sjj169's review against another edition

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I love Halloween. Everything to do with it. The smells, the candy and the scares. It's that perfect time of year.
This little collection of stories just falls right into place with that magical holiday.
You have first up-Gregor Zane's Riggle Twins.
Creepy little twins that come out to play on Halloween.

I'll make sure that I don't turn off my lights and hide from any trick or treaters this year.

Then comes Evan Light's Pumpkinhead Ted. Frigging awesome is what this one was. Poor little Ted.

Adam Light's Ghost light road..comes calling next up. When a group of young idiots want to go chasing down a local ghost story.

Jason Parent's Easy Pickens proves that someone you might think is easy to bully has friends that help out. Loved it.

Then Ed Lorn comes along..with The Scarerows.

My mind was already warped enough Ed..thanks for enhancing that.

This group of authors are masters at what they do. They made me smile and they sent chills up my spine. Bravo guys.

I did receive a copy of this book from one of the authors in exchange for an honest review. In no way did that change my review. All these guys know I'm bitchy and still put up with me.

kkehoe's review against another edition

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An average collection of Halloween short stories that, sadly, ends with the most ridiculous and immature story of the lot. If you read it, just stop at the penultimate one.

ccopeland28's review against another edition

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I picked up this collection of short stories to read for some atmospheric Halloween fun and it delivered. The stories just seemed to get better and better as I kept reading and then the fifth story came along. It was a bit much for me - and I'm no prude, but to borrow from another review, it was Halloween porn. Still the book is enjoyable and I recommend it if you are looking for a creepy and twisted read.

reader_9092's review against another edition

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3/5 of the stories were pretty good and entertaining. One story was pretty blah and the other was honestly the weirdest thing I’ve ever read.

charshorrorcorner's review against another edition

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This collection was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it quite a bit! To provide full disclosure, I consider all of these authors to be my "friends" and I was provided a free copy of this book to review. Despite those things, I have written an honest review.

I read this collection as part of the Fall Fear Challenge over in the Horror Aficionados Group at Goodreads. There was a buddy read going on for this book and I had a great time participating. (The buddy read goes for the whole month, and welcomes everyone!)

My favorite story in this collection was The Riggle Twins by Gregor Xane. Wildly imaginative and creepy, I was sad when this story was over. I hope that Gregor builds on this story in the future, because I think there is a lot of room to grow in the world from which The Riggle Twins were born.

Pumpkin Head Ted was Evans Light's contribution to the collection. At first I thought this was going to be the usual revenge tale. It wasn't and now I no longer like fireflies. Thanks a lot, Evans.

Ghost Light Road was Adam Light's tale. I was a bit disappointed in this one. Not that it was bad, it just didn't work well for me.

Easy Pickings by Jason Parent was a blast! I love creature features and this was a good one.I liked that it was hard to spot the creature at first, and then it was hard not to see him.

The Scare Rows by Edward Lorn was just crazy. Flat. Out. Crazy. I have a picture in my mind of Mr. Lorn laughing his ass off as people read this effed up tale. This one was WAY over the top. I understand that being over the top was part of the author's intent, and I did think some of it was hilarious, (especially the part with the popcorn!), but at the same time I felt that its over-the-topness felt a little cheap. I did enjoy the fact that a few of my online friends were characters in this story and none of them fared well.

Overall, I enjoyed this collection quite a bit and gave it 3.5 stars.
I thought it was an excellent idea for these authors to team up. I think each and every one of them has something to offer horror fans and I will be reading more from them all in the future.

lauriereadslohf's review against another edition

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Looking for something to read on Halloween night? I don't think you can go wrong with this one.

The Riggle Twins by Gregor Xane

I had so many questions when I stepped into this story because the characters and the setting were so unusual. What are they? Where did they come from? What is going on?! Soon enough I just went with it and followed the odd Riggle twins as they headed out for their Halloween adventure to find two tributes before midnight. And it’s imperative they do so because “they don't want to die again . . . The first time was bad enough.”

This was a bizarre, horrifying and completely unpredictable little tale. As much as I love having my questions answered, in this case, I enjoyed the fact that we weren’t spoon fed all of the answers. It made things much more ominous and mysterious.

Pumpkin Head Ted by Evans Light

Poor Ted lives a miserable existence. He is neglected and abused at home and ruthlessly tormented by his peers. Halloween is the one night Ted can blend in and almost feel like he belongs. He dons a mask and people don’t notice his deformities and treat him like any other kid. Feeling brave, he visits the home of his biggest tormentor and starts a terrible chain of events that children will be whispering about for decades to come.

This is a story filled with rage, hate, pain and revenge and it was a gut-wrenching read. Don’t let hate infect your soul kiddos, that’s all I have to say.

Ghost Light Road by Adam Light

Billy was planning on spending Halloween avoiding trick or treaters, watching horror movies and drinking beer but his little sis calls and screws with his plans. Now he and her two friends are off to Ghost Light Road so they can spy a ghost, despite the rumors that people often do not return from their little visit.

These four dummies decide to drink some concoction of booze which may or may not be laced with some magickal mushrooms and, as young drunkards will do, proceed to make some truly dumb ass moves that have them discovering the reason why some folks never return from their trip to Ghost Light Road.

The twist was surprising. The story takes a bunch of horror clichés and mashes them together into something new. It was fun and a little gory and left me pretty happy with the outcome.

Easy Pickings by Jason Parent

Trevor is a big bully and Halloween us his favorite time of year, a time when he can terrorize his younger, weaker neighbors and steal their candy while cowardly hiding behind a mask. When he and his side-kick happen upon a young boy, without a parent in sight, the two make their move assuming he’ll be easy pickings. They were oh so wrong.

The true monster in this story gets what he deserves and I loved the gruesomeness of it.

The Scare Rows by Edward Lorn

A seasonal attraction called "The Scare Rows" has popped up in a small town, seemingly overnight, and all of the townsfolk are abuzz with excitement for the big show.

The big show isn’t anything at all what they could’ve concocted in even the darkest, dirtiest of minds. This one is down and dirty and darkly humorous so of course I loved it. Most of the characters are revolting which makes the outcome that much sweeter.

“Her lips and tongue seemed intent on polishing every individual kernel of starchy goodness.”

Pass me some of that popcorn!

ctgt's review against another edition

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A solid collection of tales. All were well written and there were enough twists to convention that I didn't feel like I was reading retreads of familiar stories.

My favorite story was The Riggle Twins by [a:Gregor Xane|7374346|Gregor Xane|]. I have read several of his stories and he continues to leave vivid pictures in my head long after reading.

His boots were covered in mud. His pinstriped pants were torn in places, patched with animal pelts and vellum scraps scrawled over with arcane text. His snakeskin belt was fastened around a slender waist with a buckle shaped like the head of a screaming infant. His shirt was neatly pressed, white and crisp, with the faintest teardrop patttern woven in. He wore a great coat of quilted batwing leather.

Pumpkinhead Ted by [a:Evans Light|5816392|Evans Light|]-one of the stories that threw a nice twist into a familiar story.

Ghost Light Road by Adam Light-Uncle Jesse...Dukes of Hazzard WTH were you doing out behind the barn?

Easy Pickings by Jason Parent-A seemingly typical bully story, until Trevor meets Jack and his imaginary friend Jacob.

The Scare Rows by [a:Edward Lorn|5751572|Edward Lorn|]-I liked the ensemble cast feel of this story and the mysterious show rolling into town has always been a favorite of mine....although this has a unusual you say corncob?

I guess I should mention that I am GR friends with three of the five authors and have run into the other two in several groups here. If you think that colors my review, well......tough.

P.S. Hey Adam and Jason, the GR author search for you guys sucks. I don't know how those things get listed but neither one of you came up under your name in the add book/author function.

avoraciousreader68's review against another edition

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*Book source ~ Won in a BookLikes giveaway.

Five slices of juicy goodness in this Halloween anthology. Juicy may not be a good word choice to use here. How about shudder inducing? Yeah, that’s about right.

The Riggle Twins by Gregor Xane ~ I think this is my favorite of the five. I was confused at first, but the writing was so delicious I had to find out what the hell was going on. I was still a little confused at the end, but I can’t say I wasn’t entertained.

Pumpkinhead Ted by Evans Light ~ The cruelty in this one got to me. Well-written, but I didn’t like it. And the ending left me scratching my head. But I’m almost always left scratching my head when I read horror, so that’s not a big deal.

Ghost Light Road by Adam Light ~ Now, this one is my 2nd favorite. I can easily picture this as an episode of Supernatural. How truly creepy it is! However, I find it incredibly hard to believe that Bill wasn’t passed out cold from the booze he was drinking. I call bullshit that he could drive, walk, talk and be cognizant enough to tell his tale in the morning. But still…Supernatural! Call Sam & Dean!

Easy Pickings by Jason Parent ~ What dafuq did I read here? I don’t understand Jack and his buddy Jacob. Though I’m not upset that dickhead Trevor got what he deserved.

The Scare Rows by Edward Lorn ~ To the man who got me reading horror I can say this…yowzers! I grew up on a farm. I used to run between the cornstalks. I’m glad I never read anything like this when I was growing up or I may not have turned out so well-adjusted. I’m staying far far away from any Halloween event that even remotely resembles the Scare Rows and that includes that damn Corn Maze just down the road!
