believable almost as if it could happen in the near future. For me Alienated was hard to put down it’s just one of those books that you have to know how it will end. The author has written a beautiful story that captures the heart as well as the imagination. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next in the series. One of my new favorite books I just really loved everything about it. There are a few steamy moments but mature teens as well as adults will enjoy the book.

kdoss2707's review against another edition

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Really good story and I can’t wait to read the next one!

seagirl8907's review against another edition

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I looooved this book !!!I cant wait for the sequel :))))

mariethelibrarian's review against another edition

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This was slow and weird at first but god damn Im so hooked right now that I need the rest of the series right now.