
Of Fire and Ash by Amber Argyle

booklovin's review

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Of Fire and Ash is the prequel novella to Summer Queen, the second installment in the Fairy Queens series. Even though it’s only a novella, there is so much going on and you get a good impression of the main character Nelay, the setting and the upcoming story.

Nelay is only nine years old in this novella and you get to know her as she’s making her way through the desert, alongside her father and brother. While struggling to survive she’s forced to go against everything she’s been taught and make decisions that will change her life forever. I love Nelay; she’s so brave and strong, and I can’t wait to see more of her in Summer Queen. She’s most definitely a new favorite!

I really do like the setting of this novel and how well Argyle describes everything, from the fairies to the landscape. Everything feels so vivid, like you’re walking there, alongside Nelay in the desert. I also really like Argyles take on fairies. I’ve never read anything quite like it before and I was really intrigued. They’re both fascinating and a bit scary at the same time.

The story is really fast-paced and as soon as I’d started it I couldn’t put it down. I just had to know what was going to happen. And when I was done, I wished for more. That’s exactly how I think a prequel novella should be. It should leave you wanting more. Much more. And Of Fire and Ash really did that. It made me super excited for Summer Queen, and I highly recommend it to everyone who’s interested in the series.

shanella's review

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(This story is set in the same universe as the Winter Queen)

Nelay, a young girl growing up in a dessert-like place, is placed in a tough situation where she ends up betraying her fairy-sight to receive a favor from the fairies. In this short story there is pain and suffering, family issues and deep loss, but there is also love and hope.

It's a very quick read - being a novella and all - and it leaves enough in the end to make me really excited for the next book in this series - Summer Queen.

I think this is a really great novella to pick up if you're not sure you want to read the series. It gives you an idea of the universe and a peek into the fairy world; and hopefully, after reading this, you'd run to get the other books in the series.

(review of ARC. PS - isn’t that cover GORGEOUS!?)

inlibrisveritas's review

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Of Fire and Ash is a novella in the Fairy Queens series, coming between Winter Queen and Summer Queen. It follows a young Nelay, before the events of the second book, and focuses on her journey into becoming a Priestess. Nelay is the daughter of a sheep farmers in a land where droughts are claiming their ability to make a living. One of my favorite things about Amber’s books are the images she paints for the scenery. I loved being able to visualize the dry land with it’s prickly scrub brush, and dangerous animals. Nelay is only 9 years old in this novella and I’m already in awe of how strong she is. She carries a sling and a spear, and can use both. She is capable of hunting for herself and traversing the land alone. It really sets a precedent for what she will be like in Summer Queen, and I can’t wait to see how she’s grown up. The story surrounding her family was sort of heartbreaking, and at other times increasingly frustrating. It does seem unlikely that they will make an appearance in the next book, but I’m very curious to see how they are faring and what they think of Nelay in her new role.