
Эмма by Charlotte Brontë, Шарлотта Бронте

andyboookss's review against another edition

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Tiene un plot twist que ya se venía venir pero aún así te sorprende!!!
Quisiera conocer a Martina y a la señora Arminel para abrazarlas

jacquilynn's review against another edition

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Only read the chapters by Bronte

ansl's review against another edition

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Ik was eigenlijk vooral benieuwd naar dit boek omdat het (weliswaar maar een klein stukje) was geschreven door Charlotte Brontë. Het verhaal zelf viel wel goed mee eigenlijk, maar ik vraag me af hoe het zou zijn afgelopen, mocht Charlotte Brontë het hele verhaal zelf hebben geschreven. (Want ergens had ik gelezen dat zij enkel de 1e twee hoofdstukken had geschreven, waarna de rest is verder geschreven door een onbekende vrouw). Achja, we zullen het nooit weten.

Uitgelezen april 2013.

kailey_luminouslibro's review against another edition

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This book is a continuation of Charlotte Bronte's last writing before she died. She only finished the first two chapters of this book, and it has been finished by "another lady". I am usually skeptical about modern authors trying to finish work from a classic author, but this was well done.

The writing doesn't exactly mimic Charlotte Bronte's writing style, but it does a fair job. The themes and plot have many elements that I would expect to find in a Bronte story. There is a gothic moodiness, plot twists, wild scenery, and of course, complex and compelling characters.

Mrs. Chalfont is a lonely widow who adopts an abandoned child and tries to penetrate the mystery of the child's true identity. With the help of Mr. Ellin, she embarks on a journey of discovery and intrigue to unravel the secrets the child is hiding. It is only when the ruthless Emma appears on the scene that the depths of crime and hatred become apparent, and only Mrs. Chalfont can save the innocent child she has come to love.

I loved the story so much! I was laughing and crying and clutching the book to my heart! The emotional power in the story is very reminiscent of Charlotte Bronte's style.

I figured out the big plot reveal on page 86, and it is not actually revealed until page 163. There are only four words on page 86 that made it plain, so I think if that clue had been removed, it would not have ruined the mystery too early. But even though I figured it out early, I still enjoyed seeing it all unfold for the characters.

Mrs. Chalfont is such a sweet and lonesome character. She is kind and generous and forgiving, but she hides secret pain and anguish in her heart. I just loved seeing how she interacts with the various heroes and villains, and how they are all astonished at her big heart.

Mr. Ellin is a bit of an enigma. I'm not sure that his personality in the rest of the book really fits with the first two chapters. He is a complex person; private and secretive about his own business, but also sociable and charming in company. He is languid at times until you almost think he is lazy, but then he'll be springing into action with energy and determination. He certainly kept my interest.

The elusive Emma is the titular character, but she is only in one scene. The story is all about how her anger and hatred have affected the lives of so many people. We see people's reactions when her name is mentioned, how the county gossips about her, how people's memories of her are skewed, how her family try to shield her and make excuses for her. She is a force to be reckoned with at every turn.

Overall, I enjoyed this book so much! I only took off one star because the prose isn't quite the same at Bronte's, but pretty close; and because I figured out the big reveal too early.

rebeccajane's review against another edition

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I really liked this book, although I'm not completely happy with the ending. I'll be forever curious to know what Charlotte Bronte had planned for this novel.

ansl's review against another edition

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Ik was eigenlijk vooral benieuwd naar dit boek omdat het (weliswaar maar een klein stukje) was geschreven door Charlotte Brontë. Het verhaal zelf viel wel goed mee eigenlijk, maar ik vraag me af hoe het zou zijn afgelopen, mocht Charlotte Brontë het hele verhaal zelf hebben geschreven. (Want ergens had ik gelezen dat zij enkel de 1e twee hoofdstukken had geschreven, waarna de rest is verder geschreven door een onbekende vrouw). Achja, we zullen het nooit weten.

Uitgelezen april 2013.

bookworm_mommy's review against another edition

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Synopsis from dustjacket: In the very last months before her death at age 39, at the height of her powers, Charlotte Bronte set the scene of a new novel entitled Emma...The wanton havoc wrought by Emma in the life of Mrs. Chalfont, the narrator, is not the only proof of her ruthlessness. She plays a part, too, in the sufferings of the abandoned child, Martina. The affection which grows between Mrs. Chalfont and Martina out of their mutual distress illumines this story. And Emma herself, with her inexplicable motives, her incomprehensible anger, and her darkness of soul, develops into a character of whom Charlotte Bronte woud have been proud.\nCharlotte Bronte began this tale while 'Another Lady' finished it. The beauty of it is that the transition from one author's thoughts to the other's is seamless. I really couldn't tell what was Bronte's from what was written by her successor.\nThe story was engaging and charming - even through it's depressing bits. I really grew attached to both Mrs. Chalfont and Martina. And, suprisingly, I didn't start putting the pieces of the puzzle together until close to the reveal. \n

lnatal's review against another edition

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Free download available at Internet Archive

The Works of Charlotte Bronte:
1. The Professor
2. Emma
3. Poems

This fragment, the last literary effort of the author of 'Jane Eyre', appeared in the 'Cornhill Magazine' fro April, 1860, preceded by the following introduction from the pen of its editor, Mr. W.M. Thackeray, entitled: - Tje Last Sketch.

Charlotte Bronte was only able to write two chapters of her last and unfinished work.

Clare Boylan wrote Emma Brown gave a final version of the above manuscript 50 years later, after Charlotte's death. To be checked.

manypotatoes's review against another edition

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